Dragon Frontiers Logo
1 Ratings
Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $22.97
Total Value Range $1,425.55 — $4,363.88
Average Card Price Range $14.11 — $22.97

About Dragon Frontiers

Released on November 1, 2006, Dragon Frontiers is part of the EX series, and has 101 total cards.

Dragon Frontiers is a Pokemon Trading Card Game set released by the Pokemon Company in October 2006. The set was the tenth expansion of the EX series and the 3rd to feature Dragon-type and dual-type Pokemon. This expansion consisted of a total of 113 cards, including 11 Secret Rares and 107 Commons, Rares and Holos.

The set focuses on the powerful Legendary dragon Pokemon Rayquaza, and it also included the debut of two new Legendary dragon Pokemon, Palkia and Dialga. It was the first set to feature dual-type Pokemon and cards with two attacks, many of which featured the popular Draco Meteor attack. Dragon Frontiers also introduced the Delta Species mechanic, allowing players to use Pokemon with types from different regions to create all-new combinations, such as a Fire/Water Dragon Pokemon.

The artwork of the set reflects the focus on the different dragon types. It features many illustrations of the Legendary dragon Pokemon as well as a number of unique Dragon-type Pokemon. Other popular Pokemon included in this set are Charizard, Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Metagross.

Dragon Frontiers remains a popular set with the Pokemon Trading Card Game fans and continues to be highly sought after by collectors. Its combination of powerful cards, unique artwork and its focus on Dragon-type Pokemon have made it a modern classic.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Dragon Frontiers?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Dragon Frontiers. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Dragon Frontiers.

Mew Star (Delta Species)

Mew Star Delta Species

$1,500.00 200.00%

Charizard Star (Delta Species)

Charizard Star Delta Species

$993.99 148.53%
1 Mew Star (Delta Species) Mew Star Delta Species Ultra Rare 101 / 101 $1,500.00 200.00%
2 Charizard Star (Delta Species) Charizard Star Delta Species Ultra Rare 100 / 101 $993.99 148.53%
3 Dragonite ex (Delta Species) Dragonite ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 91 / 101 $202.00 33.79%
4 Tyranitar ex (Delta Species) Tyranitar ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 99 / 101 $175.06 540.31%
5 Salamence ex (Delta Species) Salamence ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 98 / 101 $164.89 412.56%
6 Latios ex (Delta Species) Latios ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 96 / 101 $125.49 251.02%
7 Rayquaza ex (Delta Species) Rayquaza ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 97 / 101 $120.37 201.00%
8 Gardevoir ex (Delta Species) Gardevoir ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 93 / 101 $99.99 122.25%
9 Latias ex (Delta Species) Latias ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 95 / 101 $90.59 148.26%
10 Flygon ex (Delta Species) Flygon ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 92 / 101 $76.10 103.04%

Dragon Frontiers Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Dragon Frontiers. Complete with prices and trends.

