Rising Rivals Logo
1 Ratings
Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $7.28
Total Value Range $435.36 — $1,615.53
Average Card Price Range $3.63 — $7.28

About Rising Rivals

Released on May 16, 2009, Rising Rivals is part of the Platinum series, and has 120 total cards.

Rising Rivals is a booster pack from the Pokémon Trading Card Game released in 2009. The set consists of 110 cards, including 12 new Pokémon Prime cards, 4 new Pokémon LEGEND cards, 5 new baby Pokémon cards, and 4 new Pokémon LV.X cards. It also includes 8 new Trainer cards and 8 new Supporter cards. The set includes several cards focused on the two rivals, Dialga and Palkia, from the movie Giratina and the Sky Warrior.

Rising Rivals is the first set to feature the introduction of the Pokémon Prime card. Prime cards feature Pokémon that had evolved from their original stage with more powerful abilities; represented by the small red star on the card's name. The set also introduces Black Star Promo cards, which rely on the Fire-Type Charizard to battle the Darkrai from the 8th movie in the Pokémon franchise.

The set also features 4 new Trainer cards with various effects such as removal of energy cards from Pokémon in play, drawing extra cards, discarding cards, and increasing attack damage. Rising Rivals also includes 8 new Supporter cards with various effects to help players strategize and outsmart their opponents.

Rising Rivals was well-received by Pokémon fans and collectors due to its powerful and impressive re-print cards as well as its great new additions. The set is widely available online and in physical stores.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Rising Rivals?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Rising Rivals. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Rising Rivals.

Snorlax Lv.X

Snorlax LvX

$190.00 249.78%

Flying Pikachu

Flying Pikachu

$121.89 570.46%
1 Snorlax Lv.X Snorlax LvX Ultra Rare 111 / 120 $190.00 249.78%
2 Flying Pikachu Flying Pikachu Secret Rare 113 / 120 $121.89 570.46%
3 Luxray GL Lv.X Luxray GL LvX Ultra Rare 109 / 120 $97.82 142.67%
4 Flygon Lv.X Flygon LvX Ultra Rare 105 / 120 $93.83 227.96%
5 Infernape E4 Lv.X Infernape E4 LvX Ultra Rare 108 / 120 $92.92 808.31%
6 Pikachu Pikachu Secret Rare 112 / 120 $85.09 257.52%
7 Surfing Pikachu Surfing Pikachu Secret Rare 114 / 120 $83.85 189.14%
8 Alakazam E4 Lv.X Alakazam E4 LvX Ultra Rare 103 / 120 $72.80 58.33%
9 Floatzel GL Lv.X Floatzel GL LvX Ultra Rare 104 / 120 $39.85 109.85%
10 Gallade E4 Lv.X Gallade E4 LvX Ultra Rare 106 / 120 $39.43 222.67%

Rising Rivals Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Rising Rivals. Complete with prices and trends.

