Expedition Logo
1 Ratings
Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $27.22
Total Value Range $2,286.85 — $8,818.58
Average Card Price Range $13.86 — $27.22

About Expedition

Released on September 15, 2002, Expedition is part of the E-Card series, and has 165 total cards.

The Pokemon Expedition card set was released by Wizards of the Coast in 2003 and was the seventh set in the Generation III series of cards. It consists of 165 cards, featuring a variety of different Pokemon from all regions. The set was the first one to feature the popular Delta Species subtype, which utilizes a mixture of different Pokemon types. This set also brought in the new Delta Evolution mechanic, allowing certain Pokemon to become stronger when evolved from their Delta Species form. The set contains 6 trainer cards, 15 basic energy cards, and 144 Pokemon cards. This set contains a variety of rare, uncommon, and common cards, including some holo-foil cards as well. This set is most well-known for introducing a variety of holo-foil cards, including the powerful Legendary Phione card. Expedition also featured some powerful cards such as the Blaziken & Tomohawk Tag Team, Victreebel & Weepinbell Tag Team, and Blaziken EX. The Expedition set is considered a must-have for any collection, due to its variety of cards, its Delta Species subtype, and its popular holo-foil cards.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Expedition?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Expedition. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Expedition.

Mewtwo (20)

Mewtwo 20

$394.44 134.81%

Blastoise (4)

Blastoise 4

$359.99 620.12%
1 Mewtwo (20) Mewtwo 20 Holo Rare 20 / 165 $394.44 134.81%
2 Blastoise (4) Blastoise 4 Holo Rare 4 / 165 $359.99 620.12%
3 Tyranitar (29) Tyranitar 29 Holo Rare 29 / 165 $323.65 87.63%
4 Charizard (6) Charizard 6 Holo Rare 6 / 165 $297.47 213.95%
5 Charizard (39) Charizard 39 Rare 39 / 165 $279.95 278.41%

Expedition Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Expedition. Complete with prices and trends.

Expedition Booster Pack

Expedition Booster Pack


Expedition Theme Deck - "Electric Garden"

