Black and White Promos Logo
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Black and White Promos

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $26.28
Total Value Range $1,715.22 — $3,364.30
Average Card Price Range $12.61 — $26.28

About Black and White Promos

Released on April 25, 2011, Black and White Promos is part of the Base series, and has 143 total cards.

Pokemon Black and White Promos are a series of collectible Pokemon trading cards released by The Pokemon Company International to commemorate the release of the Pokemon Black and White video games in 2011. The set is composed of twenty six cards, all of which are based on the various Pokemon from the new Black and White games. These cards were given as both Tournament Legal Promotional Cards and as giveaways at various official events, such as the Pokemon Video Game Championships in 2011.

The Pokemon Black and White Promos feature some of the most iconic Pokemon seen in the games, including the legendary Pokemon Zekrom and Reshiram, as well as the main starting Pokemon Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott. The set also includes some of the more powerful Pokemon in the game, including the powerful Cobalion and Thundurus, as well as other favourites like Victini and Zoroark.

The Pokemon Black and White Promos were first released in March 2011 as a series of foil stamped cards featuring vibrant artwork of the Pokemon featured in the set. There are also two Prerelase cards featuring Reshiram and Zekrom. Each card features their corresponding Pokemon’s name, type, and attack, allowing for players to construct powerful decks and battle their friends in the most intense card battles.

The set has since been praised for its beautiful artwork and the prominent place the Legendary Pokemon takes in the set. This set was also the first official set to feature the popular “Full Art” cards, which feature beautiful, full-body illustrations of the Pokemon featured on the card.

The Pokemon Black and White Promos set has become a sought after prize amongst Pokemon card collectors, as many of the cards' characters remain popular to this day. The cards have also become a hot commodity in the international competitive Pokemon trading card game tournaments, due to their competitive power.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Black and White Promos?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Black and White Promos. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Black and White Promos.

Tropical Beach (Top 32 - BW50)

Tropical Beach Top 32 BW50

$500.00 0.00%

Tropical Beach (Staff - BW50)

