Neo Discovery Logo
0 Ratings
Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $15.51
Total Value Range $597.87 — $1,162.97
Average Card Price Range $7.97 — $15.51

About Neo Discovery

Released on June 1, 2001, Neo Discovery is part of the Neo series, and has 75 total cards.

Neo Discovery is a 76-card expansion set released for the Pokémon Trading Card Game in June of 2001. The set is based on the Neo series of the Pokémon video games, focusing on the search for the mysterious unknown Pokémon Celebi, the titular Neo Discovery. This set marked the first major expansion of cards since the Game Boy-based TCG debuted in the United States, introducing many new and exciting cards including Holon's own peculiar breed of Pokémon-EX, the ultra-powerful Colorless-type Pokémon.

The set also introduced a new type of card, the Pokémon Prime. These cards featured a holographic-like background and only the most powerful Pokémon could become Primes. These cards also featured the new "holon energy" symbol along with their regular attack and retreat cost. This symbol acts as both a powerful source of energy and can even unlock special effects when certain holon energy cards are placed in the Holon deck.

This set includes various new basic cards with unique effects. This includes cards such as; Charmeleon's "Fire Shield" which prevents all effects of fire-type attacks, Zapdos' "Electric Plasma" which deals double damage to Pokémon with electric-type attacks, and the newly-introduced Raiden the Thunderbolt Pokemon whose signature move, Electric Wing, deals damage to all opposing Pokémon.

Neo Discovery also introduced special cards like the Trainer Cards, which grant special effects such as drawing extra cards to the player’s hand or flipping over cards to search for Pokémon. The set also contains a variety of other cards including item cards, stadium cards, Poké-Powers, and Poké-Bodies.

Overall, Neo Discovery is a great addition to any Pokémon TCG fan's collection as it introduced many new and exciting cards that had never been seen in the Pokémon TCG before. The set is highly sought after and is an incredibly rare find.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Neo Discovery?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Neo Discovery. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Neo Discovery.

Umbreon (13)

Umbreon 13

$302.18 113.39%

Espeon (1)

Espeon 1

$179.93 71.79%
1 Umbreon (13) Umbreon 13 Holo Rare 13 / 75 $302.18 113.39%
2 Espeon (1) Espeon 1 Holo Rare 1 / 75 $179.93 71.79%
3 Tyranitar (12) Tyranitar 12 Holo Rare 12 / 75 $88.62 29.28%
4 Houndoom (4) Houndoom 4 Holo Rare 4 / 75 $49.77 32.33%
5 Houndour (5) Houndour 5 Holo Rare 5 / 75 $45.88 33.37%

Neo Discovery Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Neo Discovery. Complete with prices and trends.

Neo Discovery Booster Pack [Unlimited Edition]

Neo Discovery Booster Pack Unlimited Edition

$354.30 — 0%

Neo Discovery Booster Pack [1st Edition]

Neo Discovery Booster Pack 1st Edition

— 0%

Neo Discovery Theme Deck - "Brain Wave"

