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0 Ratings

Scarlet & Violet

Temporal Forces

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $2.84
Total Value Range $1,202.85 — $1,015.38
Average Card Price Range $5.52 — $2.84

About Temporal Forces

Released on March 22, 2024, Temporal Forces is part of the Scarlet & Violet series, and has 219 total cards.

Embark on an exhilarating journey through time and space with the Pokémon TCG: Temporal Forces set! Delve into the mysteries of temporal manipulation and harness the power of legendary Pokémon as you traverse through epochs, altering the course of history with every card you play.

The Temporal Forces set introduces a captivating narrative woven into the fabric of each card, immersing players in a storyline that spans across ages. Unravel the secrets of time travel as you encounter iconic Pokémon from different eras, each with their unique abilities and strategies.

As you open booster packs from the Temporal Forces expansion, you'll discover an array of stunning cards featuring breathtaking artwork that brings the past, present, and future to life. From ancient ruins to futuristic landscapes, every illustration captures the essence of the Pokémon world across time.

Venture into the depths of the past with cards depicting ancient civilizations and primordial Pokémon, where mighty legends like Dialga, Celebi, and Arceus reign supreme. Then, fast forward to the present, where modern technology meets Pokémon battles, and Trainers utilize cutting-edge tactics alongside their trusty companions.

But the most thrilling aspect of Temporal Forces lies in its exploration of the future. Peer into the unknown with cards that depict futuristic landscapes, advanced technology, and Pokémon yet to be discovered. Encounter enigmatic creatures and legendary Pokémon from distant eras, offering glimpses into what the future holds for Trainers brave enough to seek them out.

The set features a diverse range of Pokémon types, including Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Fighting, Dark, Fairy, Dragon, and more, ensuring there's something for every Trainer to enjoy. Plus, with powerful Trainer cards and special Energy cards designed to complement each theme, you'll have endless strategic possibilities at your disposal.

Whether you're a seasoned Pokémon TCG player or just starting your journey, Temporal Forces offers an unparalleled gaming experience that combines nostalgia with innovation. Explore the ever-expanding universe of Pokémon like never before and become a master of time and space with the Pokémon TCG: Temporal Forces set!

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Temporal Forces?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Temporal Forces. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Temporal Forces.

Raging Bolt ex - 208/162

Raging Bolt ex 208 162

$106.72 105.51%

Walking Wake ex - 205/162

Walking Wake ex 205 162

$67.08 67.62%
1 Raging Bolt ex - 208/162 Raging Bolt ex 208 162 Special Illustration Rare 208 / 219 $106.72 105.51%
2 Walking Wake ex - 205/162 Walking Wake ex 205 162 Special Illustration Rare 205 / 219 $67.08 67.62%
3 Iron Crown ex - 206/162 Iron Crown ex 206 162 Special Illustration Rare 206 / 219 $65.61 15.04%
4 Morty's Conviction - 211/162 Mortys Conviction 211 162 Special Illustration Rare 211 / 219 $63.62 41.54%
5 Gouging Fire ex - 204/162 Gouging Fire ex 204 162 Special Illustration Rare 204 / 219 $52.12 16.31%
6 Gastly - 177/162 Gastly 177 162 Illustration Rare 177 / 219 $46.46 205.66%
7 Iron Leaves ex - 203/162 Iron Leaves ex 203 162 Special Illustration Rare 203 / 219 $39.64 -52.44%
8 Sawsbuck - 166/162 Sawsbuck 166 162 Illustration Rare 166 / 219 $32.59 1.00%
9 Bianca's Devotion - 209/162 Biancas Devotion 209 162 Special Illustration Rare 209 / 219 $29.61 -49.62%
10 Metagross - 178/162 Metagross 178 162 Illustration Rare 178 / 219 $24.05 97.29%

Temporal Forces Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Temporal Forces. Complete with prices and trends.

Temporal Forces Booster Pack

Temporal Forces Booster Pack


Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box [Walking Wake]

Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box Walking Wake


Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box [Iron Leaves]

Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box Iron Leaves


Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box [Set of 2]