Rising Rivals Booster Pack

Rising Rivals Booster Pack

$199.99 — 0%

Rising Rivals Booster Box

Rising Rivals Booster Box

$0.00 — 0%

Arcanine Arcanine Arcanine Holo Rare 1 / 120 $ 23.94 -0.46%
Bastiodon GL Bastiodon GL Bastiodon GL Holo Rare 2 / 120 $ 2.66 2.70%
Darkrai G Darkrai G Darkrai G Holo Rare 3 / 120 $ 19.00 16.92%
Floatzel GL Floatzel GL Floatzel GL Holo Rare 4 / 120 $ 3.64 1.68%
Flygon Flygon Flygon Holo Rare 5 / 120 $ 11.87 8.70%
Froslass GL Froslass GL Froslass GL Holo Rare 6 / 120 $ 5.48 -0.18%
Jirachi Jirachi Jirachi Holo Rare 7 / 120 $ 7.32 -8.04%
Lucario GL Lucario GL Lucario GL Holo Rare 8 / 120 $ 7.62 -0.13%
Luxray GL Luxray GL Luxray GL Holo Rare 9 / 120 $ 13.69 -0.80%
Mismagius GL Mismagius GL Mismagius GL Holo Rare 10 / 120 $ 5.22 -1.51%
Rampardos GL Rampardos GL Rampardos GL Holo Rare 11 / 120 $ 4.05 -3.34%
Roserade GL Roserade GL Roserade GL Holo Rare 12 / 120 $ 5.82 -3.48%
Shiftry Shiftry Shiftry Holo Rare 13 / 120 $ 2.43 11.98%
Aggron Aggron Aggron Rare 14 / 120 $ 1.56 2.63%
Beedrill Beedrill Beedrill Rare 15 / 120 $ 0.84 2.44%
Bronzong E4 Bronzong E4 Bronzong E4 Rare 16 / 120 $ 1.06 0.95%
Drapion E4 Drapion E4 Drapion E4 Rare 17 / 120 $ 2.29 41.36%
Espeon E4 Espeon E4 Espeon E4 Rare 18 / 120 $ 7.72 -0.13%
Flareon Flareon Flareon Rare 19 / 120 $ 5.62 0.72%
Gallade E4 Gallade E4 Gallade E4 Rare 20 / 120 $ 2.45 -0.81%
Gastrodon (East Sea) Gastrodon East Sea Gastrodon East Sea Rare 21 / 120 $ 1.30 -0.76%
Gastrodon (West Sea) Gastrodon West Sea Gastrodon West Sea Rare 22 / 120 $ 2.66 -7.96%
Golem E4 Golem E4 Golem E4 Rare 23 / 120 $ 1.22 -2.40%
Heracross E4 Heracross E4 Heracross E4 Rare 24 / 120 $ 2.17 1.40%
Hippowdon Hippowdon Hippowdon Rare 25 / 120 $ 0.75 4.17%
Jolteon Jolteon Jolteon Rare 26 / 120 $ 25.63 10.66%
Mamoswine GL Mamoswine GL Mamoswine GL Rare 27 / 120 $ 1.36 -0.73%
Mr. Mime E4 Mr Mime E4 Mr Mime E4 Rare 28 / 120 $ 0.66 -1.49%
Nidoking Nidoking Nidoking Rare 29 / 120 $ 3.13 3.64%
Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Rare 30 / 120 $ 3.76 0.27%
Raichu GL Raichu GL Raichu GL Rare 31 / 120 $ 11.48 6.79%
Rhyperior E4 Rhyperior E4 Rhyperior E4 Rare 32 / 120 $ 0.64 1.59%
Snorlax (33) Snorlax 33 Snorlax 33 Rare 33 / 120 $ 6.98 4.02%
Vaporeon Vaporeon Vaporeon Rare 34 / 120 $ 7.85 4.39%
Vespiquen E4 Vespiquen E4 Vespiquen E4 Rare 35 / 120 $ 0.87 1.16%
Walrein Walrein Walrein Rare 36 / 120 $ 0.81 -1.22%
Yanmega E4 Yanmega E4 Yanmega E4 Rare 37 / 120 $ 0.77 1.32%
Alakazam E4 Alakazam E4 Alakazam E4 Uncommon 38 / 120 $ 1.61 0.63%
Electrode G Electrode G Electrode G Uncommon 39 / 120 $ 0.30 3.45%
Gengar GL Gengar GL Gengar GL Uncommon 40 / 120 $ 5.13 12.01%
Glaceon Glaceon Glaceon Uncommon 41 / 120 $ 3.18 11.19%
Hippowdon E4 Hippowdon E4 Hippowdon E4 Uncommon 42 / 120 $ 0.35 2.94%
Infernape E4 Infernape E4 Infernape E4 Uncommon 43 / 120 $ 0.77 5.48%
Lairon Lairon Lairon Uncommon 44 / 120 $ 0.80 33.33%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Uncommon 45 / 120 $ 1.83 0.55%
Machamp GL Machamp GL Machamp GL Uncommon 46 / 120 $ 2.30 -3.77%
Rapidash E4 Rapidash E4 Rapidash E4 Uncommon 47 / 120 $ 0.72 -26.53%
Scizor E4 Scizor E4 Scizor E4 Uncommon 48 / 120 $ 1.53 -1.29%
Sharpedo Sharpedo Sharpedo Uncommon 49 / 120 $ 0.86 16.22%
Starmie Starmie Starmie Uncommon 50 / 120 $ 0.76 -9.52%
Steelix GL Steelix GL Steelix GL Uncommon 51 / 120 $ 0.85 1.19%
Tropius Tropius Tropius Uncommon 52 / 120 $ 0.30 7.14%
Vibrava Vibrava Vibrava Uncommon 53 / 120 $ 0.27 3.85%
Whiscash E4 Whiscash E4 Whiscash E4 Uncommon 54 / 120 $ 0.31 3.33%
Aerodactyl GL Aerodactyl GL Aerodactyl GL Common 55 / 120 $ 0.50 -5.66%
Ambipom G Ambipom G Ambipom G Common 56 / 120 $ 0.44 -2.22%
Aron Aron Aron Common 57 / 120 $ 0.26 -3.70%
Carvanha Carvanha Carvanha Common 58 / 120 $ 0.78 -1.27%
Eevee Eevee Eevee Common 59 / 120 $ 1.40 1.45%
Flareon E4 Flareon E4 Flareon E4 Common 60 / 120 $ 1.75 14.38%
Forretress G Forretress G Forretress G Common 61 / 120 $ 0.50 -7.41%
Gliscor E4 Gliscor E4 Gliscor E4 Common 62 / 120 $ 1.09 -12.80%