Neo Discovery Theme Deck Brain Wave

$0.00 — 0%

Espeon (1) Espeon 1 Espeon 1 Holo Rare 1 / 75 $ 179.93 8.01%
Forretress (2) Forretress 2 Forretress 2 Holo Rare 2 / 75 $ 17.08 3.58%
Hitmontop (3) Hitmontop 3 Hitmontop 3 Holo Rare 3 / 75 $ 10.63 -0.28%
Houndoom (4) Houndoom 4 Houndoom 4 Holo Rare 4 / 75 $ 49.77 51.97%
Houndour (5) Houndour 5 Houndour 5 Holo Rare 5 / 75 $ 45.88 10.85%
Kabutops (6) Kabutops 6 Kabutops 6 Holo Rare 6 / 75 $ 40.51 1.40%
Magnemite (7) Magnemite 7 Magnemite 7 Holo Rare 7 / 75 $ 19.95 -0.50%
Politoed (8) Politoed 8 Politoed 8 Holo Rare 8 / 75 $ 29.82 1.98%
Poliwrath (9) Poliwrath 9 Poliwrath 9 Holo Rare 9 / 75 $ 15.75 5.63%
Scizor (10) Scizor 10 Scizor 10 Holo Rare 10 / 75 $ 36.23 4.71%
Smeargle (11) Smeargle 11 Smeargle 11 Holo Rare 11 / 75 $ 37.90 -3.56%
Tyranitar (12) Tyranitar 12 Tyranitar 12 Holo Rare 12 / 75 $ 88.62 16.12%
Umbreon (13) Umbreon 13 Umbreon 13 Holo Rare 13 / 75 $ 302.18 22.80%
Unown [A] (14) Unown A 14 Unown A 14 Holo Rare 14 / 75 $ 9.73 2.85%
Ursaring (15) Ursaring 15 Ursaring 15 Holo Rare 15 / 75 $ 28.88 0.98%
Wobbuffet (16) Wobbuffet 16 Wobbuffet 16 Holo Rare 16 / 75 $ 20.77 13.37%
Yanma (17) Yanma 17 Yanma 17 Holo Rare 17 / 75 $ 19.31 0.63%
Beedrill Beedrill Beedrill Rare 18 / 75 $ 4.92 -0.20%
Butterfree Butterfree Butterfree Rare 19 / 75 $ 2.64 0.38%
Espeon (20) Espeon 20 Espeon 20 Rare 20 / 75 $ 10.98 0.37%
Forretress (21) Forretress 21 Forretress 21 Rare 21 / 75 $ 5.13 -0.77%
Hitmontop (22) Hitmontop 22 Hitmontop 22 Rare 22 / 75 $ 9.12 -1.72%
Houndoom (23) Houndoom 23 Houndoom 23 Rare 23 / 75 $ 19.33 3.54%
Houndour (24) Houndour 24 Houndour 24 Rare 24 / 75 $ 7.16 -0.56%
Kabutops (25) Kabutops 25 Kabutops 25 Rare 25 / 75 $ 6.97 0.72%
Magnemite (26) Magnemite 26 Magnemite 26 Rare 26 / 75 $ 7.38 4.24%
Politoed (27) Politoed 27 Politoed 27 Rare 27 / 75 $ 7.03 2.78%
Poliwrath (28) Poliwrath 28 Poliwrath 28 Rare 28 / 75 $ 3.53 0.28%
Scizor (29) Scizor 29 Scizor 29 Rare 29 / 75 $ 7.42 1.09%
Smeargle (30) Smeargle 30 Smeargle 30 Rare 30 / 75 $ 5.77 1.58%
Tyranitar (31) Tyranitar 31 Tyranitar 31 Rare 31 / 75 $ 13.44 1.20%
Umbreon (32) Umbreon 32 Umbreon 32 Rare 32 / 75 $ 44.02 3.67%
Unown [A] (33) Unown A 33 Unown A 33 Rare 33 / 75 $ 5.85 -0.68%
Ursaring (34) Ursaring 34 Ursaring 34 Rare 34 / 75 $ 5.07 -0.78%
Wobbuffet (35) Wobbuffet 35 Wobbuffet 35 Rare 35 / 75 $ 4.24 3.16%