Tropical Beach Staff BW50

$355.42 0.00%
1 Tropical Beach (Top 32 - BW50) Tropical Beach Top 32 BW50 Promo BW50 / 143 $500.00 0.00%
2 Tropical Beach (Staff - BW50) Tropical Beach Staff BW50 Promo BW50 / 143 $355.42 0.00%
3 Eevee (BW97) Eevee BW97 Holo Rare BW97 / 143 $239.98 0.00%
4 Victory Cup (1st - Spring 2013) Victory Cup 1st Spring 2013 Holo Rare BW31 / 143 $105.95 608.70%
5 Genesect (Team Plasma) Genesect Team Plasma Holo Rare BW86 / 143 $100.00 0.00%
6 Landorus (Team Plasma) Landorus Team Plasma Holo Rare BW79 / 143 $100.00 282.56%
7 Victory Cup (1st - Spring 2012) Victory Cup 1st Spring 2012 Holo Rare BW31 / 143 $93.47 334.14%
8 Victini - 43/101 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Victini 43 101 Prerelease Promo Staff Promo 43 / 143 $88.95 -1.11%
9 Metagross (Team Plasma)(Staff Prerelease) Metagross Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Holo Rare BW75 / 143 $84.95 1.00%
10 Victory Cup (3rd - Autumn 2011) Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2011 Holo Rare BW29 / 143 $80.00 308.16%
Genesect (Legend Awakened Promo) Genesect Legend Awakened Promo Genesect Legend Awakened Promo Rare BW101 / 143 $ 60.00 46.38%
Pikachu (Non-Holo) Pikachu Non Holo Pikachu Non Holo Rare BW54 / 143 $ 48.09 -2.00%
Altaria Altaria Altaria Holo Rare BW48 / 143 $ 7.96 5.57%
Ampharos Ampharos Ampharos Holo Rare BW67 / 143 $ 7.44 7.05%
Axew (BW10) Axew BW10 Axew BW10 Holo Rare BW10 / 143 $ 1.43 -0.69%
Axew (BW26) Axew BW26 Axew BW26 Holo Rare BW26 / 143 $ 2.79 1.09%
Battle City Battle City Battle City Holo Rare BW39 / 143 $ 2.29 0.44%
Black Kyurem Black Kyurem Black Kyurem Holo Rare BW58 / 143 $ 13.10 4.13%
Black Kyurem EX Black Kyurem EX Black Kyurem EX Holo Rare BW62 / 143 $ 4.62 -0.22%
Champions Festival (2013) Champions Festival 2013 Champions Festival 2013 Promo BW95 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Cobalion Cobalion Cobalion Holo Rare BW72 / 143 $ 1.72 20.28%
Crobat (Team Plasma - Prerelease) Crobat Team Plasma Prerelease Crobat Team Plasma Prerelease Holo Rare BW51 / 143 $ 9.15 0.66%
Darkrai (Team Plasma) Darkrai Team Plasma Darkrai Team Plasma Holo Rare BW73 / 143 $ 54.82 4.18%
Darkrai EX Darkrai EX Darkrai EX Holo Rare BW46 / 143 $ 4.68 1.08%
Darumaka Darumaka Darumaka Holo Rare BW18 / 143 $ 4.89 -6.32%
Deoxys EX (Team Plasma) Deoxys EX Team Plasma Deoxys EX Team Plasma Holo Rare BW82 / 143 $ 8.38 7.99%
Drifblim Drifblim Drifblim Holo Rare BW64 / 143 $ 1.39 0.72%
Druddigon (Team Plasma) Druddigon Team Plasma Druddigon Team Plasma Holo Rare BW80 / 143 $ 2.11 -3.65%
Ducklett Ducklett Ducklett Holo Rare BW17 / 143 $ 0.96 -1.03%
Eevee (BW94) Eevee BW94 Eevee BW94 Holo Rare BW94 / 143 $ 37.34 1.55%
Eevee (BW97) Eevee BW97 Eevee BW97 Holo Rare BW97 / 143 $ 239.98 33.32%
Electrode (Team Plasma) Electrode Team Plasma Electrode Team Plasma Holo Rare BW76 / 143 $ 16.79 114.71%
Elgyem Elgyem Elgyem Promo BW55 / 143 $ 3.60 1.69%
Emboar Emboar Emboar Holo Rare BW21 / 143 $ 2.41 2.12%
Empoleon Empoleon Empoleon Holo Rare BW56 / 143 $ 3.15 10.53%
Espeon Espeon Espeon Holo Rare BW92 / 143 $ 32.71 0.12%
Flygon (Prerelease) Flygon Prerelease Flygon Prerelease Holo Rare BW53 / 143 $ 12.38 5.09%
Genesect Genesect Genesect Holo Rare BW99 / 143 $ 2.07 0.98%
