Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery Logo
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Sword & Shield

Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $8.83
Total Value Range $324.92 — $265.04
Average Card Price Range $10.83 — $8.83

About Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery

Released on November 11, 2022, Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery is part of the Sword & Shield series, and has 30 total cards.

Silver Tempest is the fourth set released in the Trainer Gallery series. It consists of over one hundred new cards. The set features Pokemon from the first three generations, including Mewtwo, Lugia, and Entei. Silver Tempest is themed around the storms, featuring a variety of Lighting, Metal, Fighting, and Colorless types.

The set contains a variety of Trainer cards, including the powerful Professor Oak card. The Professor Oak card allows for a player to draw three cards Pokemon from their deck instead of their usual one draw per turn. Silver Tempest also contains several energy cards, most notably Lightning Bolt, which doubles the damage of a single attack.

Silver Tempest also includes several Pokemon-GX cards, which feature extra powerful attacks. These GX cards feature Charizard-GX, Mewtwo-GX, and Snorlax-GX, all of which have evolved forms designed to cause more potent damage. There are also various Secret Rare cards, which feature special alternate art versions of regular cards.

The set also introduces the Shiny Pokemon cards for the first time, which each feature alternate versions of regular Pokemon cards with alternate color schemes. Silver Tempest was released in April 2020, and is now the oldest set still available for purchase. The set is highly sought after by collectors and Pokemon players alike, and cards from the set are frequently sold for high prices on the secondary market.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Silver Tempest: Trainer Gallery.

Rayquaza VMAX

Rayquaza VMAX

$76.67 29.10%

Blaziken VMAX

Blaziken VMAX

$26.52 2.63%
1 Rayquaza VMAX Rayquaza VMAX Ultra Rare TG20 / 30 $76.67 29.10%
2 Blaziken VMAX Blaziken VMAX Ultra Rare TG15 / 30 $26.52 2.63%
3 Blaziken V Blaziken V Ultra Rare TG14 / 30 $24.22 105.43%
4 Serperior V Serperior V Ultra Rare TG13 / 30 $16.80 -42.27%
5 Blissey V Blissey V Ultra Rare TG22 / 30 $12.65 9.43%
6 Zeraora V Zeraora V Ultra Rare TG16 / 30 $10.17 -2.12%
7 Duraludon VMAX Duraludon VMAX Ultra Rare TG21 / 30 $9.67 -36.34%
8 Friends in Galar Friends in Galar Ultra Rare TG23 / 30 $8.47 -73.70%
9 Rayquaza VMAX (Secret) Rayquaza VMAX Secret Rare TG29 / 30 $7.86 -71.39%
10 Mawile V Mawile V Ultra Rare TG17 / 30 $7.04 -33.40%
Blaziken V Blaziken V Blaziken V Ultra Rare TG14 / 30 $ 24.22 0.37%
Duraludon VMAX (Secret) Duraludon VMAX Secret Duraludon VMAX Secret Secret Rare TG30 / 30 $ 2.66 -0.37%
Rayquaza VMAX (Secret) Rayquaza VMAX Secret Rayquaza VMAX Secret Secret Rare TG29 / 30 $ 7.86 -0.51%
Sordward & Shielbert Sordward and Shielbert Sordward and Shielbert Ultra Rare TG28 / 30 $ 1.67 -3.47%
Raihan Raihan Raihan Ultra Rare TG27 / 30 $ 2.69 -1.47%
Professor Burnet Professor Burnet Professor Burnet Ultra Rare TG26 / 30 $ 3.35 0.30%
Judge Judge Judge Ultra Rare TG25 / 30 $ 3.30 -0.30%
Gordie Gordie Gordie Ultra Rare TG24 / 30 $ 1.75 0.57%
Friends in Galar Friends in Galar Friends in Galar Ultra Rare TG23 / 30 $ 8.47 -0.59%
Blissey V Blissey V Blissey V Ultra Rare TG22 / 30 $ 12.65 0.72%
Duraludon VMAX Duraludon VMAX Duraludon VMAX Ultra Rare TG21 / 30 $ 9.67 -0.92%
Rayquaza VMAX Rayquaza VMAX Rayquaza VMAX Ultra Rare TG20 / 30 $ 76.67 -0.52%
Corviknight VMAX Corviknight VMAX Corviknight VMAX Ultra Rare TG19 / 30 $ 6.95 0.72%
Corviknight V Corviknight V Corviknight V Ultra Rare TG18 / 30 $ 6.99 -0.57%
Blaziken VMAX Blaziken VMAX Blaziken VMAX Ultra Rare TG15 / 30 $ 26.52 0.38%
Mawile V Mawile V Mawile V Ultra Rare TG17 / 30 $ 7.04 0.43%
Serperior V Serperior V Serperior V Ultra Rare TG13 / 30 $ 16.80 0.78%
Kricketune V Kricketune V Kricketune V Ultra Rare TG12 / 30 $ 3.94 -1.25%
Altaria Altaria Altaria Ultra Rare TG11 / 30 $ 5.08 -0.20%
Smeargle Smeargle Smeargle Ultra Rare TG10 / 30 $ 2.50 -0.79%
Druddigon Druddigon Druddigon Ultra Rare TG09 / 30 $ 2.25 1.35%
Passimian Passimian Passimian Ultra Rare TG08 / 30 $ 1.24 1.64%
Rockruff Rockruff Rockruff Ultra Rare TG07 / 30 $ 2.05 -9.69%
Malamar Malamar Malamar Ultra Rare TG06 / 30 $ 0.91 2.25%
Gardevoir Gardevoir Gardevoir Ultra Rare TG05 / 30 $ 4.77 -1.04%
Jynx Jynx Jynx Ultra Rare TG04 / 30 $ 1.68 0.60%
Flaaffy Flaaffy Flaaffy Ultra Rare TG03 / 30 $ 2.97 -3.26%
Milotic Milotic Milotic Ultra Rare TG02 / 30 $ 4.85 -1.22%
Braixen Braixen Braixen Ultra Rare TG01 / 30 $ 3.37 0.30%
Zeraora V Zeraora V Zeraora V Ultra Rare TG16 / 30 $ 10.17 -0.10%
Blaziken V

