Thumbnail Melmetal
Pokedex Number # 809
Generation 7
Type Steel Steel 

The 10 Most Valuable Melmetal Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Melmetal. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Melmetal.

Lucario & Melmetal GX - SM192

Lucario and Melmetal GX SM192

$49.66 891.22%

Lucario & Melmetal GX (Secret)

Lucario and Melmetal GX

$31.81 139.35%

Melmetal Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Melmetal. Complete with prices and trends.

Melmetal GX Box

Melmetal GX Box

$0.00 — 0%

Power Partnership Tin [Lucario & Melmetal GX]

Power Partnership Tin Lucario and Melmetal GX


V Battle Deck [Melmetal V]

V Battle Deck Melmetal V


Pokemon GO V Battle Deck Bundle [Mewtwo V/Melmetal V]

Pokemon GO V Battle Deck Bundle Mewtwo V Melmetal V


Lucario & Melmetal GX - SM192 Lucario and Melmetal GX SM192 Lucario and Melmetal GX SM192 Sun & Moon Promos Promo 49.66 -3.18%
Lucario & Melmetal GX (Secret) Lucario and Melmetal GX Secret Lucario and Melmetal GX Secret Unbroken Bonds Secret Rare 31.81 -0.44%
Lucario & Melmetal GX (Full Art) Lucario and Melmetal GX Full Art Lucario and Melmetal GX Full Art Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 23.12 0.35%
Melmetal - SM181 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Melmetal SM181 Prerelease Promo Staff Melmetal SM181 Prerelease Promo Staff Sun & Moon Promos Promo 17.91 19.40%
Lucario & Melmetal GX Lucario and Melmetal GX Lucario and Melmetal GX Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 17.29 3.35%
Melmetal VMAX (Secret) Melmetal VMAX Secret Melmetal VMAX Secret Pokemon GO TCG Secret Rare 10.42 -0.38%
Melmetal GX - SM178 (SM Black Star Promo) Melmetal GX SM178 SM Black Star Promo Melmetal GX SM178 SM Black Star Promo Jumbo Cards Promo 4.02 31.37%
Melmetal GX - SM178 Melmetal GX SM178 Melmetal GX SM178 Sun & Moon Promos Promo 2.23 -1.76%
Melmetal - SM181 (Prerelease Promo) Melmetal SM181 Prerelease Promo Melmetal SM181 Prerelease Promo Sun & Moon Promos Promo 1.99 -1.00%
Melmetal V (Full Art) Melmetal V Full Art Melmetal V Full Art Pokemon GO TCG Ultra Rare 1.49 -1.97%
Melmetal VMAX Melmetal VMAX Melmetal VMAX Pokemon GO TCG Ultra Rare 1.39 0.72%
Melmetal ex Melmetal ex Melmetal ex Obsidian Flames Double Rare 1.18 1.72%
Melmetal V - SWSH224 Melmetal V SWSH224 Melmetal V SWSH224 Sword & Shield Promo Cards Promo 1.07 0.94%
Melmetal V Melmetal V Melmetal V Pokemon GO TCG Ultra Rare 0.59 1.72%
Melmetal ex Melmetal ex Melmetal ex Stellar Crown Double Rare 0.55 -1.79%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Unbroken Bonds Holo Rare 0.39 -4.88%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Pokemon GO TCG Holo Rare 0.24 4.35%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Fusion Strike Holo Rare 0.21 -4.55%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Darkness Ablaze Rare 0.20 5.26%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Stellar Crown Rare 0.12 -7.69%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Temporal Forces Rare 0.08 14.29%
Lucario & Melmetal GX - SM192

Lucario and Melmetal GX SM192
Sun & Moon Promos
49.66 — $ 49.66 — -3.18%

Lucario & Melmetal GX (Secret)

Lucario and Melmetal GX Secret
Unbroken Bonds
31.81 — $ 31.81 — -0.44%

Lucario & Melmetal GX (Full Art)

Lucario and Melmetal GX Full Art
Unbroken Bonds
23.12 — $ 23.12 — 0.35%

Lucario & Melmetal GX

Lucario and Melmetal GX
Unbroken Bonds
17.29 — $ 17.29 — 3.35%

Melmetal VMAX (Secret)

Melmetal VMAX Secret
Pokemon GO TCG
10.42 — $ 10.42 — -0.38%

Melmetal GX - SM178

Melmetal GX SM178
Sun & Moon Promos
2.23 — $ 2.23 — -1.76%

Melmetal V (Full Art)

Melmetal V Full Art
Pokemon GO TCG
1.49 — $ 1.49 — -1.97%

Melmetal VMAX

Melmetal VMAX
Pokemon GO TCG
1.39 — $ 1.39 — 0.72%

Melmetal ex

Melmetal ex
Obsidian Flames
1.18 — $ 1.18 — 1.72%

Melmetal V

Melmetal V
Pokemon GO TCG
0.59 — $ 0.59 — 1.72%

Melmetal ex

Melmetal ex
Stellar Crown
0.55 — $ 0.55 — -1.79%


Unbroken Bonds
0.39 — $ 0.39 — -4.88%


Pokemon GO TCG
0.24 — $ 0.24 — 4.35%


Fusion Strike
0.21 — $ 0.21 — -4.55%


Darkness Ablaze
0.20 — $ 0.20 — 5.26%


Stellar Crown
0.12 — $ 0.12 — -7.69%


Temporal Forces
0.08 — $ 0.08 — 14.29%