Temporal Forces Elite Trainer Box Set of 2


Scyther Scyther Scyther Common 001 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Pineco Pineco Pineco Common 002 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Seedot Seedot Seedot Common 003 / 219 $ 0.07 16.67%
Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Common 004 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Shiftry - 005/162 Shiftry 005 162 Shiftry 005 162 Uncommon 005 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Shroomish Shroomish Shroomish Common 006 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Breloom Breloom Breloom Common 007 / 219 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Roselia Roselia Roselia Common 008 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Roserade Roserade Roserade Uncommon 009 / 219 $ 0.06 20.00%
Turtwig Turtwig Turtwig Common 010 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Grotle - 011/162 Grotle 011 162 Grotle 011 162 Common 011 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Torterra ex - 012/162 Torterra ex 012 162 Torterra ex 012 162 Double Rare 012 / 219 $ 0.93 -2.11%
Shaymin Shaymin Shaymin Uncommon 013 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Cottonee Cottonee Cottonee Common 014 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Whimsicott Whimsicott Whimsicott Rare 015 / 219 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Deerling - 016/162 Deerling 016 162 Deerling 016 162 Common 016 / 219 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Sawsbuck - 017/162 Sawsbuck 017 162 Sawsbuck 017 162 Uncommon 017 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Grubbin Grubbin Grubbin Common 018 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Dhelmise Dhelmise Dhelmise Uncommon 019 / 219 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Bramblin Bramblin Bramblin Common 020 / 219 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Brambleghast Brambleghast Brambleghast Rare 021 / 219 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Scovillain ex Scovillain ex Scovillain ex Double Rare 022 / 219 $ 0.50 -5.66%
Rellor Rellor Rellor Common 023 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Rabsca Rabsca Rabsca Uncommon 024 / 219 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Iron Leaves ex - 025/162 Iron Leaves ex 025 162 Iron Leaves ex 025 162 Double Rare 025 / 219 $ 0.67 -10.67%
Ponyta Ponyta Ponyta Common 026 / 219 $ 0.10 11.11%
Rapidash Rapidash Rapidash Uncommon 027 / 219 $ 0.07 16.67%
Slugma Slugma Slugma Common 028 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Magcargo Magcargo Magcargo Rare 029 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Victini Victini Victini Common 030 / 219 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Heatmor Heatmor Heatmor Common 031 / 219 $ 0.07 -36.36%
Litten - 032/162 Litten 032 162 Litten 032 162 Common 032 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Torracat Torracat Torracat Common 033 / 219 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Incineroar ex - 034/162 Incineroar ex 034 162 Incineroar ex 034 162 Double Rare 034 / 219 $ 0.75 1.35%
Turtonator Turtonator Turtonator Common 035 / 219 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Sizzlipede Sizzlipede Sizzlipede Common 036 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Centiskorch Centiskorch Centiskorch Uncommon 037 / 219 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Gouging Fire ex - 038/162 Gouging Fire ex 038 162 Gouging Fire ex 038 162 Double Rare 038 / 219 $ 0.98 4.26%
Totodile Totodile Totodile Common 039 / 219 $ 0.16 -5.88%
Croconaw Croconaw Croconaw Common 040 / 219 $ 0.50 8.70%
Feraligatr Feraligatr Feraligatr Rare 041 / 219 $ 0.28 -12.50%
Carvanha Carvanha Carvanha Common 042 / 219 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Sharpedo Sharpedo Sharpedo Uncommon 043 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Keldeo Keldeo Keldeo Uncommon 044 / 219 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Snom - 045/162 Snom 045 162 Snom 045 162 Common 045 / 219 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Frosmoth Frosmoth Frosmoth Common 046 / 219 $ 0.05 25.00%
Wiglett Wiglett Wiglett Common 047 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Finizen Finizen Finizen Common 048 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Palafin Palafin Palafin Uncommon 049 / 219 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Walking Wake ex - 050/162 Walking Wake ex 050 162 Walking Wake ex 050 162 Double Rare 050 / 219 $ 0.74 1.37%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Common 051 / 219 $ 0.13 8.33%
Raichu Raichu Raichu Common 052 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Electabuzz Electabuzz Electabuzz Common 053 / 219 $ 0.03 -25.00%
Electivire Electivire Electivire Uncommon 054 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Charjabug - 055/162 Charjabug 055 162 Charjabug 055 162 Common 055 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Vikavolt Vikavolt Vikavolt Uncommon 056 / 219 $ 0.10 11.11%