Expedition Theme Deck Electric Garden

$0.00 — 0%

Alakazam (1) Alakazam 1 Alakazam 1 Holo Rare 1 / 165 $ 46.43 2.68%
Ampharos (2) Ampharos 2 Ampharos 2 Holo Rare 2 / 165 $ 35.00 62.79%
Arbok (3) Arbok 3 Arbok 3 Holo Rare 3 / 165 $ 10.99 10.01%
Blastoise (4) Blastoise 4 Blastoise 4 Holo Rare 4 / 165 $ 359.99 10.77%
Butterfree (5) Butterfree 5 Butterfree 5 Holo Rare 5 / 165 $ 100.00 33.44%
Charizard (6) Charizard 6 Charizard 6 Holo Rare 6 / 165 $ 297.47 6.41%
Clefable (7) Clefable 7 Clefable 7 Holo Rare 7 / 165 $ 20.12 1.16%
Cloyster (8) Cloyster 8 Cloyster 8 Holo Rare 8 / 165 $ 50.14 3.60%
Dragonite (9) Dragonite 9 Dragonite 9 Holo Rare 9 / 165 $ 70.00 5.26%
Dugtrio (10) Dugtrio 10 Dugtrio 10 Holo Rare 10 / 165 $ 32.19 3.34%
Fearow (11) Fearow 11 Fearow 11 Holo Rare 11 / 165 $ 45.00 11.11%
Feraligatr (12) Feraligatr 12 Feraligatr 12 Holo Rare 12 / 165 $ 176.16 7.25%
Gengar (13) Gengar 13 Gengar 13 Holo Rare 13 / 165 $ 119.99 14.53%
Golem (14) Golem 14 Golem 14 Holo Rare 14 / 165 $ 45.98 9.42%
Kingler (15) Kingler 15 Kingler 15 Holo Rare 15 / 165 $ 17.14 -4.67%
Machamp (16) Machamp 16 Machamp 16 Holo Rare 16 / 165 $ 33.48 4.69%
Magby (17) Magby 17 Magby 17 Holo Rare 17 / 165 $ 47.46 0.36%
Meganium (18) Meganium 18 Meganium 18 Holo Rare 18 / 165 $ 37.62 8.04%
Mew (19) Mew 19 Mew 19 Holo Rare 19 / 165 $ 115.00 4.55%
Mewtwo (20) Mewtwo 20 Mewtwo 20 Holo Rare 20 / 165 $ 394.44 1.43%
Ninetales (21) Ninetales 21 Ninetales 21 Holo Rare 21 / 165 $ 37.33 -2.43%
Pichu (22) Pichu 22 Pichu 22 Holo Rare 22 / 165 $ 38.76 -2.61%
Pidgeot (23) Pidgeot 23 Pidgeot 23 Holo Rare 23 / 165 $ 59.28 2.81%
Poliwrath (24) Poliwrath 24 Poliwrath 24 Holo Rare 24 / 165 $ 20.37 13.42%
Raichu (25) Raichu 25 Raichu 25 Holo Rare 25 / 165 $ 107.83 -0.82%
Rapidash (26) Rapidash 26 Rapidash 26 Holo Rare 26 / 165 $ 22.32 20.84%
Skarmory (27) Skarmory 27 Skarmory 27 Holo Rare 27 / 165 $ 17.11 5.62%
Typhlosion (28) Typhlosion 28 Typhlosion 28 Holo Rare 28 / 165 $ 111.76 49.43%
Tyranitar (29) Tyranitar 29 Tyranitar 29 Holo Rare 29 / 165 $ 323.65 167.26%
Venusaur (30) Venusaur 30 Venusaur 30 Holo Rare 30 / 165 $ 52.52 152.86%
Vileplume (31) Vileplume 31 Vileplume 31 Holo Rare 31 / 165 $ 35.68 1.88%
Weezing (32) Weezing 32 Weezing 32 Holo Rare 32 / 165 $ 70.71 5.44%
Alakazam (33) Alakazam 33 Alakazam 33 Rare 33 / 165 $ 5.13 10.56%
Ampharos (34) Ampharos 34 Ampharos 34 Rare 34 / 165 $ 7.35 2.94%
Arbok (35) Arbok 35 Arbok 35 Rare 35 / 165 $ 4.35 10.69%
Blastoise (36) Blastoise 36 Blastoise 36 Rare 36 / 165 $ 27.52 0.81%
Blastoise (37) Blastoise 37 Blastoise 37 Rare 37 / 165 $ 26.64 4.63%
Butterfree (38) Butterfree 38 Butterfree 38 Rare 38 / 165 $ 5.93 -0.34%
Charizard (39) Charizard 39 Charizard 39 Rare 39 / 165 $ 279.95 16.66%