Growlithe Growlithe Growlithe Common 63 / 120 $ 7.26 10.33%
Hippopotas Hippopotas Hippopotas Common 64 / 120 $ 1.57 -8.19%
Houndoom E4 Houndoom E4 Houndoom E4 Common 65 / 120 $ 0.86 1.18%
Kakuna Kakuna Kakuna Common 66 / 120 $ 0.36 -2.70%
Kecleon Kecleon Kecleon Common 67 / 120 $ 0.31 -3.13%
Koffing Koffing Koffing Common 68 / 120 $ 0.26 8.33%
Munchlax (69) Munchlax 69 Munchlax 69 Common 69 / 120 $ 4.91 1.66%
Munchlax (70) Munchlax 70 Munchlax 70 Common 70 / 120 $ 1.11 -0.89%
Nidoran F Nidoran F Nidoran F Common 71 / 120 $ 0.40 2.56%
Nidoran M Nidoran M Nidoran M Common 72 / 120 $ 0.80 -4.76%
Nidorina Nidorina Nidorina Common 73 / 120 $ 0.55 1.85%
Nidorino Nidorino Nidorino Common 74 / 120 $ 0.20 5.26%
Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Common 75 / 120 $ 0.25 -10.71%
Quagsire GL Quagsire GL Quagsire GL Common 76 / 120 $ 0.47 -2.08%
Sealeo Sealeo Sealeo Common 77 / 120 $ 0.28 3.70%
Seedot Seedot Seedot Common 78 / 120 $ 0.75 1.35%
Shellos East Sea Shellos East Sea Shellos East Sea Common 79 / 120 $ 0.39 8.33%
Shellos West Sea Shellos West Sea Shellos West Sea Common 80 / 120 $ 0.26 -7.14%
Snorlax (81) Snorlax 81 Snorlax 81 Common 81 / 120 $ 2.90 -1.02%
Spheal Spheal Spheal Common 82 / 120 $ 0.54 1.89%
Staryu Staryu Staryu Common 83 / 120 $ 0.36 -2.70%
Trapinch Trapinch Trapinch Common 84 / 120 $ 0.30 7.14%
Turtwig GL Turtwig GL Turtwig GL Common 85 / 120 $ 0.67 3.08%
Weedle Weedle Weedle Common 86 / 120 $ 0.73 1.39%
Weezing Weezing Weezing Common 87 / 120 $ 1.33 12.71%
Aaron's Collection Aarons Collection Aarons Collection Uncommon 88 / 120 $ 1.56 4.00%
Bebe's Search Bebes Search Bebes Search Uncommon 89 / 120 $ 0.29 3.57%
Bertha's Warmth Berthas Warmth Berthas Warmth Uncommon 90 / 120 $ 0.50 -32.43%
Flint's Willpower Flints Willpower Flints Willpower Uncommon 91 / 120 $ 0.19 -5.00%
Lucian's Assignment Lucians Assignment Lucians Assignment Uncommon 92 / 120 $ 1.89 6.78%
Pokemon Contest Hall Pokemon Contest Hall Pokemon Contest Hall Uncommon 93 / 120 $ 0.34 -10.53%
Sunyshore City Gym Sunyshore City Gym Sunyshore City Gym Uncommon 94 / 120 $ 0.62 6.90%
Team Galactic's Invention G-107 Technical Mach. G Team Galactics Invention G 107 Technical Mach G Team Galactics Invention G 107 Technical Mach G Uncommon 95 / 120 $ 0.24 4.35%
Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar Team Galactics Invention G 109 SP Radar Team Galactics Invention G 109 SP Radar Uncommon 96 / 120 $ 0.67 -1.47%
Underground Expedition Underground Expedition Underground Expedition Uncommon 97 / 120 $ 0.25 -3.85%
Volkner's Philosophy Volkners Philosophy Volkners Philosophy Uncommon 98 / 120 $ 0.25 -3.85%
Darkness Energy (Special) Darkness Energy Special Darkness Energy Special Uncommon 99 / 120 $ 0.39 -4.88%
Metal Energy (Special) Metal Energy Special Metal Energy Special Uncommon 100 / 120 $ 0.28 -3.45%
SP Energy SP Energy SP Energy Uncommon 101 / 120 $ 0.78 1.30%
Upper Energy Upper Energy Upper Energy Uncommon 102 / 120 $ 0.33 -2.94%
Alakazam E4 Lv.X Alakazam E4 LvX Alakazam E4 LvX Ultra Rare 103 / 120 $ 72.80 20.15%
Floatzel GL Lv.X Floatzel GL LvX Floatzel GL LvX Ultra Rare 104 / 120 $ 39.85 0.08%
Flygon Lv.X Flygon LvX Flygon LvX Ultra Rare 105 / 120 $ 93.83 3.83%
Gallade E4 Lv.X Gallade E4 LvX Gallade E4 LvX Ultra Rare 106 / 120 $ 39.43 3.38%
Hippowdon Lv.X Hippowdon LvX Hippowdon LvX Ultra Rare 107 / 120 $ 29.24 2.06%
Infernape E4 Lv.X Infernape E4 LvX Infernape E4 LvX Ultra Rare 108 / 120 $ 92.92 4.99%
Luxray GL Lv.X Luxray GL LvX Luxray GL LvX Ultra Rare 109 / 120 $ 97.82 9.97%
Mismagius GL Lv.X Mismagius GL LvX Mismagius GL LvX Ultra Rare 110 / 120 $ 25.99 -4.87%
Snorlax Lv.X Snorlax LvX Snorlax LvX Ultra Rare 111 / 120 $ 190.00 2.70%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Secret Rare 112 / 120 $ 85.09 -3.84%
Flying Pikachu Flying Pikachu Flying Pikachu Secret Rare 113 / 120 $ 121.89 17.44%
Surfing Pikachu Surfing Pikachu Surfing Pikachu Secret Rare 114 / 120 $ 83.85 7.65%