Zeraora Zeraora Zeraora Uncommon 057 / 219 $ 0.10 -16.67%
Yamper Yamper Yamper Common 058 / 219 $ 0.12 -29.41%
Boltund Boltund Boltund Uncommon 059 / 219 $ 0.13 -18.75%
Wugtrio ex - 060/162 Wugtrio ex 060 162 Wugtrio ex 060 162 Double Rare 060 / 219 $ 0.58 1.75%
Iron Hands Iron Hands Iron Hands Uncommon 061 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Iron Thorns Iron Thorns Iron Thorns Rare 062 / 219 $ 0.12 -14.29%
Mr. Mime Mr Mime Mr Mime Common 063 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Marill Marill Marill Common 064 / 219 $ 0.05 25.00%
Azumarill Azumarill Azumarill Common 065 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Girafarig Girafarig Girafarig Common 066 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Latias Latias Latias Uncommon 067 / 219 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Bronzor - 068/162 Bronzor 068 162 Bronzor 068 162 Common 068 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Bronzong Bronzong Bronzong Uncommon 069 / 219 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Solosis Solosis Solosis Common 070 / 219 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Duosion Duosion Duosion Common 071 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Reuniclus - 072/162 Reuniclus 072 162 Reuniclus 072 162 Uncommon 072 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Elgyem Elgyem Elgyem Common 073 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Beheeyem Beheeyem Beheeyem Uncommon 074 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Cutiefly - 075/162 Cutiefly 075 162 Cutiefly 075 162 Common 075 / 219 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Ribombee Ribombee Ribombee Uncommon 076 / 219 $ 0.06 20.00%
Scream Tail Scream Tail Scream Tail Uncommon 077 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Flutter Mane Flutter Mane Flutter Mane Rare 078 / 219 $ 0.16 -5.88%
Iron Valiant - 079/162 Iron Valiant 079 162 Iron Valiant 079 162 Uncommon 079 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Iron Valiant - 080/162 Iron Valiant 080 162 Iron Valiant 080 162 Rare 080 / 219 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Iron Crown ex - 081/162 Iron Crown ex 081 162 Iron Crown ex 081 162 Double Rare 081 / 219 $ 1.23 -5.38%
Meditite Meditite Meditite Common 082 / 219 $ 0.04 33.33%
Medicham Medicham Medicham Common 083 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Relicanth - 084/162 Relicanth 084 162 Relicanth 084 162 Rare 084 / 219 $ 0.23 15.00%
Drilbur Drilbur Drilbur Common 085 / 219 $ 0.14 27.27%
Excadrill - 086/162 Excadrill 086 162 Excadrill 086 162 Uncommon 086 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Golett Golett Golett Common 087 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Golurk Golurk Golurk Uncommon 088 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Rockruff Rockruff Rockruff Common 089 / 219 $ 0.09 -30.77%
Lycanroc Lycanroc Lycanroc Uncommon 090 / 219 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Mudbray Mudbray Mudbray Common 091 / 219 $ 0.06 20.00%
Mudsdale - 092/162 Mudsdale 092 162 Mudsdale 092 162 Uncommon 092 / 219 $ 0.09 -18.18%
Rolycoly Rolycoly Rolycoly Common 093 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Carkol Carkol Carkol Common 094 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Coalossal Coalossal Coalossal Uncommon 095 / 219 $ 0.10 -16.67%
Great Tusk - 096/162 Great Tusk 096 162 Great Tusk 096 162 Uncommon 096 / 219 $ 0.06 20.00%
Great Tusk - 097/162 Great Tusk 097 162 Great Tusk 097 162 Uncommon 097 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Sandy Shocks Sandy Shocks Sandy Shocks Uncommon 098 / 219 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Iron Boulder ex - 099/162 Iron Boulder ex 099 162 Iron Boulder ex 099 162 Double Rare 099 / 219 $ 0.63 -1.56%
Ekans Ekans Ekans Common 100 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Arbok - 101/162 Arbok 101 162 Arbok 101 162 Common 101 / 219 $ 0.07 16.67%
Gastly - 102/162 Gastly 102 162 Gastly 102 162 Common 102 / 219 $ 0.14 -12.50%
Haunter Haunter Haunter Common 103 / 219 $ 0.18 -14.29%
Gengar ex - 104/162 Gengar ex 104 162 Gengar ex 104 162 Double Rare 104 / 219 $ 2.47 1.65%
Poochyena Poochyena Poochyena Common 105 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Mightyena Mightyena Mightyena Common 106 / 219 $ 0.09 -43.75%
Sableye Sableye Sableye Uncommon 107 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Farigiraf ex - 108/162 Farigiraf ex 108 162 Farigiraf ex 108 162 Double Rare 108 / 219 $ 1.22 -4.69%
Roaring Moon Roaring Moon Roaring Moon Rare 109 / 219 $ 0.44 -6.38%
Forretress Forretress Forretress Uncommon 110 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Scizor ex - 111/162 Scizor ex 111 162 Scizor ex 111 162 Double Rare 111 / 219 $ 0.65 -4.41%
Mawile Mawile Mawile Common 112 / 219 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Beldum Beldum Beldum Common 113 / 219 $ 0.14 -12.50%
Metang Metang Metang Common 114 / 219 $ 0.16 6.67%