Charizard (40) Charizard 40 Charizard 40 Rare 40 / 165 $ 169.95 7.93%
Clefable (41) Clefable 41 Clefable 41 Rare 41 / 165 $ 2.06 8.42%
Cloyster (42) Cloyster 42 Cloyster 42 Rare 42 / 165 $ 4.98 2.26%
Dragonite (43) Dragonite 43 Dragonite 43 Rare 43 / 165 $ 33.45 1.09%
Dugtrio (44) Dugtrio 44 Dugtrio 44 Rare 44 / 165 $ 3.36 0.30%
Fearow (45) Fearow 45 Fearow 45 Rare 45 / 165 $ 5.74 -3.20%
Feraligatr (46) Feraligatr 46 Feraligatr 46 Rare 46 / 165 $ 8.57 2.27%
Feraligatr (47) Feraligatr 47 Feraligatr 47 Rare 47 / 165 $ 14.61 8.54%
Gengar (48) Gengar 48 Gengar 48 Rare 48 / 165 $ 35.37 0.97%
Golem (49) Golem 49 Golem 49 Rare 49 / 165 $ 4.71 0.43%
Kingler (50) Kingler 50 Kingler 50 Rare 50 / 165 $ 5.32 0.57%
Machamp (51) Machamp 51 Machamp 51 Rare 51 / 165 $ 3.74 7.47%
Magby (52) Magby 52 Magby 52 Rare 52 / 165 $ 4.69 -0.42%
Meganium (53) Meganium 53 Meganium 53 Rare 53 / 165 $ 14.92 -0.07%
Meganium (54) Meganium 54 Meganium 54 Rare 54 / 165 $ 21.15 15.89%
Mew (55) Mew 55 Mew 55 Rare 55 / 165 $ 37.93 25.43%
Mewtwo (56) Mewtwo 56 Mewtwo 56 Rare 56 / 165 $ 50.00 35.39%
Ninetales (57) Ninetales 57 Ninetales 57 Rare 57 / 165 $ 6.35 0.63%
Pichu (58) Pichu 58 Pichu 58 Rare 58 / 165 $ 10.38 1.37%
Pidgeot (59) Pidgeot 59 Pidgeot 59 Rare 59 / 165 $ 6.36 1.60%
Poliwrath (60) Poliwrath 60 Poliwrath 60 Rare 60 / 165 $ 8.31 -0.24%
Raichu (61) Raichu 61 Raichu 61 Rare 61 / 165 $ 4.91 0.41%
Rapidash (62) Rapidash 62 Rapidash 62 Rare 62 / 165 $ 3.83 -1.54%
Skarmory (63) Skarmory 63 Skarmory 63 Rare 63 / 165 $ 4.73 0.21%
Typhlosion (64) Typhlosion 64 Typhlosion 64 Rare 64 / 165 $ 22.04 28.74%
Typhlosion (65) Typhlosion 65 Typhlosion 65 Rare 65 / 165 $ 11.34 2.90%
Tyranitar (66) Tyranitar 66 Tyranitar 66 Rare 66 / 165 $ 49.67 -33.74%
Venusaur (67) Venusaur 67 Venusaur 67 Rare 67 / 165 $ 18.05 1.23%
Venusaur (68) Venusaur 68 Venusaur 68 Rare 68 / 165 $ 12.61 1.20%
Vileplume (69) Vileplume 69 Vileplume 69 Rare 69 / 165 $ 5.26 -2.41%
Weezing (70) Weezing 70 Weezing 70 Rare 70 / 165 $ 1.83 -2.66%
Bayleef Bayleef Bayleef Uncommon 71 / 165 $ 3.53 3.22%
Chansey Chansey Chansey Uncommon 72 / 165 $ 23.26 2.56%
Charmeleon Charmeleon Charmeleon Uncommon 73 / 165 $ 49.28 4.83%
Croconaw Croconaw Croconaw Uncommon 74 / 165 $ 14.77 5.35%
Dragonair Dragonair Dragonair Uncommon 75 / 165 $ 32.31 18.48%
Electabuzz Electabuzz Electabuzz Uncommon 76 / 165 $ 1.35 16.38%
Flaaffy Flaaffy Flaaffy Uncommon 77 / 165 $ 1.31 0.77%
Gloom Gloom Gloom Uncommon 78 / 165 $ 1.61 0.63%
Graveler Graveler Graveler Uncommon 79 / 165 $ 11.16 1.45%
Haunter Haunter Haunter Uncommon 80 / 165 $ 3.04 11.76%
Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Uncommon 81 / 165 $ 2.31 -0.43%
Ivysaur Ivysaur Ivysaur Uncommon 82 / 165 $ 7.17 1.41%
Jynx Jynx Jynx Uncommon 83 / 165 $ 2.78 0.72%