Dragon Frontiers Booster Box

Dragon Frontiers Booster Box

— 0%

Dragon Frontiers Booster Pack

Dragon Frontiers Booster Pack


Ampharos (Delta Species) Ampharos Delta Species Ampharos Delta Species Holo Rare 1 / 101 $ 14.93 1.84%
Feraligatr (Delta Species) Feraligatr Delta Species Feraligatr Delta Species Holo Rare 2 / 101 $ 27.56 12.40%
Heracross (Delta Species) Heracross Delta Species Heracross Delta Species Holo Rare 3 / 101 $ 18.56 18.82%
Meganium (Delta Species) Meganium Delta Species Meganium Delta Species Holo Rare 4 / 101 $ 18.28 -0.49%
Milotic (Delta Species) Milotic Delta Species Milotic Delta Species Holo Rare 5 / 101 $ 19.06 1.33%
Nidoking (Delta Species) Nidoking Delta Species Nidoking Delta Species Holo Rare 6 / 101 $ 17.91 0.67%
Nidoqueen (Delta Species) Nidoqueen Delta Species Nidoqueen Delta Species Holo Rare 7 / 101 $ 10.18 -0.59%
Ninetales (Delta Species) Ninetales Delta Species Ninetales Delta Species Holo Rare 8 / 101 $ 54.74 7.27%
Pinsir (Delta Species) Pinsir Delta Species Pinsir Delta Species Holo Rare 9 / 101 $ 8.96 9.14%
Snorlax (Delta Species) Snorlax Delta Species Snorlax Delta Species Holo Rare 10 / 101 $ 38.95 5.58%
Togetic (Delta Species) Togetic Delta Species Togetic Delta Species Holo Rare 11 / 101 $ 11.77 2.26%
Typhlosion (Delta Species) Typhlosion Delta Species Typhlosion Delta Species Holo Rare 12 / 101 $ 20.86 0.38%
Arbok (Delta Species) Arbok Delta Species Arbok Delta Species Rare 13 / 101 $ 0.97 1.04%
Cloyster (Delta Species) Cloyster Delta Species Cloyster Delta Species Rare 14 / 101 $ 0.81 1.25%
Dewgong (Delta Species) Dewgong Delta Species Dewgong Delta Species Rare 15 / 101 $ 1.69 1.20%
Gligar (Delta Species) Gligar Delta Species Gligar Delta Species Rare 16 / 101 $ 1.29 -0.77%
Jynx (Delta Species) Jynx Delta Species Jynx Delta Species Rare 17 / 101 $ 1.29 10.26%
Ledian (Delta Species) Ledian Delta Species Ledian Delta Species Rare 18 / 101 $ 1.50 2.04%
Lickitung (Delta Species) Lickitung Delta Species Lickitung Delta Species Rare 19 / 101 $ 0.95 2.15%
Mantine (Delta Species) Mantine Delta Species Mantine Delta Species Rare 20 / 101 $ 1.17 1.74%
Quagsire (Delta Species) Quagsire Delta Species Quagsire Delta Species Rare 21 / 101 $ 2.88 0.70%
Seadra (22) (Delta Species) Seadra 22 Delta Species Seadra 22 Delta Species Rare 22 / 101 $ 0.80 -2.44%
Tropius (Delta Species) Tropius Delta Species Tropius Delta Species Rare 23 / 101 $ 1.09 1.87%
Vibrava (24 - Delta Species) Vibrava 24 Delta Species Vibrava 24 Delta Species Rare 24 / 101 $ 0.64 3.23%
Xatu (Delta Species) Xatu Delta Species Xatu Delta Species Rare 25 / 101 $ 1.29 8.40%
Bayleef (Delta Species) Bayleef Delta Species Bayleef Delta Species Uncommon 26 / 101 $ 1.27 9.48%
Croconaw (Delta Species) Croconaw Delta Species Croconaw Delta Species Uncommon 27 / 101 $ 1.10 -3.51%
Dragonair (Delta Species) Dragonair Delta Species Dragonair Delta Species Uncommon 28 / 101 $ 3.04 -0.98%
Electabuzz (Delta Species) Electabuzz Delta Species Electabuzz Delta Species Uncommon 29 / 101 $ 1.83 1.10%
Flaaffy (Delta Species) Flaaffy Delta Species Flaaffy Delta Species Uncommon 30 / 101 $ 1.45 -1.36%
Horsea (31 - Delta Species) Horsea 31 Delta Species Horsea 31 Delta Species Uncommon 31 / 101 $ 0.40 -13.04%
Kirlia Kirlia Kirlia Uncommon 32 / 101 $ 0.49 2.08%
Kirlia (Delta Species) Kirlia Delta Species Kirlia Delta Species Uncommon 33 / 101 $ 0.71 1.43%