Metagross - 115/162 Metagross 115 162 Metagross 115 162 Uncommon 115 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Meltan - 116/162 Meltan 116 162 Meltan 116 162 Common 116 / 219 $ 0.08 -20.00%
Melmetal Melmetal Melmetal Rare 117 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Iron Treads Iron Treads Iron Treads Uncommon 118 / 219 $ 0.22 -4.35%
Koraidon Koraidon Koraidon Rare 119 / 219 $ 0.14 7.69%
Koraidon ex Koraidon ex Koraidon ex Double Rare 120 / 219 $ 0.57 1.79%
Miraidon Miraidon Miraidon Rare 121 / 219 $ 0.23 4.55%
Miraidon ex Miraidon ex Miraidon ex Double Rare 122 / 219 $ 0.62 8.77%
Raging Bolt ex - 123/162 Raging Bolt ex 123 162 Raging Bolt ex 123 162 Double Rare 123 / 219 $ 5.28 2.33%
Lickitung - 124/162 Lickitung 124 162 Lickitung 124 162 Common 124 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Lickilicky Lickilicky Lickilicky Common 125 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Hoothoot Hoothoot Hoothoot Common 126 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Noctowl Noctowl Noctowl Common 127 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Dunsparce Dunsparce Dunsparce Common 128 / 219 $ 0.17 13.33%
Dudunsparce Dudunsparce Dudunsparce Rare 129 / 219 $ 0.24 -7.69%
Skitty Skitty Skitty Common 130 / 219 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Delcatty Delcatty Delcatty Uncommon 131 / 219 $ 0.13 -13.33%
Chatot - 132/162 Chatot 132 162 Chatot 132 162 Common 132 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Pidove Pidove Pidove Common 133 / 219 $ 0.04 33.33%
Tranquill Tranquill Tranquill Common 134 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Unfezant Unfezant Unfezant Uncommon 135 / 219 $ 0.20 5.26%
Minccino - 136/162 Minccino 136 162 Minccino 136 162 Common 136 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Cinccino - 137/162 Cinccino 137 162 Cinccino 137 162 Uncommon 137 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Drampa - 138/162 Drampa 138 162 Drampa 138 162 Rare 138 / 219 $ 0.08 -20.00%
Iron Jugulis Iron Jugulis Iron Jugulis Uncommon 139 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Ancient Booster Energy Capsule Ancient Booster Energy Capsule Ancient Booster Energy Capsule Uncommon 140 / 219 $ 0.13 18.18%
Awakening Drum Awakening Drum Awakening Drum ACE SPEC Rare 141 / 219 $ 0.59 -1.67%
Bianca's Devotion - 142/162 Biancas Devotion 142 162 Biancas Devotion 142 162 Uncommon 142 / 219 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Boxed Order Boxed Order Boxed Order Uncommon 143 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Buddy-Buddy Poffin Buddy Buddy Poffin Buddy Buddy Poffin Uncommon 144 / 219 $ 0.68 -1.45%
Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking - 145/162 Ciphermaniacs Codebreaking 145 162 Ciphermaniacs Codebreaking 145 162 Uncommon 145 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Eri - 146/162 Eri 146 162 Eri 146 162 Uncommon 146 / 219 $ 0.09 12.50%
Explorer's Guidance - 147/162 Explorers Guidance 147 162 Explorers Guidance 147 162 Uncommon 147 / 219 $ 0.08 14.29%
Full Metal Lab Full Metal Lab Full Metal Lab Uncommon 148 / 219 $ 0.11 22.22%
Future Booster Energy Capsule Future Booster Energy Capsule Future Booster Energy Capsule Uncommon 149 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Hand Trimmer Hand Trimmer Hand Trimmer Uncommon 150 / 219 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Heavy Baton Heavy Baton Heavy Baton Uncommon 151 / 219 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Hero's Cape Heros Cape Heros Cape ACE SPEC Rare 152 / 219 $ 6.48 -1.07%
Master Ball Master Ball Master Ball ACE SPEC Rare 153 / 219 $ 1.72 -1.71%
Maximum Belt Maximum Belt Maximum Belt ACE SPEC Rare 154 / 219 $ 1.36 -1.45%
Morty's Conviction - 155/162 Mortys Conviction 155 162 Mortys Conviction 155 162 Uncommon 155 / 219 $ 0.11 10.00%
Perilous Jungle Perilous Jungle Perilous Jungle Uncommon 156 / 219 $ 0.12 -33.33%
Prime Catcher Prime Catcher Prime Catcher ACE SPEC Rare 157 / 219 $ 3.31 -2.93%
Reboot Pod Reboot Pod Reboot Pod ACE SPEC Rare 158 / 219 $ 0.65 1.56%
Rescue Board Rescue Board Rescue Board Uncommon 159 / 219 $ 0.14 7.69%
Salvatore - 160/162 Salvatore 160 162 Salvatore 160 162 Uncommon 160 / 219 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Mist Energy Mist Energy Mist Energy Uncommon 161 / 219 $ 0.19 -5.00%
Neo Upper Energy Neo Upper Energy Neo Upper Energy ACE SPEC Rare 162 / 219 $ 2.75 -1.08%
Shiftry - 163/162 Shiftry 163 162 Shiftry 163 162 Illustration Rare 163 / 219 $ 11.76 0.26%
Grotle - 164/162 Grotle 164 162 Grotle 164 162 Illustration Rare 164 / 219 $ 10.37 0.48%
Deerling - 165/162 Deerling 165 162 Deerling 165 162 Illustration Rare 165 / 219 $ 20.59 -0.58%
Sawsbuck - 166/162 Sawsbuck 166 162 Sawsbuck 166 162 Illustration Rare 166 / 219 $ 32.59 -0.15%
Litten - 167/162 Litten 167 162 Litten 167 162 Illustration Rare 167 / 219 $ 19.93 1.37%
Snom - 168/162 Snom 168 162 Snom 168 162 Illustration Rare 168 / 219 $ 9.57 0.10%
Charjabug - 169/162 Charjabug 169 162 Charjabug 169 162 Illustration Rare 169 / 219 $ 5.76 0.52%
Bronzor - 170/162 Bronzor 170 162 Bronzor 170 162 Illustration Rare 170 / 219 $ 7.84 0.38%