Yanma (36) Yanma 36 Yanma 36 Rare 36 / 75 $ 4.64 2.88%
Corsola Corsola Corsola Uncommon 37 / 75 $ 1.12 -8.94%
Eevee Eevee Eevee Uncommon 38 / 75 $ 3.13 5.74%
Houndour (39) Houndour 39 Houndour 39 Uncommon 39 / 75 $ 1.42 0.71%
Igglybuff Igglybuff Igglybuff Uncommon 40 / 75 $ 1.84 0.55%
Kakuna Kakuna Kakuna Uncommon 41 / 75 $ 0.61 3.39%
Metapod Metapod Metapod Uncommon 42 / 75 $ 0.57 -3.39%
Omastar Omastar Omastar Uncommon 43 / 75 $ 0.78 1.30%
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Uncommon 44 / 75 $ 1.06 -0.93%
Pupitar Pupitar Pupitar Uncommon 45 / 75 $ 0.83 -1.19%
Scyther Scyther Scyther Uncommon 46 / 75 $ 1.09 2.83%
Unown [D] Unown D Unown D Uncommon 47 / 75 $ 1.55 -1.90%
Unown [F] Unown F Unown F Uncommon 48 / 75 $ 0.97 5.43%
Unown [M] Unown M Unown M Uncommon 49 / 75 $ 1.02 2.00%
Unown [N] Unown N Unown N Uncommon 50 / 75 $ 0.68 -1.45%
Unown [U] Unown U Unown U Uncommon 51 / 75 $ 1.96 -0.51%
Xatu Xatu Xatu Uncommon 52 / 75 $ 1.53 -0.65%
Caterpie Caterpie Caterpie Common 53 / 75 $ 0.44 4.76%
Dunsparce Dunsparce Dunsparce Common 54 / 75 $ 1.08 -0.92%
Hoppip Hoppip Hoppip Common 55 / 75 $ 0.35 -2.78%
Kabuto Kabuto Kabuto Common 56 / 75 $ 1.61 8.78%
Larvitar Larvitar Larvitar Common 57 / 75 $ 0.35 -14.63%
Mareep Mareep Mareep Common 58 / 75 $ 1.71 -0.58%
Natu Natu Natu Common 59 / 75 $ 0.33 10.00%
Omanyte Omanyte Omanyte Common 60 / 75 $ 0.41 -2.38%
Pineco Pineco Pineco Common 61 / 75 $ 0.52 1.96%
Poliwag Poliwag Poliwag Common 62 / 75 $ 0.40 -4.76%
Sentret Sentret Sentret Common 63 / 75 $ 0.96 2.13%
Spinarak Spinarak Spinarak Common 64 / 75 $ 0.41 -4.65%
Teddiursa Teddiursa Teddiursa Common 65 / 75 $ 0.46 -4.17%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Tyrogue Common 66 / 75 $ 0.51 2.00%
Unown [E] Unown E Unown E Common 67 / 75 $ 1.19 0.85%
Unown [I] Unown I Unown I Common 68 / 75 $ 0.96 -1.03%
Unown [O] Unown O Unown O Common 69 / 75 $ 0.41 -2.38%
Weedle Weedle Weedle Common 70 / 75 $ 0.41 -2.38%
Wooper Wooper Wooper Common 71 / 75 $ 0.60 -6.25%
Fossil Egg Fossil Egg Fossil Egg Uncommon 72 / 75 $ 0.40 2.56%
Hyper Devolution Spray Hyper Devolution Spray Hyper Devolution Spray Uncommon 73 / 75 $ 0.53 -1.85%
Ruin Wall Ruin Wall Ruin Wall Uncommon 74 / 75 $ 1.04 -4.59%
Energy Ark Energy Ark Energy Ark Common 75 / 75 $ 0.15 7.14%
Espeon (1)