$ 23.94 — -0.46%

Bastiodon GL

Bastiodon GL
$ 2.66 — 2.70%

Darkrai G

Darkrai G
$ 19.00 — 16.92%

Floatzel GL

Floatzel GL
$ 3.64 — 1.68%


$ 11.87 — 8.70%

Froslass GL

Froslass GL
$ 5.48 — -0.18%


$ 7.32 — -8.04%

Lucario GL

Lucario GL
$ 7.62 — -0.13%

Luxray GL

Luxray GL
$ 13.69 — -0.80%

Mismagius GL

Mismagius GL
$ 5.22 — -1.51%

Rampardos GL

Rampardos GL
$ 4.05 — -3.34%

Roserade GL

Roserade GL
$ 5.82 — -3.48%


$ 2.43 — 11.98%


$ 1.56 — 2.63%


$ 0.84 — 2.44%

Bronzong E4

Bronzong E4
$ 1.06 — 0.95%

Drapion E4

Drapion E4
$ 2.29 — 41.36%

Espeon E4

Espeon E4
$ 7.72 — -0.13%


$ 5.62 — 0.72%

Gallade E4

Gallade E4
$ 2.45 — -0.81%

Gastrodon (East Sea)

Gastrodon East Sea
$ 1.30 — -0.76%

Gastrodon (West Sea)

Gastrodon West Sea
$ 2.66 — -7.96%

Golem E4

Golem E4
$ 1.22 — -2.40%

Heracross E4

Heracross E4
$ 2.17 — 1.40%


$ 0.75 — 4.17%


$ 25.63 — 10.66%

Mamoswine GL

Mamoswine GL
$ 1.36 — -0.73%

Mr. Mime E4

Mr Mime E4
$ 0.66 — -1.49%


$ 3.13 — 3.64%


$ 3.76 — 0.27%

Raichu GL

Raichu GL
$ 11.48 — 6.79%

Rhyperior E4

Rhyperior E4
$ 0.64 — 1.59%

Snorlax (33)