Reuniclus - 171/162 Reuniclus 171 162 Reuniclus 171 162 Illustration Rare 171 / 219 $ 10.09 -0.39%
Cutiefly - 172/162 Cutiefly 172 162 Cutiefly 172 162 Illustration Rare 172 / 219 $ 4.88 -1.81%
Relicanth - 173/162 Relicanth 173 162 Relicanth 173 162 Illustration Rare 173 / 219 $ 8.97 0.34%
Excadrill - 174/162 Excadrill 174 162 Excadrill 174 162 Illustration Rare 174 / 219 $ 6.83 -1.01%
Mudsdale - 175/162 Mudsdale 175 162 Mudsdale 175 162 Illustration Rare 175 / 219 $ 6.30 0.64%
Arbok - 176/162 Arbok 176 162 Arbok 176 162 Illustration Rare 176 / 219 $ 18.70 2.58%
Gastly - 177/162 Gastly 177 162 Gastly 177 162 Illustration Rare 177 / 219 $ 46.46 -1.61%
Metagross - 178/162 Metagross 178 162 Metagross 178 162 Illustration Rare 178 / 219 $ 24.05 0.50%
Meltan - 179/162 Meltan 179 162 Meltan 179 162 Illustration Rare 179 / 219 $ 4.87 -1.62%
Lickitung - 180/162 Lickitung 180 162 Lickitung 180 162 Illustration Rare 180 / 219 $ 12.91 -0.15%
Chatot - 181/162 Chatot 181 162 Chatot 181 162 Illustration Rare 181 / 219 $ 9.58 -2.54%
Minccino - 182/162 Minccino 182 162 Minccino 182 162 Illustration Rare 182 / 219 $ 12.42 -2.28%
Cinccino - 183/162 Cinccino 183 162 Cinccino 183 162 Illustration Rare 183 / 219 $ 14.80 -2.25%
Drampa - 184/162 Drampa 184 162 Drampa 184 162 Illustration Rare 184 / 219 $ 12.90 0.39%
Torterra ex - 185/162 Torterra ex 185 162 Torterra ex 185 162 Ultra Rare 185 / 219 $ 3.83 -2.54%
Iron Leaves ex - 186/162 Iron Leaves ex 186 162 Iron Leaves ex 186 162 Ultra Rare 186 / 219 $ 1.91 2.69%
Incineroar ex - 187/162 Incineroar ex 187 162 Incineroar ex 187 162 Ultra Rare 187 / 219 $ 2.68 -6.94%
Gouging Fire ex - 188/162 Gouging Fire ex 188 162 Gouging Fire ex 188 162 Ultra Rare 188 / 219 $ 3.35 4.04%
Walking Wake ex - 189/162 Walking Wake ex 189 162 Walking Wake ex 189 162 Ultra Rare 189 / 219 $ 2.00 -3.38%
Wugtrio ex - 190/162 Wugtrio ex 190 162 Wugtrio ex 190 162 Ultra Rare 190 / 219 $ 1.24 2.48%
Iron Crown ex - 191/162 Iron Crown ex 191 162 Iron Crown ex 191 162 Ultra Rare 191 / 219 $ 3.14 4.67%
Iron Boulder ex - 192/162 Iron Boulder ex 192 162 Iron Boulder ex 192 162 Ultra Rare 192 / 219 $ 1.67 1.83%
Gengar ex - 193/162 Gengar ex 193 162 Gengar ex 193 162 Ultra Rare 193 / 219 $ 23.26 0.26%
Farigiraf ex - 194/162 Farigiraf ex 194 162 Farigiraf ex 194 162 Ultra Rare 194 / 219 $ 4.53 -0.66%
Scizor ex - 195/162 Scizor ex 195 162 Scizor ex 195 162 Ultra Rare 195 / 219 $ 3.05 -0.97%
Raging Bolt ex - 196/162 Raging Bolt ex 196 162 Raging Bolt ex 196 162 Ultra Rare 196 / 219 $ 7.26 0.55%
Bianca's Devotion - 197/162 Biancas Devotion 197 162 Biancas Devotion 197 162 Ultra Rare 197 / 219 $ 2.93 0.69%
Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking - 198/162 Ciphermaniacs Codebreaking 198 162 Ciphermaniacs Codebreaking 198 162 Ultra Rare 198 / 219 $ 5.61 0.54%
Eri - 199/162 Eri 199 162 Eri 199 162 Ultra Rare 199 / 219 $ 3.28 1.23%
Explorer's Guidance - 200/162 Explorers Guidance 200 162 Explorers Guidance 200 162 Ultra Rare 200 / 219 $ 2.07 0.49%
Morty's Conviction - 201/162 Mortys Conviction 201 162 Mortys Conviction 201 162 Ultra Rare 201 / 219 $ 3.08 -0.32%
Salvatore - 202/162 Salvatore 202 162 Salvatore 202 162 Ultra Rare 202 / 219 $ 1.71 -1.16%
Iron Leaves ex - 203/162 Iron Leaves ex 203 162 Iron Leaves ex 203 162 Special Illustration Rare 203 / 219 $ 39.64 -0.13%
Gouging Fire ex - 204/162 Gouging Fire ex 204 162 Gouging Fire ex 204 162 Special Illustration Rare 204 / 219 $ 52.12 -0.25%
Walking Wake ex - 205/162 Walking Wake ex 205 162 Walking Wake ex 205 162 Special Illustration Rare 205 / 219 $ 67.08 0.06%
Iron Crown ex - 206/162 Iron Crown ex 206 162 Iron Crown ex 206 162 Special Illustration Rare 206 / 219 $ 65.61 -0.08%
Iron Boulder ex - 207/162 Iron Boulder ex 207 162 Iron Boulder ex 207 162 Special Illustration Rare 207 / 219 $ 21.69 -1.18%
Raging Bolt ex - 208/162 Raging Bolt ex 208 162 Raging Bolt ex 208 162 Special Illustration Rare 208 / 219 $ 106.72 0.23%
Bianca's Devotion - 209/162 Biancas Devotion 209 162 Biancas Devotion 209 162 Special Illustration Rare 209 / 219 $ 29.61 -2.18%
Eri - 210/162 Eri 210 162 Eri 210 162 Special Illustration Rare 210 / 219 $ 22.04 0.46%
Morty's Conviction - 211/162 Mortys Conviction 211 162 Mortys Conviction 211 162 Special Illustration Rare 211 / 219 $ 63.62 1.05%
Salvatore - 212/162 Salvatore 212 162 Salvatore 212 162 Special Illustration Rare 212 / 219 $ 15.96 -0.06%
Iron Leaves ex - 213/162 Iron Leaves ex 213 162 Iron Leaves ex 213 162 Hyper Rare 213 / 219 $ 8.59 -2.50%
Gouging Fire ex - 214/162 Gouging Fire ex 214 162 Gouging Fire ex 214 162 Hyper Rare 214 / 219 $ 13.03 0.15%
Walking Wake ex - 215/162 Walking Wake ex 215 162 Walking Wake ex 215 162 Hyper Rare 215 / 219 $ 11.37 1.70%
Iron Crown ex - 216/162 Iron Crown ex 216 162 Iron Crown ex 216 162 Hyper Rare 216 / 219 $ 12.72 0.39%
Iron Boulder ex - 217/162 Iron Boulder ex 217 162 Iron Boulder ex 217 162 Hyper Rare 217 / 219 $ 10.00 -0.99%
Raging Bolt ex - 218/162 Raging Bolt ex 218 162 Raging Bolt ex 218 162 Hyper Rare 218 / 219 $ 21.51 -0.14%