Kadabra Kadabra Kadabra Uncommon 84 / 165 $ 2.95 8.46%
Machoke Machoke Machoke Uncommon 85 / 165 $ 1.95 3.72%
Magmar Magmar Magmar Uncommon 86 / 165 $ 2.77 6.95%
Metapod Metapod Metapod Uncommon 87 / 165 $ 13.57 0.74%
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Uncommon 88 / 165 $ 3.81 2.14%
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Uncommon 89 / 165 $ 5.17 25.79%
Pupitar Pupitar Pupitar Uncommon 90 / 165 $ 1.25 -0.79%
Quilava Quilava Quilava Uncommon 91 / 165 $ 3.50 -5.66%
Wartortle Wartortle Wartortle Uncommon 92 / 165 $ 7.78 1.43%
Abra Abra Abra Common 93 / 165 $ 1.21 1.68%
Bulbasaur (94) Bulbasaur 94 Bulbasaur 94 Common 94 / 165 $ 7.54 3.86%
Bulbasaur (95) Bulbasaur 95 Bulbasaur 95 Common 95 / 165 $ 12.57 4.92%
Caterpie Caterpie Caterpie Common 96 / 165 $ 2.29 0.88%
Charmander (97) Charmander 97 Charmander 97 Common 97 / 165 $ 6.41 19.37%
Charmander (98) Charmander 98 Charmander 98 Common 98 / 165 $ 44.82 1.63%
Chikorita (99) Chikorita 99 Chikorita 99 Common 99 / 165 $ 2.79 4.10%
Chikorita (100) Chikorita 100 Chikorita 100 Common 100 / 165 $ 2.69 1.89%
Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy Common 101 / 165 $ 1.57 4.67%
Corsola Corsola Corsola Common 102 / 165 $ 1.23 4.24%
Cubone Cubone Cubone Common 103 / 165 $ 10.35 39.11%
Cyndaquil (104) Cyndaquil 104 Cyndaquil 104 Common 104 / 165 $ 2.97 -0.67%
Cyndaquil (105) Cyndaquil 105 Cyndaquil 105 Common 105 / 165 $ 22.03 -0.81%
Diglett Diglett Diglett Common 106 / 165 $ 1.22 4.27%
Dratini Dratini Dratini Common 107 / 165 $ 24.71 0.16%
Ekans Ekans Ekans Common 108 / 165 $ 1.43 8.33%
Gastly Gastly Gastly Common 109 / 165 $ 0.95 -3.06%
Geodude Geodude Geodude Common 110 / 165 $ 1.69 19.01%
Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Common 111 / 165 $ 0.92 -6.12%
Hoppip Hoppip Hoppip Common 112 / 165 $ 0.63 1.61%
Houndour Houndour Houndour Common 113 / 165 $ 2.07 3.50%
Koffing Koffing Koffing Common 114 / 165 $ 0.78 -4.88%
Krabby Krabby Krabby Common 115 / 165 $ 1.04 -1.89%
Larvitar Larvitar Larvitar Common 116 / 165 $ 9.42 14.60%
Machop Machop Machop Common 117 / 165 $ 0.86 2.38%
Magikarp Magikarp Magikarp Common 118 / 165 $ 7.43 3.19%
Mareep Mareep Mareep Common 119 / 165 $ 1.08 17.39%
Marill Marill Marill Common 120 / 165 $ 1.62 25.58%
Meowth Meowth Meowth Common 121 / 165 $ 1.02 -1.92%
Oddish Oddish Oddish Common 122 / 165 $ 0.74 1.37%
Pidgey Pidgey Pidgey Common 123 / 165 $ 2.66 12.24%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Common 124 / 165 $ 6.13 53.63%
Poliwag Poliwag Poliwag Common 125 / 165 $ 3.88 17.22%
Ponyta Ponyta Ponyta Common 126 / 165 $ 1.69 1.20%
Qwilfish Qwilfish Qwilfish Common 127 / 165 $ 6.58 5.28%
Rattata Rattata Rattata Common 128 / 165 $ 1.56 1.30%
