Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery Logo
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Sword & Shield

Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $9.58
Total Value Range $455.80 — $277.76
Average Card Price Range $15.72 — $9.58

About Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery

Released on September 9, 2022, Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery is part of the Sword & Shield series, and has 30 total cards.

Lost Origin is a Trainer Gallery set of Pokemon cards released on June 25, 2020 by The Pokemon Company International. This set features the introduction of new features to the Pokemon Trading Card Game such as Trainer Gallery cards, which feature images of characters, Pokemon, and scenes from the Pokemon video game series. These new cards provide players with a unique way to customize their decks to give it a personal touch, while also adding a layer of strategy to the game.

The set also includes a variety of new cards based on the themes of Kalos region origins, as well as 3 powerful Tag Team Pokemon-GX cards. These cards feature several familiar faces like Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, and Delphox. Each of these Tag Team cards can unleash incredible powers that will surely help players out of tight spots in battle.

In addition to the new Trainer Gallery cards, and the powerful Tag Team cards, Lost Origin also featured 15 secret rare cards and 8 ultra-rare cards. These cards include powerful Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, such as Ho-Oh, Lugia, and Kyurem. All of these cards are designed with vivid graphics, making them a great addition to any collection.

From the powerful Tag Team cards to the amazing Trainer Gallery cards, Lost Origin is a must-have set of Pokemon cards for any fan of the series. With its exciting new features, and amazing cards, Lost Origin is sure to become a staple in many decks.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Lost Origin: Trainer Gallery.

Pikachu VMAX

Pikachu VMAX

$63.52 -28.82%

Pikachu V

Pikachu V

$48.14 14.97%
1 Pikachu VMAX Pikachu VMAX Ultra Rare TG17 / 30 $63.52 -28.82%
2 Pikachu V Pikachu V Ultra Rare TG16 / 30 $48.14 14.97%
3 Pikachu Pikachu Ultra Rare TG05 / 30 $16.21 130.58%
4 Gengar Gengar Ultra Rare TG06 / 30 $15.65 45.04%
5 Charizard Charizard Ultra Rare TG03 / 30 $12.28 -52.09%
6 Nessa Nessa Ultra Rare TG27 / 30 $11.43 -32.05%
7 Mew VMAX (Secret) Mew VMAX Ultra Rare TG30 / 30 $11.15 -66.39%
8 Pikachu VMAX (Secret) Pikachu VMAX Ultra Rare TG29 / 30 $10.16 -72.84%
9 Eternatus VMAX Eternatus VMAX Ultra Rare TG22 / 30 $8.94 -56.60%
10 Enamorus V Enamorus V Ultra Rare TG18 / 30 $8.48 -52.14%
Centiskorch VMAX Centiskorch VMAX Centiskorch VMAX Ultra Rare TG15 / 30 $ 6.18 -0.80%
Mew VMAX (Secret) Mew VMAX Secret Mew VMAX Secret Ultra Rare TG30 / 30 $ 11.15 0.36%
Pikachu VMAX (Secret) Pikachu VMAX Secret Pikachu VMAX Secret Ultra Rare TG29 / 30 $ 10.16 -1.07%
Opal Opal Opal Ultra Rare TG28 / 30 $ 1.80 -0.55%
Nessa Nessa Nessa Ultra Rare TG27 / 30 $ 11.43 -0.95%
Kabu Kabu Kabu Ultra Rare TG26 / 30 $ 1.31 0.77%
Cook Cook Cook Ultra Rare TG25 / 30 $ 1.79 0.56%
Boss's Orders Bosss Orders Bosss Orders Ultra Rare TG24 / 30 $ 7.23 -0.82%
Eternatus VMAX Eternatus VMAX Eternatus VMAX Ultra Rare TG22 / 30 $ 8.94 -3.35%
Eternatus V Eternatus V Eternatus V Ultra Rare TG21 / 30 $ 3.26 -0.31%
Crobat V Crobat V Crobat V Ultra Rare TG20 / 30 $ 6.84 -0.58%
Gallade V Gallade V Gallade V Ultra Rare TG19 / 30 $ 6.61 -1.20%
Enamorus V Enamorus V Enamorus V Ultra Rare TG18 / 30 $ 8.48 0.47%
Pikachu VMAX Pikachu VMAX Pikachu VMAX Ultra Rare TG17 / 30 $ 63.52 0.05%
Pikachu V Pikachu V Pikachu V Ultra Rare TG16 / 30 $ 48.14 0.65%
Charizard Charizard Charizard Ultra Rare TG03 / 30 $ 12.28 -0.57%
Centiskorch V Centiskorch V Centiskorch V Ultra Rare TG14 / 30 $ 3.44 0.58%
Orbeetle VMAX Orbeetle VMAX Orbeetle VMAX Ultra Rare TG13 / 30 $ 8.04 0.37%
Orbeetle V Orbeetle V Orbeetle V Ultra Rare TG12 / 30 $ 4.41 0.46%
Castform Castform Castform Ultra Rare TG11 / 30 $ 1.40 0.72%
Snorlax Snorlax Snorlax Ultra Rare TG10 / 30 $ 8.06 0.12%
Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Ultra Rare TG09 / 30 $ 1.62 3.18%
Hisuian Arcanine Hisuian Arcanine Hisuian Arcanine Ultra Rare TG08 / 30 $ 2.53 -0.78%
Banette Banette Banette Ultra Rare TG07 / 30 $ 1.57 -4.27%
Gengar Gengar Gengar Ultra Rare TG06 / 30 $ 15.65 1.23%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Ultra Rare TG05 / 30 $ 16.21 -1.58%
Chandelure Chandelure Chandelure Ultra Rare TG04 / 30 $ 2.00 -3.38%
Roserade Roserade Roserade Ultra Rare TG02 / 30 $ 2.37 1.28%
Parasect Parasect Parasect Ultra Rare TG01 / 30 $ 1.34 -4.96%
Centiskorch VMAX

Centiskorch VMAX
$ 6.18 — -0.80%

Mew VMAX (Secret)

Mew VMAX Secret
$ 11.15 — 0.36%

Pikachu VMAX (Secret)

Pikachu VMAX Secret
$ 10.16 — -1.07%


$ 1.80 — -0.55%


$ 11.43 — -0.95%


$ 1.31 — 0.77%


$ 1.79 — 0.56%

Boss's Orders

Bosss Orders
$ 7.23 — -0.82%

Eternatus VMAX

Eternatus VMAX
$ 8.94 — -3.35%

Eternatus V

Eternatus V
$ 3.26 — -0.31%

Crobat V

Crobat V
$ 6.84 — -0.58%

Gallade V

Gallade V
$ 6.61 — -1.20%

Enamorus V

Enamorus V
$ 8.48 — 0.47%

Pikachu VMAX

Pikachu VMAX
$ 63.52 — 0.05%

Pikachu V

Pikachu V
$ 48.14 — 0.65%


$ 12.28 — -0.57%

Centiskorch V

Centiskorch V
$ 3.44 — 0.58%

Orbeetle VMAX

Orbeetle VMAX
$ 8.04 — 0.37%

Orbeetle V

Orbeetle V
$ 4.41 — 0.46%


$ 1.40 — 0.72%


$ 8.06 — 0.12%


$ 1.62 — 3.18%

Hisuian Arcanine

Hisuian Arcanine
$ 2.53 — -0.78%


$ 1.57 — -4.27%


$ 15.65 — 1.23%


$ 16.21 — -1.58%


$ 2.00 — -3.38%


$ 2.37 — 1.28%


$ 1.34 — -4.96%