POP Series 5 Logo
2 Ratings
Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $30.31
Total Value Range $872.61 — $666.86
Average Card Price Range $51.33 — $30.31

About POP Series 5

Released on March 1, 2007, POP Series 5 is part of the POP series, and has 17 total cards.

The Pokemon POP Series 5 card set was released in 2006 and featured 122 new cards including a large number of rare cards, some of which have become very valuable. The set was mainly focused on Fire and Water-type Pokemon, and It contained four sets of Holo rarities: Ultra-Rare, Holo, Reverse Holo, and Non-Holo. There was a total of 18 Ultra-Rare cards, which featured rare alternate art versions of some of the most powerful Pokemon in the set. Among these rare cards were the legendary Fire-type, Entei, and the Water-type, Suicune. The set also contained some of the first cards featuring Holo animated artwork, which gave the set a more dynamic feel. There were 53 Rare and 38 Uncommon cards in the set, which were all focused on various Fire and Water-type Pokemon. In addition to these regular cards, popular characters such as Brock, Misty, and Professor Oak also made an appearance in the set. All in all this set was a great addition to the ever-growing Pokemon card game, and has provided some of the most sought after cards in the modern trading card game.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in POP Series 5?

Want to know the best cards to pull in POP Series 5. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for POP Series 5.

Mew (Delta Species)

Mew Delta Species

$142.40 493.58%



$99.00 476.59%
1 Mew (Delta Species) Mew Delta Species Rare 3 / 17 $142.40 493.58%
2 Lugia Lugia Rare 2 / 17 $99.00 476.59%
3 Umbreon Star Umbreon Star Ultra Rare 17 / 17 $37.01 -98.46%
4 Pikachu Pikachu Common 12 / 17 $25.48 532.26%
5 Charmeleon (Delta Species) Charmeleon Delta Species Uncommon 5 / 17 $18.21 616.93%
6 Pikachu (Delta Species) Pikachu Delta Species Common 13 / 17 $13.12 312.58%
7 Charmander (Delta Species) Charmander Delta Species Common 10 / 17 $12.54 1.00%

POP Series 5 Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for POP Series 5. Complete with prices and trends.

POP Series 5 Pack

POP Series 5 Pack

$748.95 — 0%

Ho-oh Ho oh Ho oh Rare 1 / 17 $ 6.31 -56.93%
Ho-oh Ho oh Ho oh Rare 1 / 17 $ 6.31 -56.93%
Lugia Lugia Lugia Rare 2 / 17 $ 99.00 225.23%
Lugia Lugia Lugia Rare 2 / 17 $ 99.00 225.23%
Mew (Delta Species) Mew Delta Species Mew Delta Species Rare 3 / 17 $ 142.40 0.88%
Mew (Delta Species) Mew Delta Species Mew Delta Species Rare 3 / 17 $ 142.40 0.88%
Charmeleon (Delta Species) Charmeleon Delta Species Charmeleon Delta Species Uncommon 5 / 17 $ 18.21 4.78%
Bill's Maintenance Bills Maintenance Bills Maintenance Uncommon 6 / 17 $ 5.33 233.13%
Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Uncommon 7 / 17 $ 7.07 5.37%
Boost Energy Boost Energy Boost Energy Uncommon 8 / 17 $ 2.99 54.92%
Delta Species Rainbow Energy Delta Species Rainbow Energy Delta Species Rainbow Energy Uncommon 9 / 17 $ 3.74 42.75%
Charmander (Delta Species) Charmander Delta Species Charmander Delta Species Common 10 / 17 $ 12.54 0.40%
Meowth (Delta Species) Meowth Delta Species Meowth Delta Species Common 11 / 17 $ 3.55 -0.84%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Common 12 / 17 $ 25.48 -0.20%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Common 12 / 17 $ 25.48 -0.20%
Pikachu (Delta Species) Pikachu Delta Species Pikachu Delta Species Common 13 / 17 $ 13.12 1.00%
Pelipper (Delta Species) Pelipper Delta Species Pelipper Delta Species Common 14 / 17 $ 3.46 0.58%
Pelipper (Delta Species) Pelipper Delta Species Pelipper Delta Species Common 14 / 17 $ 3.46 0.58%
Zangoose (Delta Species) Zangoose Delta Species Zangoose Delta Species Common 15 / 17 $ 5.00 1.42%
Zangoose (Delta Species) Zangoose Delta Species Zangoose Delta Species Common 15 / 17 $ 5.00 1.42%
Espeon Star Espeon Star Espeon Star Ultra Rare 16 / 17 $ 0.00 -100.00%
Umbreon Star Umbreon Star Umbreon Star Ultra Rare 17 / 17 $ 37.01 -98.46%

Ho oh
$ 6.31 — -56.93%


Ho oh
$ 6.31 — -56.93%


$ 99.00 — 225.23%


$ 99.00 — 225.23%

Mew (Delta Species)

Mew Delta Species
$ 142.40 — 0.88%

Mew (Delta Species)

Mew Delta Species
$ 142.40 — 0.88%

Charmeleon (Delta Species)

Charmeleon Delta Species
$ 18.21 — 4.78%

Bill's Maintenance

Bills Maintenance
$ 5.33 — 233.13%

Rare Candy

Rare Candy
$ 7.07 — 5.37%

Boost Energy

Boost Energy
$ 2.99 — 54.92%

Delta Species Rainbow Energy

Delta Species Rainbow Energy
$ 3.74 — 42.75%

Charmander (Delta Species)

Charmander Delta Species
$ 12.54 — 0.40%

Meowth (Delta Species)

Meowth Delta Species
$ 3.55 — -0.84%


$ 25.48 — -0.20%


$ 25.48 — -0.20%

Pikachu (Delta Species)

Pikachu Delta Species
$ 13.12 — 1.00%

Pelipper (Delta Species)

Pelipper Delta Species
$ 3.46 — 0.58%

Pelipper (Delta Species)

Pelipper Delta Species
$ 3.46 — 0.58%

Zangoose (Delta Species)

Zangoose Delta Species
$ 5.00 — 1.42%

Zangoose (Delta Species)

Zangoose Delta Species
$ 5.00 — 1.42%

Espeon Star

Espeon Star
$ 0.00 — -100.00%

Umbreon Star

Umbreon Star
$ 37.01 — -98.46%