$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%

Shiftry - 005/162

Shiftry 005 162
$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.06 — 20.00%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%

Grotle - 011/162

Grotle 011 162
$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Torterra ex - 012/162

Torterra ex 012 162
$ 0.93 — -2.11%


$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Deerling - 016/162

Deerling 016 162
$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Sawsbuck - 017/162

Sawsbuck 017 162
$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%

Scovillain ex

Scovillain ex
$ 0.50 — -5.66%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%

Iron Leaves ex - 025/162

Iron Leaves ex 025 162
$ 0.67 — -10.67%


$ 0.10 — 11.11%


$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%


$ 0.07 — -36.36%

Litten - 032/162

Litten 032 162
$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Incineroar ex - 034/162

Incineroar ex 034 162
$ 0.75 — 1.35%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%

Gouging Fire ex - 038/162

Gouging Fire ex 038 162
$ 0.98 — 4.26%


$ 0.16 — -5.88%


$ 0.50 — 8.70%


$ 0.28 — -12.50%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%


$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.10 — -9.09%

Snom - 045/162

Snom 045 162
$ 0.12 — -7.69%


$ 0.05 — 25.00%


$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Walking Wake ex - 050/162

Walking Wake ex 050 162
$ 0.74 — 1.37%


$ 0.13 — 8.33%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.03 — -25.00%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Charjabug - 055/162

Charjabug 055 162
$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.10 — 11.11%


$ 0.10 — -16.67%


$ 0.12 — -29.41%


$ 0.13 — -18.75%

Wugtrio ex - 060/162

Wugtrio ex 060 162
$ 0.58 — 1.75%

Iron Hands

Iron Hands
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Iron Thorns

Iron Thorns
$ 0.12 — -14.29%

Mr. Mime

Mr Mime
$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.05 — 25.00%


$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.18 — -5.26%

Bronzor - 068/162

Bronzor 068 162
$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Reuniclus - 072/162

