Thumbnail Machamp
Pokedex Number # 68
Generation 1
Type Fighting Fighting 

The 10 Most Valuable Machamp Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Machamp. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Machamp.

Machamp (H15)

Machamp H15

$182.75 161.11%

Machamp (XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease)

Machamp XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease

$182.00 7.09%

Machamp Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Machamp. Complete with prices and trends.

Flashfire Three Pack Blister [Machamp]

Flashfire Three Pack Blister Machamp

$139.95 — 0%

Prime Challenge Box [Machamp]

Prime Challenge Box Machamp

— 0%

Triple Power Tin [Machamp EX]

Triple Power Tin Machamp EX

$91.83 — 0%

Checklane 2 Mini-Pack Blister [Machamp]

Checklane 2 Mini Pack Blister Machamp


Machamp (H15) Machamp H15 Machamp H15 Skyridge Holo Rare 182.75 7.50%
Machamp (XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease) Machamp XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease Machamp XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease XY Promos Promo 182.00 0.97%
Machamp V (Alternate Full Art) Machamp V Alternate Full Art Machamp V Alternate Full Art Astral Radiance Ultra Rare 167.59 0.14%
Marshadow & Machamp GX (199) (Full Art) Marshadow and Machamp GX 199 Full Art Marshadow and Machamp GX 199 Full Art Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 100.28 0.16%
Giovanni's Machamp Giovannis Machamp Giovannis Machamp Gym Challenge Holo Rare 87.57 2.85%
Machamp (XY Evolutions Prerelease) Machamp XY Evolutions Prerelease Machamp XY Evolutions Prerelease XY Promos Promo 54.84 3.26%
Dark Machamp (10) Dark Machamp 10 Dark Machamp 10 Team Rocket Holo Rare 53.77 0.37%
Machamp - XY13 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Machamp XY13 Prerelease Promo Staff Machamp XY13 Prerelease Promo Staff XY Promos Promo 50.57 -3.57%
Machamp Machamp Machamp Skyridge Rare 46.98 4.42%
Machamp Lv.X Machamp LvX Machamp LvX Stormfront Ultra Rare 44.77 5.39%
Machamp (16) Machamp 16 Machamp 16 Expedition Holo Rare 33.48 4.69%
Machamp Machamp Machamp Legendary Collection Holo Rare 31.12 11.50%
Marshadow & Machamp GX (Secret) Marshadow and Machamp GX Secret Marshadow and Machamp GX Secret Unbroken Bonds Secret Rare 30.77 6.14%
Marshadow & Machamp GX (198) (Full Art) Marshadow and Machamp GX 198 Full Art Marshadow and Machamp GX 198 Full Art Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 27.97 0.07%
Machamp Machamp Machamp Hidden Legends Holo Rare 20.95 2.50%
Machamp Machamp Machamp WoTC Promo Promo 20.52 1.38%
Machamp (Prime) Machamp Prime Machamp Prime Triumphant Ultra Rare 19.98 1.27%
Machamp GX (Secret) Machamp GX Secret Machamp GX Secret Burning Shadows Secret Rare 19.27 0.31%
Machamp Machamp Machamp Legend Maker Holo Rare 13.76 0.81%
Marshadow & Machamp GX Marshadow and Machamp GX Marshadow and Machamp GX Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 12.63 -1.64%
Machamp EX (90 Full Art) Machamp EX 90 Full Art Machamp EX 90 Full Art Ancient Origins Ultra Rare 11.27 -0.35%
Machamp VSTAR (Secret) Machamp VSTAR Secret Machamp VSTAR Secret Astral Radiance Ultra Rare 9.51 0.74%
Machamp V (Full Art) Machamp V Full Art Machamp V Full Art Astral Radiance Ultra Rare 7.75 0.52%
Machamp Machamp Machamp Power Keepers Holo Rare 7.27 3.12%
Machamp - XY13 (Prerelease Promo) Machamp XY13 Prerelease Promo Machamp XY13 Prerelease Promo XY Promos Promo 7.15 0.28%
Machamp (H15)

Machamp H15
182.75 — $ 182.75 — 7.50%

Machamp (XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease)

Machamp XY Evolutions Staff Prerelease
XY Promos
182.00 — $ 182.00 — 0.97%

Machamp V (Alternate Full Art)

Machamp V Alternate Full Art
Astral Radiance
167.59 — $ 167.59 — 0.14%

Giovanni's Machamp

Giovannis Machamp
Gym Challenge
87.57 — $ 87.57 — 2.85%

Machamp (XY Evolutions Prerelease)

Machamp XY Evolutions Prerelease
XY Promos
54.84 — $ 54.84 — 3.26%

Dark Machamp (10)

Dark Machamp 10
Team Rocket
53.77 — $ 53.77 — 0.37%

Machamp - XY13 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff]

Machamp XY13 Prerelease Promo Staff
XY Promos
50.57 — $ 50.57 — -3.57%


46.98 — $ 46.98 — 4.42%

Machamp Lv.X

Machamp LvX
44.77 — $ 44.77 — 5.39%

Machamp (16)

Machamp 16
33.48 — $ 33.48 — 4.69%


Legendary Collection
31.12 — $ 31.12 — 11.50%

Marshadow & Machamp GX (Secret)

Marshadow and Machamp GX Secret
Unbroken Bonds
30.77 — $ 30.77 — 6.14%


Hidden Legends
20.95 — $ 20.95 — 2.50%


WoTC Promo
20.52 — $ 20.52 — 1.38%

Machamp (Prime)

Machamp Prime
19.98 — $ 19.98 — 1.27%

Machamp GX (Secret)

Machamp GX Secret
Burning Shadows
19.27 — $ 19.27 — 0.31%


Legend Maker
13.76 — $ 13.76 — 0.81%

Marshadow & Machamp GX

Marshadow and Machamp GX
Unbroken Bonds
12.63 — $ 12.63 — -1.64%

Machamp EX (90 Full Art)

Machamp EX 90 Full Art
Ancient Origins
11.27 — $ 11.27 — -0.35%

Machamp VSTAR (Secret)

Machamp VSTAR Secret
Astral Radiance
9.51 — $ 9.51 — 0.74%

Machamp V (Full Art)

Machamp V Full Art
Astral Radiance
7.75 — $ 7.75 — 0.52%


Power Keepers
7.27 — $ 7.27 — 3.12%

Machamp - XY13 (Prerelease Promo)

Machamp XY13 Prerelease Promo
XY Promos
7.15 — $ 7.15 — 0.28%