Nidorina (Delta Species) Nidorina Delta Species Nidorina Delta Species Uncommon 34 / 101 $ 1.44 15.20%
Nidorino (Delta Species) Nidorino Delta Species Nidorino Delta Species Uncommon 35 / 101 $ 0.80 -1.23%
Quilava (Delta Species) Quilava Delta Species Quilava Delta Species Uncommon 36 / 101 $ 0.99 -1.00%
Seadra (37) Delta Species) Seadra 37 Delta Species Seadra 37 Delta Species Uncommon 37 / 101 $ 1.08 4.85%
Shelgon (Delta Species) Shelgon Delta Species Shelgon Delta Species Uncommon 38 / 101 $ 0.91 1.11%
Smeargle (Delta Species) Smeargle Delta Species Smeargle Delta Species Uncommon 39 / 101 $ 0.70 1.45%
Swellow (Delta Species) Swellow Delta Species Swellow Delta Species Uncommon 40 / 101 $ 0.89 1.14%
Togepi (Delta Species) Togepi Delta Species Togepi Delta Species Uncommon 41 / 101 $ 2.03 9.73%
Vibrava (42 - Delta Species) Vibrava 42 Delta Species Vibrava 42 Delta Species Uncommon 42 / 101 $ 0.84 -1.18%
Bagon (Delta Species) Bagon Delta Species Bagon Delta Species Common 43 / 101 $ 0.54 -1.82%
Chikorita (Delta Species) Chikorita Delta Species Chikorita Delta Species Common 44 / 101 $ 1.08 11.34%
Cyndaquil (Delta Species) Cyndaquil Delta Species Cyndaquil Delta Species Common 45 / 101 $ 0.51 -16.39%
Dratini (Delta Species) Dratini Delta Species Dratini Delta Species Common 46 / 101 $ 0.80 -1.23%
Ekans (Delta Species) Ekans Delta Species Ekans Delta Species Common 47 / 101 $ 3.10 0.65%
Elekid (Delta Species) Elekid Delta Species Elekid Delta Species Common 48 / 101 $ 0.52 -1.89%
Feebas (Delta Species) Feebas Delta Species Feebas Delta Species Common 49 / 101 $ 0.55 -1.79%
Horsea (50 - Delta Species) Horsea 50 Delta Species Horsea 50 Delta Species Common 50 / 101 $ 0.47 -4.08%
Larvitar Larvitar Larvitar Common 51 / 101 $ 0.38 -2.56%
Larvitar (Delta Species) Larvitar Delta Species Larvitar Delta Species Common 52 / 101 $ 9.87 -1.50%
Ledyba (Delta Species) Ledyba Delta Species Ledyba Delta Species Common 53 / 101 $ 2.77 -0.36%
Mareep (Delta Species) Mareep Delta Species Mareep Delta Species Common 54 / 101 $ 0.53 -1.85%
Natu (Delta Species) Natu Delta Species Natu Delta Species Common 55 / 101 $ 0.31 -3.13%
Nidoran F (Delta Species) Nidoran F Delta Species Nidoran F Delta Species Common 56 / 101 $ 0.37 2.78%
Nidoran M (Delta Species) Nidoran M Delta Species Nidoran M Delta Species Common 57 / 101 $ 0.61 -3.17%
Pupitar Pupitar Pupitar Common 58 / 101 $ 0.20 5.26%
Pupitar (Delta Species) Pupitar Delta Species Pupitar Delta Species Common 59 / 101 $ 5.18 0.39%
Ralts Ralts Ralts Common 60 / 101 $ 0.24 -4.00%
Ralts (Delta Species) Ralts Delta Species Ralts Delta Species Common 61 / 101 $ 0.50 2.04%
Seel (Delta Species) Seel Delta Species Seel Delta Species Common 62 / 101 $ 2.39 0.42%
Shellder (Delta Species) Shellder Delta Species Shellder Delta Species Common 63 / 101 $ 3.28 -0.61%
Smoochum (Delta Species) Smoochum Delta Species Smoochum Delta Species Common 64 / 101 $ 0.59 -3.28%
Swablu (Delta Species) Swablu Delta Species Swablu Delta Species Common 65 / 101 $ 3.49 3.25%
Taillow (Delta Species) Taillow Delta Species Taillow Delta Species Common 66 / 101 $ 2.40 0.42%
Totodile (Delta Species) Totodile Delta Species Totodile Delta Species Common 67 / 101 $ 0.65 -7.14%
Trapinch (68 - Delta Species) Trapinch 68 Delta Species Trapinch 68 Delta Species Common 68 / 101 $ 0.25 4.17%