Blaziken V
$ 24.22 — 0.37%

Duraludon VMAX (Secret)

Duraludon VMAX Secret
$ 2.66 — -0.37%

Rayquaza VMAX (Secret)

Rayquaza VMAX Secret
$ 7.86 — -0.51%

Sordward & Shielbert

Sordward and Shielbert
$ 1.67 — -3.47%


$ 2.69 — -1.47%

Professor Burnet

Professor Burnet
$ 3.35 — 0.30%


$ 3.30 — -0.30%


$ 1.75 — 0.57%

Friends in Galar

Friends in Galar
$ 8.47 — -0.59%

Blissey V

Blissey V
$ 12.65 — 0.72%

Duraludon VMAX

Duraludon VMAX
$ 9.67 — -0.92%

Rayquaza VMAX

Rayquaza VMAX
$ 76.67 — -0.52%

Corviknight VMAX

Corviknight VMAX
$ 6.95 — 0.72%

Corviknight V

Corviknight V
$ 6.99 — -0.57%

Blaziken VMAX

Blaziken VMAX
$ 26.52 — 0.38%

Mawile V

Mawile V
$ 7.04 — 0.43%

Serperior V

Serperior V
$ 16.80 — 0.78%

Kricketune V

Kricketune V
$ 3.94 — -1.25%


$ 5.08 — -0.20%


$ 2.50 — -0.79%


$ 2.25 — 1.35%


$ 1.24 — 1.64%


$ 2.05 — -9.69%


$ 0.91 — 2.25%


$ 4.77 — -1.04%


$ 1.68 — 0.60%


$ 2.97 — -3.26%


$ 4.85 — -1.22%


$ 3.37 — 0.30%

Zeraora V

Zeraora V
$ 10.17 — -0.10%