Shellder Shellder Shellder Common 129 / 165 $ 5.79 0.17%
Spearow Spearow Spearow Common 130 / 165 $ 8.04 -0.50%
Squirtle (131) Squirtle 131 Squirtle 131 Common 131 / 165 $ 13.00 3.01%
Squirtle (132) Squirtle 132 Squirtle 132 Common 132 / 165 $ 9.01 7.78%
Tauros Tauros Tauros Common 133 / 165 $ 2.97 -0.34%
Totodile (134) Totodile 134 Totodile 134 Common 134 / 165 $ 5.95 15.53%
Totodile (135) Totodile 135 Totodile 135 Common 135 / 165 $ 4.89 31.10%
Vulpix Vulpix Vulpix Common 136 / 165 $ 4.03 2.54%
Bill's Maintenance Bills Maintenance Bills Maintenance Uncommon 137 / 165 $ 0.54 -1.82%
Copycat Copycat Copycat Uncommon 138 / 165 $ 0.69 -2.82%
Dual Ball Dual Ball Dual Ball Uncommon 139 / 165 $ 1.51 -1.95%
Energy Removal 2 Energy Removal 2 Energy Removal 2 Uncommon 140 / 165 $ 1.06 -7.02%
Energy Restore Energy Restore Energy Restore Uncommon 141 / 165 $ 3.32 6.75%
Mary's Impulse Marys Impulse Marys Impulse Uncommon 142 / 165 $ 1.36 4.62%
Master Ball Master Ball Master Ball Uncommon 143 / 165 $ 2.91 0.34%
Multi Technical Machine 01 Multi Technical Machine 01 Multi Technical Machine 01 Uncommon 144 / 165 $ 0.98 -11.71%
Pokemon Nurse Pokemon Nurse Pokemon Nurse Uncommon 145 / 165 $ 4.89 4.49%
Pokemon Reversal Pokemon Reversal Pokemon Reversal Uncommon 146 / 165 $ 8.98 0.90%
Power Charge Power Charge Power Charge Uncommon 147 / 165 $ 0.70 4.48%
Professor Elm's Training Method Professor Elms Training Method Professor Elms Training Method Uncommon 148 / 165 $ 1.01 14.77%
Professor Oak's Research Professor Oaks Research Professor Oaks Research Uncommon 149 / 165 $ 8.32 12.43%
Strength Charm Strength Charm Strength Charm Uncommon 150 / 165 $ 1.96 3.16%
Super Scoop Up Super Scoop Up Super Scoop Up Uncommon 151 / 165 $ 2.03 2.53%
Warp Point Warp Point Warp Point Uncommon 152 / 165 $ 1.90 -2.06%
Energy Search Energy Search Energy Search Common 153 / 165 $ 0.44 -2.22%
Full Heal Full Heal Full Heal Common 154 / 165 $ 0.52 26.83%
Moo-Moo Milk Moo Moo Milk Moo Moo Milk Common 155 / 165 $ 0.54 -1.82%
Potion Potion Potion Common 156 / 165 $ 2.35 15.76%
Switch Switch Switch Common 157 / 165 $ 1.34 0.75%
Darkness Energy (Special) Darkness Energy Special Darkness Energy Special Rare 158 / 165 $ 4.07 -5.13%
Metal Energy (Special) Metal Energy Special Metal Energy Special Rare 159 / 165 $ 10.04 17.29%
Fighting Energy Fighting Energy Fighting Energy Common 160 / 165 $ 1.09 1.87%
Fire Energy Fire Energy Fire Energy Common 161 / 165 $ 2.52 5.00%
Grass Energy Grass Energy Grass Energy Common 162 / 165 $ 0.65 -1.52%
Lightning Energy Lightning Energy Lightning Energy Common 163 / 165 $ 0.81 1.25%
Psychic Energy Psychic Energy Psychic Energy Common 164 / 165 $ 0.92 -1.08%
Water Energy Water Energy Water Energy Common 165 / 165 $ 1.87 -0.53%
Alakazam (1)