Reuniclus 072 162
$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Cutiefly - 075/162

Cutiefly 075 162
$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Scream Tail

Scream Tail
$ 0.08 — 14.29%

Flutter Mane

Flutter Mane
$ 0.16 — -5.88%

Iron Valiant - 079/162

Iron Valiant 079 162
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Iron Valiant - 080/162

Iron Valiant 080 162
$ 0.17 — -5.56%

Iron Crown ex - 081/162

Iron Crown ex 081 162
$ 1.23 — -5.38%


$ 0.04 — 33.33%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Relicanth - 084/162

Relicanth 084 162
$ 0.23 — 15.00%


$ 0.14 — 27.27%

Excadrill - 086/162

Excadrill 086 162
$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.09 — -30.77%


$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Mudsdale - 092/162

Mudsdale 092 162
$ 0.09 — -18.18%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.10 — -16.67%

Great Tusk - 096/162

Great Tusk 096 162
$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Great Tusk - 097/162

Great Tusk 097 162
$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Sandy Shocks

Sandy Shocks
$ 0.07 — -12.50%

Iron Boulder ex - 099/162

Iron Boulder ex 099 162
$ 0.63 — -1.56%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Arbok - 101/162

Arbok 101 162
$ 0.07 — 16.67%

Gastly - 102/162

Gastly 102 162
$ 0.14 — -12.50%


$ 0.18 — -14.29%

Gengar ex - 104/162

Gengar ex 104 162
$ 2.47 — 1.65%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.09 — -43.75%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Farigiraf ex - 108/162

Farigiraf ex 108 162
$ 1.22 — -4.69%

Roaring Moon

Roaring Moon
$ 0.44 — -6.38%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%

Scizor ex - 111/162

Scizor ex 111 162
$ 0.65 — -4.41%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.14 — -12.50%


$ 0.16 — 6.67%

Metagross - 115/162

Metagross 115 162
$ 0.11 — -8.33%

Meltan - 116/162

Meltan 116 162
$ 0.08 — -20.00%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%

Iron Treads

Iron Treads
$ 0.22 — -4.35%


$ 0.14 — 7.69%

Koraidon ex

Koraidon ex
$ 0.57 — 1.79%


$ 0.23 — 4.55%

Miraidon ex

Miraidon ex
$ 0.62 — 8.77%

Raging Bolt ex - 123/162

Raging Bolt ex 123 162
$ 5.28 — 2.33%

Lickitung - 124/162

Lickitung 124 162
$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.17 — 13.33%


$ 0.24 — -7.69%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.13 — -13.33%

Chatot - 132/162

Chatot 132 162
$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.04 — 33.33%


$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.20 — 5.26%

Minccino - 136/162

Minccino 136 162
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Cinccino - 137/162

Cinccino 137 162
$ 0.09 — 12.50%

Drampa - 138/162

Drampa 138 162
$ 0.08 — -20.00%

Iron Jugulis

Iron Jugulis
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Ancient Booster Energy Capsule

Ancient Booster Energy Capsule
$ 0.13 — 18.18%

Awakening Drum

Awakening Drum
$ 0.59 — -1.67%

Bianca's Devotion - 142/162

Biancas Devotion 142 162
$ 0.17 — -5.56%

Boxed Order

Boxed Order
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Buddy-Buddy Poffin

Buddy Buddy Poffin
$ 0.68 — -1.45%

Eri - 146/162

Eri 146 162
$ 0.09 — 12.50%

Explorer's Guidance - 147/162

Explorers Guidance 147 162
$ 0.08 — 14.29%

Full Metal Lab

Full Metal Lab
$ 0.11 — 22.22%

Future Booster Energy Capsule

Future Booster Energy Capsule
$ 0.06 — -14.29%

Hand Trimmer

Hand Trimmer
$ 0.06 — -14.29%

Heavy Baton

Heavy Baton
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Hero's Cape

Heros Cape
$ 6.48 — -1.07%

Master Ball

Master Ball
$ 1.72 — -1.71%

Maximum Belt

Maximum Belt
$ 1.36 — -1.45%

Morty's Conviction - 155/162

Mortys Conviction 155 162
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Perilous Jungle

Perilous Jungle
$ 0.12 — -33.33%

Prime Catcher

Prime Catcher
$ 3.31 — -2.93%

Reboot Pod

Reboot Pod
$ 0.65 — 1.56%

Rescue Board

Rescue Board
$ 0.14 — 7.69%

Salvatore - 160/162

Salvatore 160 162
$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Mist Energy