Trapinch (69 - Delta Species) Trapinch 69 Delta Species Trapinch 69 Delta Species Common 69 / 101 $ 0.43 2.38%
Vulpix (Delta Species) Vulpix Delta Species Vulpix Delta Species Common 70 / 101 $ 0.57 -3.39%
Wooper (Delta Species) Wooper Delta Species Wooper Delta Species Common 71 / 101 $ 1.93 11.56%
Buffer Piece Buffer Piece Buffer Piece Uncommon 72 / 101 $ 0.23 4.55%
Copycat Copycat Copycat Uncommon 73 / 101 $ 1.26 1.61%
Holon Legacy Holon Legacy Holon Legacy Uncommon 74 / 101 $ 2.23 -3.46%
Holon Mentor Holon Mentor Holon Mentor Uncommon 75 / 101 $ 3.46 6.46%
Island Hermit Island Hermit Island Hermit Uncommon 76 / 101 $ 2.43 0.83%
Mr. Stone's Project Mr Stones Project Mr Stones Project Uncommon 77 / 101 $ 1.04 -2.80%
Old Rod Old Rod Old Rod Uncommon 78 / 101 $ 0.56 -1.75%
Professor Elm's Training Method Professor Elms Training Method Professor Elms Training Method Uncommon 79 / 101 $ 0.38 -2.56%
Professor Oak's Research Professor Oaks Research Professor Oaks Research Uncommon 80 / 101 $ 0.57 -6.56%
Strength Charm Strength Charm Strength Charm Uncommon 81 / 101 $ 0.41 -4.65%
TV Reporter TV Reporter TV Reporter Uncommon 82 / 101 $ 0.36 -2.70%
Switch Switch Switch Common 83 / 101 $ 0.45 -2.17%
Holon Energy FF Holon Energy FF Holon Energy FF Rare 84 / 101 $ 2.80 -3.45%
Holon Energy GL Holon Energy GL Holon Energy GL Rare 85 / 101 $ 1.02 4.08%
Holon Energy WP Holon Energy WP Holon Energy WP Rare 86 / 101 $ 1.65 -4.62%
Boost Energy Boost Energy Boost Energy Uncommon 87 / 101 $ 1.14 6.54%
Delta Species Rainbow Energy Delta Species Rainbow Energy Delta Species Rainbow Energy Uncommon 88 / 101 $ 0.51 4.08%
Scramble Energy Scramble Energy Scramble Energy Uncommon 89 / 101 $ 2.80 2.19%
Altaria ex (Delta Species) Altaria ex Delta Species Altaria ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 90 / 101 $ 50.98 -0.18%
Dragonite ex (Delta Species) Dragonite ex Delta Species Dragonite ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 91 / 101 $ 202.00 1.00%
Flygon ex (Delta Species) Flygon ex Delta Species Flygon ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 92 / 101 $ 76.10 1.64%
Gardevoir ex (Delta Species) Gardevoir ex Delta Species Gardevoir ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 93 / 101 $ 99.99 8.10%
Kingdra ex (Delta Species) Kingdra ex Delta Species Kingdra ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 94 / 101 $ 32.60 1.05%
Latias ex (Delta Species) Latias ex Delta Species Latias ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 95 / 101 $ 90.59 -0.22%
Latios ex (Delta Species) Latios ex Delta Species Latios ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 96 / 101 $ 125.49 -0.10%
Rayquaza ex (Delta Species) Rayquaza ex Delta Species Rayquaza ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 97 / 101 $ 120.37 0.43%
Salamence ex (Delta Species) Salamence ex Delta Species Salamence ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 98 / 101 $ 164.89 4.73%
Tyranitar ex (Delta Species) Tyranitar ex Delta Species Tyranitar ex Delta Species Ultra Rare 99 / 101 $ 175.06 0.03%
Charizard Star (Delta Species) Charizard Star Delta Species Charizard Star Delta Species Ultra Rare 100 / 101 $ 993.99 0.00%
Mew Star (Delta Species) Mew Star Delta Species Mew Star Delta Species Ultra Rare 101 / 101 $ 1,500.00 208.51%
Ampharos (Delta Species)