Genesect (Team Plasma) Genesect Team Plasma Genesect Team Plasma Holo Rare BW86 / 143 $ 100.00 0.00%
Giratina (Team Plasma) Giratina Team Plasma Giratina Team Plasma Holo Rare BW74 / 143 $ 58.22 -0.05%
Glaceon Glaceon Glaceon Holo Rare BW90 / 143 $ 25.25 3.57%
Haxorus Haxorus Haxorus Holo Rare BW57 / 143 $ 10.80 1.98%
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Promo BW65 / 143 $ 18.12 7.73%
Jolteon Jolteon Jolteon Holo Rare BW91 / 143 $ 23.38 -0.04%
Keldeo (Tinsel Holo) Keldeo Tinsel Holo Keldeo Tinsel Holo Holo Rare BW60 / 143 $ 4.43 -1.99%
Keldeo EX Keldeo EX Keldeo EX Holo Rare BW61 / 143 $ 1.39 1.46%
Kyurem Kyurem Kyurem Holo Rare BW44 / 143 $ 2.23 -0.45%
Kyurem EX Kyurem EX Kyurem EX Holo Rare BW37 / 143 $ 2.18 4.31%
Landorus (BW43) Landorus BW43 Landorus BW43 Holo Rare BW43 / 143 $ 13.79 0.95%
Landorus (Team Plasma) Landorus Team Plasma Landorus Team Plasma Holo Rare BW79 / 143 $ 100.00 0.00%
Lilligant Lilligant Lilligant Holo Rare BW49 / 143 $ 10.61 2.31%
Litwick Litwick Litwick Holo Rare BW27 / 143 $ 21.79 0.32%
Lugia EX (Team Plasma) Lugia EX Team Plasma Lugia EX Team Plasma Holo Rare BW83 / 143 $ 13.48 1.28%
Luxio (Cosmos Holo) Luxio Cosmos Holo Luxio Cosmos Holo Holo Rare BW34 / 143 $ 16.91 0.12%
Meloetta - BW68 Meloetta BW68 Meloetta BW68 Promo BW68 / 143 $ 0.96 1.05%
Meloetta - BW69 Meloetta BW69 Meloetta BW69 Promo BW69 / 143 $ 0.58 -1.69%
Meowth Meowth Meowth Promo BW35 / 143 $ 7.25 6.15%
Metagross (Team Plasma)(Prerelease) Metagross Team PlasmaPrerelease Metagross Team PlasmaPrerelease Holo Rare BW75 / 143 $ 18.12 0.06%
Mew Mew Mew Holo Rare BW98 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Mewtwo EX Mewtwo EX Mewtwo EX Holo Rare BW45 / 143 $ 6.66 1.06%
Minccino (Cosmos Holo) Minccino Cosmos Holo Minccino Cosmos Holo Holo Rare BW13 / 143 $ 2.52 1.20%
N (Supporter) N Supporter N Supporter Promo BW100 / 143 $ 6.65 -0.89%
Ninetales Ninetales Ninetales Holo Rare BW66 / 143 $ 8.77 18.35%
Oshawott (BW03) Oshawott BW03 Oshawott BW03 Holo Rare BW03 / 143 $ 1.56 0.65%
Oshawott (BW08) Oshawott BW08 Oshawott BW08 Holo Rare BW08 / 143 $ 1.54 1.32%
Pansage (BW11) Pansage BW11 Pansage BW11 Holo Rare BW11 / 143 $ 1.49 12.88%
Pansage (BW14) Pansage BW14 Pansage BW14 Promo BW14 / 143 $ 31.91 5.00%
Pidove Pidove Pidove Rare BW15 / 143 $ 57.72 5.00%
Porygon-Z (Team Plasma)(Prerelease) Porygon Z Team PlasmaPrerelease Porygon Z Team PlasmaPrerelease Holo Rare BW84 / 143 $ 8.81 -0.23%
Rayquaza EX Rayquaza EX Rayquaza EX Holo Rare BW47 / 143 $ 8.85 -0.11%
Reshiram (BW004) Reshiram BW004 Reshiram BW004 Holo Rare BW004 / 143 $ 1.55 -0.64%
Reshiram (BW23) Reshiram BW23 Reshiram BW23 Holo Rare BW23 / 143 $ 3.16 -1.25%
Reshiram EX Reshiram EX Reshiram EX Holo Rare BW36 / 143 $ 3.68 1.94%
Riolu (Cosmos Holo) Riolu Cosmos Holo Riolu Cosmos Holo Holo Rare BW33 / 143 $ 9.99 0.00%
Samurott Samurott Samurott Holo Rare BW22 / 143 $ 2.63 0.38%
Scraggy (Cosmos Holo) Scraggy Cosmos Holo Scraggy Cosmos Holo Holo Rare BW25 / 143 $ 1.09 -22.70%
Serperior Serperior Serperior Holo Rare BW20 / 143 $ 1.53 2.00%
Snivy (BW01) Snivy BW01 Snivy BW01 Holo Rare BW01 / 143 $ 1.12 1.82%
Snivy (BW06) Snivy BW06 Snivy BW06 Holo Rare BW06 / 143 $ 1.32 0.76%