Mist Energy
$ 0.19 — -5.00%

Neo Upper Energy

Neo Upper Energy
$ 2.75 — -1.08%

Shiftry - 163/162

Shiftry 163 162
$ 11.76 — 0.26%

Grotle - 164/162

Grotle 164 162
$ 10.37 — 0.48%

Deerling - 165/162

Deerling 165 162
$ 20.59 — -0.58%

Sawsbuck - 166/162

Sawsbuck 166 162
$ 32.59 — -0.15%

Litten - 167/162

Litten 167 162
$ 19.93 — 1.37%

Snom - 168/162

Snom 168 162
$ 9.57 — 0.10%

Charjabug - 169/162

Charjabug 169 162
$ 5.76 — 0.52%

Bronzor - 170/162

Bronzor 170 162
$ 7.84 — 0.38%

Reuniclus - 171/162

Reuniclus 171 162
$ 10.09 — -0.39%

Cutiefly - 172/162

Cutiefly 172 162
$ 4.88 — -1.81%

Relicanth - 173/162

Relicanth 173 162
$ 8.97 — 0.34%

Excadrill - 174/162

Excadrill 174 162
$ 6.83 — -1.01%

Mudsdale - 175/162

Mudsdale 175 162
$ 6.30 — 0.64%

Arbok - 176/162

Arbok 176 162
$ 18.70 — 2.58%

Gastly - 177/162

Gastly 177 162
$ 46.46 — -1.61%

Metagross - 178/162

Metagross 178 162
$ 24.05 — 0.50%

Meltan - 179/162

Meltan 179 162
$ 4.87 — -1.62%

Lickitung - 180/162

Lickitung 180 162
$ 12.91 — -0.15%

Chatot - 181/162

Chatot 181 162
$ 9.58 — -2.54%

Minccino - 182/162

Minccino 182 162
$ 12.42 — -2.28%

Cinccino - 183/162

Cinccino 183 162
$ 14.80 — -2.25%

Drampa - 184/162

Drampa 184 162
$ 12.90 — 0.39%

Torterra ex - 185/162

Torterra ex 185 162
$ 3.83 — -2.54%

Iron Leaves ex - 186/162

Iron Leaves ex 186 162
$ 1.91 — 2.69%

Incineroar ex - 187/162

Incineroar ex 187 162
$ 2.68 — -6.94%

Gouging Fire ex - 188/162

Gouging Fire ex 188 162
$ 3.35 — 4.04%

Walking Wake ex - 189/162

Walking Wake ex 189 162
$ 2.00 — -3.38%

Wugtrio ex - 190/162

Wugtrio ex 190 162
$ 1.24 — 2.48%

Iron Crown ex - 191/162

Iron Crown ex 191 162
$ 3.14 — 4.67%

Iron Boulder ex - 192/162

Iron Boulder ex 192 162
$ 1.67 — 1.83%

Gengar ex - 193/162

Gengar ex 193 162
$ 23.26 — 0.26%

Farigiraf ex - 194/162

Farigiraf ex 194 162
$ 4.53 — -0.66%

Scizor ex - 195/162

Scizor ex 195 162
$ 3.05 — -0.97%

Raging Bolt ex - 196/162

Raging Bolt ex 196 162
$ 7.26 — 0.55%

Bianca's Devotion - 197/162

Biancas Devotion 197 162
$ 2.93 — 0.69%

Eri - 199/162

Eri 199 162
$ 3.28 — 1.23%

Explorer's Guidance - 200/162

Explorers Guidance 200 162
$ 2.07 — 0.49%

Morty's Conviction - 201/162

Mortys Conviction 201 162
$ 3.08 — -0.32%

Salvatore - 202/162

Salvatore 202 162
$ 1.71 — -1.16%

Iron Leaves ex - 203/162

Iron Leaves ex 203 162
$ 39.64 — -0.13%

Gouging Fire ex - 204/162

Gouging Fire ex 204 162
$ 52.12 — -0.25%

Walking Wake ex - 205/162

Walking Wake ex 205 162
$ 67.08 — 0.06%

Iron Crown ex - 206/162

Iron Crown ex 206 162
$ 65.61 — -0.08%

Iron Boulder ex - 207/162

Iron Boulder ex 207 162
$ 21.69 — -1.18%

Raging Bolt ex - 208/162

Raging Bolt ex 208 162
$ 106.72 — 0.23%

Bianca's Devotion - 209/162

Biancas Devotion 209 162
$ 29.61 — -2.18%

Eri - 210/162

Eri 210 162
$ 22.04 — 0.46%

Morty's Conviction - 211/162

Mortys Conviction 211 162
$ 63.62 — 1.05%

Salvatore - 212/162

Salvatore 212 162
$ 15.96 — -0.06%

Iron Leaves ex - 213/162

Iron Leaves ex 213 162
$ 8.59 — -2.50%

Gouging Fire ex - 214/162

Gouging Fire ex 214 162
$ 13.03 — 0.15%

Walking Wake ex - 215/162

Walking Wake ex 215 162
$ 11.37 — 1.70%

Iron Crown ex - 216/162

Iron Crown ex 216 162
$ 12.72 — 0.39%

Iron Boulder ex - 217/162

Iron Boulder ex 217 162
$ 10.00 — -0.99%

Raging Bolt ex - 218/162

Raging Bolt ex 218 162
$ 21.51 — -0.14%