Ampharos Delta Species
$ 14.93 — 1.84%

Feraligatr (Delta Species)

Feraligatr Delta Species
$ 27.56 — 12.40%

Heracross (Delta Species)

Heracross Delta Species
$ 18.56 — 18.82%

Meganium (Delta Species)

Meganium Delta Species
$ 18.28 — -0.49%

Milotic (Delta Species)

Milotic Delta Species
$ 19.06 — 1.33%

Nidoking (Delta Species)

Nidoking Delta Species
$ 17.91 — 0.67%

Nidoqueen (Delta Species)

Nidoqueen Delta Species
$ 10.18 — -0.59%

Ninetales (Delta Species)

Ninetales Delta Species
$ 54.74 — 7.27%

Pinsir (Delta Species)

Pinsir Delta Species
$ 8.96 — 9.14%

Snorlax (Delta Species)

Snorlax Delta Species
$ 38.95 — 5.58%

Togetic (Delta Species)

Togetic Delta Species
$ 11.77 — 2.26%

Typhlosion (Delta Species)

Typhlosion Delta Species
$ 20.86 — 0.38%

Arbok (Delta Species)

Arbok Delta Species
$ 0.97 — 1.04%

Cloyster (Delta Species)

Cloyster Delta Species
$ 0.81 — 1.25%

Dewgong (Delta Species)

Dewgong Delta Species
$ 1.69 — 1.20%

Gligar (Delta Species)

Gligar Delta Species
$ 1.29 — -0.77%

Jynx (Delta Species)

Jynx Delta Species
$ 1.29 — 10.26%

Ledian (Delta Species)

Ledian Delta Species
$ 1.50 — 2.04%

Lickitung (Delta Species)

Lickitung Delta Species
$ 0.95 — 2.15%

Mantine (Delta Species)

Mantine Delta Species
$ 1.17 — 1.74%

Quagsire (Delta Species)

Quagsire Delta Species
$ 2.88 — 0.70%

Seadra (22) (Delta Species)

Seadra 22 Delta Species
$ 0.80 — -2.44%

Tropius (Delta Species)

Tropius Delta Species
$ 1.09 — 1.87%

Vibrava (24 - Delta Species)

Vibrava 24 Delta Species
$ 0.64 — 3.23%

Xatu (Delta Species)

Xatu Delta Species
$ 1.29 — 8.40%

Bayleef (Delta Species)

Bayleef Delta Species
$ 1.27 — 9.48%

Croconaw (Delta Species)

Croconaw Delta Species
$ 1.10 — -3.51%

Dragonair (Delta Species)

Dragonair Delta Species
$ 3.04 — -0.98%

Electabuzz (Delta Species)

Electabuzz Delta Species
$ 1.83 — 1.10%

Flaaffy (Delta Species)

Flaaffy Delta Species
$ 1.45 — -1.36%

Horsea (31 - Delta Species)

Horsea 31 Delta Species
$ 0.40 — -13.04%


$ 0.49 — 2.08%

Kirlia (Delta Species)

Kirlia Delta Species
$ 0.71 — 1.43%

Nidorina (Delta Species)

Nidorina Delta Species
$ 1.44 — 15.20%

Nidorino (Delta Species)

Nidorino Delta Species
$ 0.80 — -1.23%

Quilava (Delta Species)

Quilava Delta Species
$ 0.99 — -1.00%

Seadra (37) Delta Species)

Seadra 37 Delta Species
$ 1.08 — 4.85%

Shelgon (Delta Species)

Shelgon Delta Species
$ 0.91 — 1.11%

Smeargle (Delta Species)

Smeargle Delta Species
$ 0.70 — 1.45%

Swellow (Delta Species)

Swellow Delta Species
$ 0.89 — 1.14%

Togepi (Delta Species)

Togepi Delta Species
$ 2.03 — 9.73%

Vibrava (42 - Delta Species)

Vibrava 42 Delta Species
$ 0.84 — -1.18%

Bagon (Delta Species)

Bagon Delta Species
$ 0.54 — -1.82%

Chikorita (Delta Species)

Chikorita Delta Species
$ 1.08 — 11.34%

Cyndaquil (Delta Species)

Cyndaquil Delta Species
$ 0.51 — -16.39%

Dratini (Delta Species)

Dratini Delta Species
$ 0.80 — -1.23%

Ekans (Delta Species)

Ekans Delta Species
$ 3.10 — 0.65%

Elekid (Delta Species)

Elekid Delta Species
$ 0.52 — -1.89%

Feebas (Delta Species)

Feebas Delta Species
$ 0.55 — -1.79%

Horsea (50 - Delta Species)

Horsea 50 Delta Species
$ 0.47 — -4.08%


$ 0.38 — -2.56%

Larvitar (Delta Species)

Larvitar Delta Species
$ 9.87 — -1.50%

Ledyba (Delta Species)