Tepig (BW02) Tepig BW02 Tepig BW02 Holo Rare BW02 / 143 $ 1.63 -1.21%
Tepig (BW07) Tepig BW07 Tepig BW07 Holo Rare BW07 / 143 $ 1.03 -0.96%
Terrakion Terrakion Terrakion Holo Rare BW71 / 143 $ 1.79 -1.10%
Thundurus EX (Team Plasma) Thundurus EX Team Plasma Thundurus EX Team Plasma Holo Rare BW81 / 143 $ 2.15 -0.46%
Tornadus EX (Prerelease) Tornadus EX Prerelease Tornadus EX Prerelease Holo Rare BW96 / 143 $ 11.46 0.09%
Umbreon Umbreon Umbreon Holo Rare BW93 / 143 $ 58.40 -2.54%
Vaporeon Vaporeon Vaporeon Holo Rare BW89 / 143 $ 22.35 0.45%
Victini Victini Victini Holo Rare BW32 / 143 $ 2.24 1.82%
Victory Cup (1st - Autumn 2011) Victory Cup 1st Autumn 2011 Victory Cup 1st Autumn 2011 Holo Rare BW31 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Victory Cup (2nd - Autumn 2011) Victory Cup 2nd Autumn 2011 Victory Cup 2nd Autumn 2011 Holo Rare BW30 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Victory Cup (3rd - Autumn 2011) Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2011 Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2011 Holo Rare BW29 / 143 $ 80.00 0.01%
Virizion Virizion Virizion Holo Rare BW70 / 143 $ 1.67 0.60%
Volcarona (Prerelease) Volcarona Prerelease Volcarona Prerelease Holo Rare BW40 / 143 $ 13.29 1.06%
White Kyurem White Kyurem White Kyurem Holo Rare BW59 / 143 $ 11.14 -0.36%
White Kyurem EX White Kyurem EX White Kyurem EX Holo Rare BW63 / 143 $ 4.11 -0.96%
Zekrom (BW05) Zekrom BW05 Zekrom BW05 Holo Rare BW05 / 143 $ 1.15 -0.86%
Zekrom (BW24) Zekrom BW24 Zekrom BW24 Holo Rare BW24 / 143 $ 3.05 18.68%
Zekrom EX Zekrom EX Zekrom EX Holo Rare BW38 / 143 $ 4.81 4.34%
Zoroark (BW09) Zoroark BW09 Zoroark BW09 Holo Rare BW09 / 143 $ 1.96 12.64%
Zoroark (BW19) Zoroark BW19 Zoroark BW19 Holo Rare BW19 / 143 $ 1.77 -1.12%
Zorua Zorua Zorua Holo Rare BW12 / 143 $ 4.77 6.95%
Flareon Flareon Flareon Holo Rare BW88 / 143 $ 21.76 9.24%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Holo Rare BW87 / 143 $ 22.81 0.97%
Altaria (Staff Prerelease) Altaria Staff Prerelease Altaria Staff Prerelease Holo Rare BW48 / 143 $ 49.99 14.26%
Crobat (Team Plasma - Staff Prerelease) Crobat Team Plasma Staff Prerelease Crobat Team Plasma Staff Prerelease Holo Rare BW51 / 143 $ 50.00 0.00%
Flygon (Staff Prerelease) Flygon Staff Prerelease Flygon Staff Prerelease Holo Rare BW53 / 143 $ 44.62 0.27%
Victory Cup (1st - Autumn 2012) Victory Cup 1st Autumn 2012 Victory Cup 1st Autumn 2012 Holo Rare BW31 / 143 $ 60.25 -0.40%
Victory Cup (2nd - Autumn 2012) Victory Cup 2nd Autumn 2012 Victory Cup 2nd Autumn 2012 Holo Rare BW30 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Victory Cup (3rd - Autumn 2012) Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2012 Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2012 Holo Rare BW29 / 143 $ 48.12 -25.96%
Victory Cup (3rd - Spring 2012) Victory Cup 3rd Spring 2012 Victory Cup 3rd Spring 2012 Holo Rare BW29 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Victory Cup (2nd - Spring 2012) Victory Cup 2nd Spring 2012 Victory Cup 2nd Spring 2012 Holo Rare BW30 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Victory Cup (1st - Spring 2012) Victory Cup 1st Spring 2012 Victory Cup 1st Spring 2012 Holo Rare BW31 / 143 $ 93.47 0.00%
