Piplup Platinum

Piplup (Platinum)
0 Ratings
Card # / Rarity 71 / Promo
Type / Stage Water / Basic

[W] Water Splash (10+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage.

[2] Headbutt (20)

Set Burger King Promos
Character(s) Piplup /
Current Price

Last 7 Days 0%
Last 30 Days 0%
YTD 0%
TOP 10



Piplup (Platinum) Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Piplup (Platinum). Complete with prices and trends.

Sinnoh Star Mini Tin [Piplup]

Sinnoh Star Mini Tin Piplup


Piplup Piplup Piplup BREAKthrough Common $ 0.21 -4.55%
Piplup Piplup Piplup XY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune Common $ 0.38 -7.32%
Piplup (31) Piplup 31 Piplup 31 Ultra Prism Common $ 0.20 -4.76%
Piplup (32) Piplup 32 Piplup 32 Ultra Prism Common $ 0.29 3.57%
Piplup - 32/156 (Toys R Us) Piplup 32 156 Toys R Us Piplup 32 156 Toys R Us Miscellaneous Cards & Products Promo $ 4.67 0.65%
Piplup - 93/130 (Cosmos Holo) Piplup 93 130 Cosmos Holo Piplup 93 130 Cosmos Holo Miscellaneous Cards & Products Promo $ 25.49 4.60%
Piplup - 32/156 (Build-A-Bear Workshop Exclusive) Piplup 32 156 Build A Bear Workshop Exclusive Piplup 32 156 Build A Bear Workshop Exclusive Miscellaneous Cards & Products Promo $ 14.49 6.54%
Blastoise & Piplup GX Blastoise and Piplup GX Blastoise and Piplup GX Cosmic Eclipse Ultra Rare $ 30.35 0.86%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Cosmic Eclipse Common $ 0.15 -6.25%
Blastoise & Piplup GX (Full Art) Blastoise and Piplup GX Full Art Blastoise and Piplup GX Full Art Cosmic Eclipse Ultra Rare $ 27.40 2.93%
Blastoise & Piplup GX (Alternate Art) Blastoise and Piplup GX Alternate Art Blastoise and Piplup GX Alternate Art Cosmic Eclipse Ultra Rare $ 178.17 -3.15%
Piplup (Secret) Piplup Secret Piplup Secret Cosmic Eclipse Secret Rare $ 45.34 2.12%
Blastoise & Piplup GX (Secret) Blastoise and Piplup GX Secret Blastoise and Piplup GX Secret Cosmic Eclipse Secret Rare $ 58.75 0.58%
Piplup Piplup Piplup McDonald's 25th Anniversary Promos Promo $ 1.76 0.57%
Piplup Piplup Piplup McDonald's 25th Anniversary Promos Promo $ 1.76 0.57%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Brilliant Stars Common $ 0.08 -11.11%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Diamond and Pearl Common $ 6.85 3.32%
Piplup Piplup Piplup POP Series 6 Common $ 4.46 0.22%
Piplup Piplup Piplup POP Series 6 Common $ 4.46 0.22%
Piplup Piplup Common Piplup Common Majestic Dawn Common $ 0.46 15.00%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Majestic Dawn Common $ 0.81 -8.99%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Diamond and Pearl Promos Holo Rare $ 8.02 0.75%
Piplup Piplup Piplup POP Series 8 Common $ 1.52 1.33%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Platinum Common $ 1.10 26.44%
Piplup Piplup Piplup POP Series 9 Common $ 0.91 2.25%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Supreme Victors Common $ 1.04 35.06%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Dark Explorers Common $ 0.42 -4.55%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Legendary Treasures Common $ 0.45 4.65%
Piplup Piplup Piplup Legendary Treasures: Radiant Collection Uncommon $ 2.74 -2.14%