Ledyba Delta Species
$ 2.77 — -0.36%

Mareep (Delta Species)

Mareep Delta Species
$ 0.53 — -1.85%

Natu (Delta Species)

Natu Delta Species
$ 0.31 — -3.13%

Nidoran F (Delta Species)

Nidoran F Delta Species
$ 0.37 — 2.78%

Nidoran M (Delta Species)

Nidoran M Delta Species
$ 0.61 — -3.17%


$ 0.20 — 5.26%

Pupitar (Delta Species)

Pupitar Delta Species
$ 5.18 — 0.39%


$ 0.24 — -4.00%

Ralts (Delta Species)

Ralts Delta Species
$ 0.50 — 2.04%

Seel (Delta Species)

Seel Delta Species
$ 2.39 — 0.42%

Shellder (Delta Species)

Shellder Delta Species
$ 3.28 — -0.61%

Smoochum (Delta Species)

Smoochum Delta Species
$ 0.59 — -3.28%

Swablu (Delta Species)

Swablu Delta Species
$ 3.49 — 3.25%

Taillow (Delta Species)

Taillow Delta Species
$ 2.40 — 0.42%

Totodile (Delta Species)

Totodile Delta Species
$ 0.65 — -7.14%

Trapinch (68 - Delta Species)

Trapinch 68 Delta Species
$ 0.25 — 4.17%

Trapinch (69 - Delta Species)

Trapinch 69 Delta Species
$ 0.43 — 2.38%

Vulpix (Delta Species)

Vulpix Delta Species
$ 0.57 — -3.39%

Wooper (Delta Species)

Wooper Delta Species
$ 1.93 — 11.56%

Buffer Piece

Buffer Piece
$ 0.23 — 4.55%


$ 1.26 — 1.61%

Holon Legacy

Holon Legacy
$ 2.23 — -3.46%

Holon Mentor

Holon Mentor
$ 3.46 — 6.46%

Island Hermit

Island Hermit
$ 2.43 — 0.83%

Mr. Stone's Project

Mr Stones Project
$ 1.04 — -2.80%

Old Rod

Old Rod
$ 0.56 — -1.75%

Professor Elm's Training Method

Professor Elms Training Method
$ 0.38 — -2.56%

Professor Oak's Research

Professor Oaks Research
$ 0.57 — -6.56%

Strength Charm

Strength Charm
$ 0.41 — -4.65%

TV Reporter

TV Reporter
$ 0.36 — -2.70%


$ 0.45 — -2.17%

Holon Energy FF

Holon Energy FF
$ 2.80 — -3.45%

Holon Energy GL

Holon Energy GL
$ 1.02 — 4.08%

Holon Energy WP

Holon Energy WP
$ 1.65 — -4.62%

Boost Energy

Boost Energy
$ 1.14 — 6.54%

Delta Species Rainbow Energy

Delta Species Rainbow Energy
$ 0.51 — 4.08%

Scramble Energy

Scramble Energy
$ 2.80 — 2.19%

Altaria ex (Delta Species)

Altaria ex Delta Species
$ 50.98 — -0.18%

Dragonite ex (Delta Species)

Dragonite ex Delta Species
$ 202.00 — 1.00%

Flygon ex (Delta Species)

Flygon ex Delta Species
$ 76.10 — 1.64%

Gardevoir ex (Delta Species)

Gardevoir ex Delta Species
$ 99.99 — 8.10%

Kingdra ex (Delta Species)

Kingdra ex Delta Species
$ 32.60 — 1.05%

Latias ex (Delta Species)

Latias ex Delta Species
$ 90.59 — -0.22%

Latios ex (Delta Species)

Latios ex Delta Species
$ 125.49 — -0.10%

Rayquaza ex (Delta Species)

Rayquaza ex Delta Species
$ 120.37 — 0.43%

Salamence ex (Delta Species)

Salamence ex Delta Species
$ 164.89 — 4.73%

Tyranitar ex (Delta Species)

Tyranitar ex Delta Species
$ 175.06 — 0.03%

Charizard Star (Delta Species)

Charizard Star Delta Species
$ 993.99 — 0.00%

Mew Star (Delta Species)

Mew Star Delta Species
$ 1,500.00 — 208.51%