Victory Cup (1st - Spring 2013) Victory Cup 1st Spring 2013 Victory Cup 1st Spring 2013 Holo Rare BW31 / 143 $ 105.95 0.00%
Victory Cup (2nd - Spring 2013) Victory Cup 2nd Spring 2013 Victory Cup 2nd Spring 2013 Holo Rare BW30 / 143 $ 61.27 0.05%
Victory Cup (3rd - Spring 2013) Victory Cup 3rd Spring 2013 Victory Cup 3rd Spring 2013 Holo Rare BW29 / 143 $ 73.47 0.00%
Tropical Beach (Staff) Tropical Beach Staff Tropical Beach Staff Promo BW28 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Tropical Beach (Top 32 - BW50) Tropical Beach Top 32 BW50 Tropical Beach Top 32 BW50 Promo BW50 / 143 $ 500.00 0.00%
Tropical Beach (Semi Finalist - BW50) Tropical Beach Semi Finalist BW50 Tropical Beach Semi Finalist BW50 Promo BW50 / 143 $ 0.00 0.00%
Tropical Beach (Staff - BW50) Tropical Beach Staff BW50 Tropical Beach Staff BW50 Promo BW50 / 143 $ 355.42 0.00%
Minccino (Cracked Ice Holo) Minccino Cracked Ice Holo Minccino Cracked Ice Holo Holo Rare BW13 / 143 $ 4.43 1.14%
Scraggy (Cracked Ice Holo) Scraggy Cracked Ice Holo Scraggy Cracked Ice Holo Holo Rare BW25 / 143 $ 4.95 211.32%
Riolu Riolu Riolu Rare BW33 / 143 $ 4.28 -1.38%
Luxio (Cracked Ice Holo) Luxio Cracked Ice Holo Luxio Cracked Ice Holo Holo Rare BW34 / 143 $ 10.85 1.69%
Keldeo (Non Holo) Keldeo Non Holo Keldeo Non Holo Rare BW60 / 143 $ 12.72 -8.82%
Metagross (Team Plasma)(Staff Prerelease) Metagross Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Metagross Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Holo Rare BW75 / 143 $ 84.95 5.54%
Porygon-Z (Team Plasma)(Staff Prerelease) Porygon Z Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Porygon Z Team PlasmaStaff Prerelease Holo Rare BW84 / 143 $ 46.50 -3.10%
Tornadus EX (Staff Prerelease) Tornadus EX Staff Prerelease Tornadus EX Staff Prerelease Holo Rare BW96 / 143 $ 34.89 13.61%
Volcarona (Staff Prerelease) Volcarona Staff Prerelease Volcarona Staff Prerelease Holo Rare BW40 / 143 $ 40.95 35.87%
Arcanine - 12/99 (Prerelease Promo) Arcanine 12 99 Prerelease Promo Arcanine 12 99 Prerelease Promo Rare 12 / 143 $ 24.19 14.00%
Arcanine - 12/99 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Arcanine 12 99 Prerelease Promo Staff Arcanine 12 99 Prerelease Promo Staff Rare 12 / 143 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Darmanitan - 25/114 (Prerelease Promo) Darmanitan 25 114 Prerelease Promo Darmanitan 25 114 Prerelease Promo Promo 25 / 143 $ 9.06 -0.11%
Darmanitan - 25/114 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Darmanitan 25 114 Prerelease Promo Staff Darmanitan 25 114 Prerelease Promo Staff Promo 25 / 143 $ 32.00 10.34%
Victini - 43/101 (Prerelease Promo) Victini 43 101 Prerelease Promo Victini 43 101 Prerelease Promo Promo 43 / 143 $ 11.65 0.95%
Victini - 43/101 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Victini 43 101 Prerelease Promo Staff Victini 43 101 Prerelease Promo Staff Promo 43 / 143 $ 88.95 -1.10%
Gigalith - 53/98 (Prerelease Promo) Gigalith 53 98 Prerelease Promo Gigalith 53 98 Prerelease Promo Promo 53 / 143 $ 3.97 -0.50%
Gigalith - 53/98 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Gigalith 53 98 Prerelease Promo Staff Gigalith 53 98 Prerelease Promo Staff Promo 53 / 143 $ 29.95 18.38%
Genesect (Legend Awakened Promo)