Snorlax 33
$ 6.98 — 4.02%


$ 7.85 — 4.39%

Vespiquen E4

Vespiquen E4
$ 0.87 — 1.16%


$ 0.81 — -1.22%

Yanmega E4

Yanmega E4
$ 0.77 — 1.32%

Alakazam E4

Alakazam E4
$ 1.61 — 0.63%

Electrode G

Electrode G
$ 0.30 — 3.45%

Gengar GL

Gengar GL
$ 5.13 — 12.01%


$ 3.18 — 11.19%

Hippowdon E4

Hippowdon E4
$ 0.35 — 2.94%

Infernape E4

Infernape E4
$ 0.77 — 5.48%


$ 0.80 — 33.33%


$ 1.83 — 0.55%

Machamp GL

Machamp GL
$ 2.30 — -3.77%

Rapidash E4

Rapidash E4
$ 0.72 — -26.53%

Scizor E4

Scizor E4
$ 1.53 — -1.29%


$ 0.86 — 16.22%


$ 0.76 — -9.52%

Steelix GL

Steelix GL
$ 0.85 — 1.19%


$ 0.30 — 7.14%


$ 0.27 — 3.85%

Whiscash E4

Whiscash E4
$ 0.31 — 3.33%

Aerodactyl GL

Aerodactyl GL
$ 0.50 — -5.66%

Ambipom G

Ambipom G
$ 0.44 — -2.22%


$ 0.26 — -3.70%


$ 0.78 — -1.27%


$ 1.40 — 1.45%

Flareon E4

Flareon E4
$ 1.75 — 14.38%

Forretress G

Forretress G
$ 0.50 — -7.41%

Gliscor E4

Gliscor E4
$ 1.09 — -12.80%


$ 7.26 — 10.33%


$ 1.57 — -8.19%

Houndoom E4

Houndoom E4
$ 0.86 — 1.18%


$ 0.36 — -2.70%


$ 0.31 — -3.13%


$ 0.26 — 8.33%

Munchlax (69)

Munchlax 69
$ 4.91 — 1.66%

Munchlax (70)

Munchlax 70
$ 1.11 — -0.89%

Nidoran F

Nidoran F
$ 0.40 — 2.56%

Nidoran M

Nidoran M
$ 0.80 — -4.76%


$ 0.55 — 1.85%


$ 0.20 — 5.26%


$ 0.25 — -10.71%

Quagsire GL

Quagsire GL
$ 0.47 — -2.08%


$ 0.28 — 3.70%


$ 0.75 — 1.35%

Shellos East Sea

Shellos East Sea
$ 0.39 — 8.33%

Shellos West Sea

Shellos West Sea
$ 0.26 — -7.14%

Snorlax (81)

Snorlax 81
$ 2.90 — -1.02%


$ 0.54 — 1.89%


$ 0.36 — -2.70%


$ 0.30 — 7.14%

Turtwig GL

Turtwig GL
$ 0.67 — 3.08%


$ 0.73 — 1.39%


$ 1.33 — 12.71%

Aaron's Collection

Aarons Collection
$ 1.56 — 4.00%

Bebe's Search

Bebes Search
$ 0.29 — 3.57%

Bertha's Warmth

Berthas Warmth
$ 0.50 — -32.43%

Flint's Willpower

Flints Willpower
$ 0.19 — -5.00%

Lucian's Assignment

Lucians Assignment
$ 1.89 — 6.78%

Pokemon Contest Hall

Pokemon Contest Hall
$ 0.34 — -10.53%

Sunyshore City Gym

Sunyshore City Gym
$ 0.62 — 6.90%

Underground Expedition

Underground Expedition
$ 0.25 — -3.85%

Volkner's Philosophy

Volkners Philosophy
$ 0.25 — -3.85%

Darkness Energy (Special)

Darkness Energy Special
$ 0.39 — -4.88%

Metal Energy (Special)

Metal Energy Special
$ 0.28 — -3.45%

SP Energy

SP Energy
$ 0.78 — 1.30%

Upper Energy

Upper Energy
$ 0.33 — -2.94%

Alakazam E4 Lv.X

Alakazam E4 LvX
$ 72.80 — 20.15%

Floatzel GL Lv.X

Floatzel GL LvX
$ 39.85 — 0.08%

Flygon Lv.X

Flygon LvX
$ 93.83 — 3.83%

Gallade E4 Lv.X

Gallade E4 LvX
$ 39.43 — 3.38%

Hippowdon Lv.X

Hippowdon LvX
$ 29.24 — 2.06%

Infernape E4 Lv.X

Infernape E4 LvX
$ 92.92 — 4.99%

Luxray GL Lv.X

Luxray GL LvX
$ 97.82 — 9.97%

Mismagius GL Lv.X

Mismagius GL LvX
$ 25.99 — -4.87%

Snorlax Lv.X

Snorlax LvX
$ 190.00 — 2.70%


$ 85.09 — -3.84%

Flying Pikachu

Flying Pikachu
$ 121.89 — 17.44%

Surfing Pikachu

Surfing Pikachu
$ 83.85 — 7.65%