Espeon 1
$ 179.93 — 8.01%

Forretress (2)

Forretress 2
$ 17.08 — 3.58%

Hitmontop (3)

Hitmontop 3
$ 10.63 — -0.28%

Houndoom (4)

Houndoom 4
$ 49.77 — 51.97%

Houndour (5)

Houndour 5
$ 45.88 — 10.85%

Kabutops (6)

Kabutops 6
$ 40.51 — 1.40%

Magnemite (7)

Magnemite 7
$ 19.95 — -0.50%

Politoed (8)

Politoed 8
$ 29.82 — 1.98%

Poliwrath (9)

Poliwrath 9
$ 15.75 — 5.63%

Scizor (10)

Scizor 10
$ 36.23 — 4.71%

Smeargle (11)

Smeargle 11
$ 37.90 — -3.56%

Tyranitar (12)

Tyranitar 12
$ 88.62 — 16.12%

Umbreon (13)

Umbreon 13
$ 302.18 — 22.80%

Unown [A] (14)

Unown A 14
$ 9.73 — 2.85%

Ursaring (15)

Ursaring 15
$ 28.88 — 0.98%

Wobbuffet (16)

Wobbuffet 16
$ 20.77 — 13.37%

Yanma (17)

Yanma 17
$ 19.31 — 0.63%


$ 4.92 — -0.20%


$ 2.64 — 0.38%

Espeon (20)

Espeon 20
$ 10.98 — 0.37%

Forretress (21)

Forretress 21
$ 5.13 — -0.77%

Hitmontop (22)

Hitmontop 22
$ 9.12 — -1.72%

Houndoom (23)

Houndoom 23
$ 19.33 — 3.54%

Houndour (24)

Houndour 24
$ 7.16 — -0.56%

Kabutops (25)

Kabutops 25
$ 6.97 — 0.72%

Magnemite (26)

Magnemite 26
$ 7.38 — 4.24%

Politoed (27)

Politoed 27
$ 7.03 — 2.78%

Poliwrath (28)

Poliwrath 28
$ 3.53 — 0.28%

Scizor (29)

Scizor 29
$ 7.42 — 1.09%

Smeargle (30)

Smeargle 30
$ 5.77 — 1.58%

Tyranitar (31)

Tyranitar 31
$ 13.44 — 1.20%

Umbreon (32)

Umbreon 32
$ 44.02 — 3.67%

Unown [A] (33)

Unown A 33
$ 5.85 — -0.68%

Ursaring (34)

Ursaring 34
$ 5.07 — -0.78%

Wobbuffet (35)

Wobbuffet 35
$ 4.24 — 3.16%

Yanma (36)

Yanma 36
$ 4.64 — 2.88%


$ 1.12 — -8.94%


$ 3.13 — 5.74%

Houndour (39)

Houndour 39
$ 1.42 — 0.71%


$ 1.84 — 0.55%


$ 0.61 — 3.39%


$ 0.57 — -3.39%


$ 0.78 — 1.30%


$ 1.06 — -0.93%


$ 0.83 — -1.19%


$ 1.09 — 2.83%

Unown [D]

Unown D
$ 1.55 — -1.90%

Unown [F]

Unown F
$ 0.97 — 5.43%

Unown [M]

Unown M
$ 1.02 — 2.00%

Unown [N]

Unown N
$ 0.68 — -1.45%

Unown [U]

Unown U
$ 1.96 — -0.51%


$ 1.53 — -0.65%


$ 0.44 — 4.76%


$ 1.08 — -0.92%


$ 0.35 — -2.78%


$ 1.61 — 8.78%


$ 0.35 — -14.63%


$ 1.71 — -0.58%


$ 0.33 — 10.00%


$ 0.41 — -2.38%


$ 0.52 — 1.96%


$ 0.40 — -4.76%


$ 0.96 — 2.13%


$ 0.41 — -4.65%


$ 0.46 — -4.17%


$ 0.51 — 2.00%

Unown [E]

Unown E
$ 1.19 — 0.85%

Unown [I]

Unown I
$ 0.96 — -1.03%

Unown [O]

Unown O
$ 0.41 — -2.38%


$ 0.41 — -2.38%


$ 0.60 — -6.25%

Fossil Egg

Fossil Egg
$ 0.40 — 2.56%

Hyper Devolution Spray

Hyper Devolution Spray
$ 0.53 — -1.85%

Ruin Wall

Ruin Wall
$ 1.04 — -4.59%

Energy Ark

Energy Ark
$ 0.15 — 7.14%