Genesect Legend Awakened Promo
$ 60.00 — 46.38%

Pikachu (Non-Holo)

Pikachu Non Holo
$ 48.09 — -2.00%


$ 7.96 — 5.57%


$ 7.44 — 7.05%

Axew (BW10)

Axew BW10
$ 1.43 — -0.69%

Axew (BW26)

Axew BW26
$ 2.79 — 1.09%

Battle City

Battle City
$ 2.29 — 0.44%

Black Kyurem

Black Kyurem
$ 13.10 — 4.13%

Black Kyurem EX

Black Kyurem EX
$ 4.62 — -0.22%

Champions Festival (2013)

Champions Festival 2013
$ 0.00 — -100.00%


$ 1.72 — 20.28%

Darkrai (Team Plasma)

Darkrai Team Plasma
$ 54.82 — 4.18%

Darkrai EX

Darkrai EX
$ 4.68 — 1.08%


$ 4.89 — -6.32%

Deoxys EX (Team Plasma)

Deoxys EX Team Plasma
$ 8.38 — 7.99%


$ 1.39 — 0.72%

Druddigon (Team Plasma)

Druddigon Team Plasma
$ 2.11 — -3.65%


$ 0.96 — -1.03%

Eevee (BW94)

Eevee BW94
$ 37.34 — 1.55%

Eevee (BW97)

Eevee BW97
$ 239.98 — 33.32%

Electrode (Team Plasma)

Electrode Team Plasma
$ 16.79 — 114.71%


$ 3.60 — 1.69%


$ 2.41 — 2.12%


$ 3.15 — 10.53%


$ 32.71 — 0.12%

Flygon (Prerelease)

Flygon Prerelease
$ 12.38 — 5.09%


$ 2.07 — 0.98%

Genesect (Team Plasma)

Genesect Team Plasma
$ 100.00 — 0.00%

Giratina (Team Plasma)

Giratina Team Plasma
$ 58.22 — -0.05%


$ 25.25 — 3.57%


$ 10.80 — 1.98%


$ 18.12 — 7.73%


$ 23.38 — -0.04%

Keldeo (Tinsel Holo)

Keldeo Tinsel Holo
$ 4.43 — -1.99%

Keldeo EX

Keldeo EX
$ 1.39 — 1.46%


$ 2.23 — -0.45%

Kyurem EX

Kyurem EX
$ 2.18 — 4.31%

Landorus (BW43)

Landorus BW43
$ 13.79 — 0.95%

Landorus (Team Plasma)

Landorus Team Plasma
$ 100.00 — 0.00%


$ 10.61 — 2.31%


$ 21.79 — 0.32%

Lugia EX (Team Plasma)

Lugia EX Team Plasma
$ 13.48 — 1.28%

Luxio (Cosmos Holo)

Luxio Cosmos Holo
$ 16.91 — 0.12%

Meloetta - BW68

Meloetta BW68
$ 0.96 — 1.05%

Meloetta - BW69

Meloetta BW69
$ 0.58 — -1.69%


$ 7.25 — 6.15%


$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Mewtwo EX

Mewtwo EX
$ 6.66 — 1.06%

Minccino (Cosmos Holo)

Minccino Cosmos Holo
$ 2.52 — 1.20%

N (Supporter)

N Supporter
$ 6.65 — -0.89%


$ 8.77 — 18.35%

Oshawott (BW03)

Oshawott BW03
$ 1.56 — 0.65%

Oshawott (BW08)

Oshawott BW08
$ 1.54 — 1.32%

Pansage (BW11)

Pansage BW11
$ 1.49 — 12.88%

Pansage (BW14)

Pansage BW14
$ 31.91 — 5.00%


$ 57.72 — 5.00%

Rayquaza EX

Rayquaza EX
$ 8.85 — -0.11%

Reshiram (BW004)

Reshiram BW004
$ 1.55 — -0.64%

Reshiram (BW23)

Reshiram BW23
$ 3.16 — -1.25%

Reshiram EX

Reshiram EX
$ 3.68 — 1.94%

Riolu (Cosmos Holo)

Riolu Cosmos Holo
$ 9.99 — 0.00%


$ 2.63 — 0.38%

Scraggy (Cosmos Holo)

Scraggy Cosmos Holo
$ 1.09 — -22.70%


$ 1.53 — 2.00%

Snivy (BW01)

Snivy BW01
$ 1.12 — 1.82%

Snivy (BW06)

Snivy BW06
$ 1.32 — 0.76%

Tepig (BW02)

Tepig BW02
$ 1.63 — -1.21%

Tepig (BW07)

Tepig BW07
$ 1.03 — -0.96%


$ 1.79 — -1.10%

Thundurus EX (Team Plasma)

Thundurus EX Team Plasma
$ 2.15 — -0.46%

Tornadus EX (Prerelease)

Tornadus EX Prerelease
$ 11.46 — 0.09%


$ 58.40 — -2.54%


$ 22.35 — 0.45%


$ 2.24 — 1.82%

Victory Cup (1st - Autumn 2011)

Victory Cup 1st Autumn 2011
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Victory Cup (2nd - Autumn 2011)

Victory Cup 2nd Autumn 2011
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Victory Cup (3rd - Autumn 2011)

Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2011
$ 80.00 — 0.01%


$ 1.67 — 0.60%

Volcarona (Prerelease)

Volcarona Prerelease
$ 13.29 — 1.06%

White Kyurem

White Kyurem
$ 11.14 — -0.36%

White Kyurem EX

White Kyurem EX
$ 4.11 — -0.96%

Zekrom (BW05)

Zekrom BW05
$ 1.15 — -0.86%

Zekrom (BW24)

Zekrom BW24
$ 3.05 — 18.68%

Zekrom EX

Zekrom EX
$ 4.81 — 4.34%

Zoroark (BW09)

Zoroark BW09
$ 1.96 — 12.64%

Zoroark (BW19)

Zoroark BW19
$ 1.77 — -1.12%


$ 4.77 — 6.95%


$ 21.76 — 9.24%


$ 22.81 — 0.97%

Altaria (Staff Prerelease)

Altaria Staff Prerelease
$ 49.99 — 14.26%

Flygon (Staff Prerelease)

Flygon Staff Prerelease
$ 44.62 — 0.27%

Victory Cup (1st - Autumn 2012)

Victory Cup 1st Autumn 2012
$ 60.25 — -0.40%

Victory Cup (2nd - Autumn 2012)

Victory Cup 2nd Autumn 2012
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Victory Cup (3rd - Autumn 2012)

Victory Cup 3rd Autumn 2012
$ 48.12 — -25.96%

Victory Cup (3rd - Spring 2012)

Victory Cup 3rd Spring 2012
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Victory Cup (2nd - Spring 2012)

Victory Cup 2nd Spring 2012
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Victory Cup (1st - Spring 2012)

Victory Cup 1st Spring 2012
$ 93.47 — 0.00%

Victory Cup (1st - Spring 2013)

Victory Cup 1st Spring 2013
$ 105.95 — 0.00%

Victory Cup (2nd - Spring 2013)

Victory Cup 2nd Spring 2013
$ 61.27 — 0.05%

Victory Cup (3rd - Spring 2013)

Victory Cup 3rd Spring 2013
$ 73.47 — 0.00%

Tropical Beach (Staff)

Tropical Beach Staff
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Tropical Beach (Top 32 - BW50)

Tropical Beach Top 32 BW50
$ 500.00 — 0.00%

Tropical Beach (Staff - BW50)

Tropical Beach Staff BW50
$ 355.42 — 0.00%

Minccino (Cracked Ice Holo)

Minccino Cracked Ice Holo
$ 4.43 — 1.14%

Scraggy (Cracked Ice Holo)

Scraggy Cracked Ice Holo
$ 4.95 — 211.32%


$ 4.28 — -1.38%

Luxio (Cracked Ice Holo)

Luxio Cracked Ice Holo
$ 10.85 — 1.69%

Keldeo (Non Holo)

Keldeo Non Holo
$ 12.72 — -8.82%

Tornadus EX (Staff Prerelease)

Tornadus EX Staff Prerelease
$ 34.89 — 13.61%

Volcarona (Staff Prerelease)

Volcarona Staff Prerelease
$ 40.95 — 35.87%

Arcanine - 12/99 (Prerelease Promo)

Arcanine 12 99 Prerelease Promo
$ 24.19 — 14.00%