Alakazam 1
$ 46.43 — 2.68%

Ampharos (2)

Ampharos 2
$ 35.00 — 62.79%

Arbok (3)

Arbok 3
$ 10.99 — 10.01%

Blastoise (4)

Blastoise 4
$ 359.99 — 10.77%

Butterfree (5)

Butterfree 5
$ 100.00 — 33.44%

Charizard (6)

Charizard 6
$ 297.47 — 6.41%

Clefable (7)

Clefable 7
$ 20.12 — 1.16%

Cloyster (8)

Cloyster 8
$ 50.14 — 3.60%

Dragonite (9)

Dragonite 9
$ 70.00 — 5.26%

Dugtrio (10)

Dugtrio 10
$ 32.19 — 3.34%

Fearow (11)

Fearow 11
$ 45.00 — 11.11%

Feraligatr (12)

Feraligatr 12
$ 176.16 — 7.25%

Gengar (13)

Gengar 13
$ 119.99 — 14.53%

Golem (14)

Golem 14
$ 45.98 — 9.42%

Kingler (15)

Kingler 15
$ 17.14 — -4.67%

Machamp (16)

Machamp 16
$ 33.48 — 4.69%

Magby (17)

Magby 17
$ 47.46 — 0.36%

Meganium (18)

Meganium 18
$ 37.62 — 8.04%

Mew (19)

Mew 19
$ 115.00 — 4.55%

Mewtwo (20)

Mewtwo 20
$ 394.44 — 1.43%

Ninetales (21)

Ninetales 21
$ 37.33 — -2.43%

Pichu (22)

Pichu 22
$ 38.76 — -2.61%

Pidgeot (23)

Pidgeot 23
$ 59.28 — 2.81%

Poliwrath (24)

Poliwrath 24
$ 20.37 — 13.42%

Raichu (25)

Raichu 25
$ 107.83 — -0.82%

Rapidash (26)

Rapidash 26
$ 22.32 — 20.84%

Skarmory (27)

Skarmory 27
$ 17.11 — 5.62%

Typhlosion (28)

Typhlosion 28
$ 111.76 — 49.43%

Tyranitar (29)

Tyranitar 29
$ 323.65 — 167.26%

Venusaur (30)

Venusaur 30
$ 52.52 — 152.86%

Vileplume (31)

Vileplume 31
$ 35.68 — 1.88%

Weezing (32)

Weezing 32
$ 70.71 — 5.44%

Alakazam (33)

Alakazam 33
$ 5.13 — 10.56%

Ampharos (34)

Ampharos 34
$ 7.35 — 2.94%

Arbok (35)

Arbok 35
$ 4.35 — 10.69%

Blastoise (36)

Blastoise 36
$ 27.52 — 0.81%

Blastoise (37)

Blastoise 37
$ 26.64 — 4.63%

Butterfree (38)

Butterfree 38
$ 5.93 — -0.34%

Charizard (39)

Charizard 39
$ 279.95 — 16.66%

Charizard (40)

Charizard 40
$ 169.95 — 7.93%

Clefable (41)

Clefable 41
$ 2.06 — 8.42%

Cloyster (42)

Cloyster 42
$ 4.98 — 2.26%

Dragonite (43)

Dragonite 43
$ 33.45 — 1.09%

Dugtrio (44)

Dugtrio 44
$ 3.36 — 0.30%

Fearow (45)

Fearow 45
$ 5.74 — -3.20%

Feraligatr (46)

Feraligatr 46
$ 8.57 — 2.27%

Feraligatr (47)

Feraligatr 47
$ 14.61 — 8.54%

Gengar (48)

Gengar 48
$ 35.37 — 0.97%

Golem (49)

Golem 49
$ 4.71 — 0.43%

Kingler (50)

Kingler 50
$ 5.32 — 0.57%

Machamp (51)

Machamp 51
$ 3.74 — 7.47%

Magby (52)

Magby 52
$ 4.69 — -0.42%

Meganium (53)

Meganium 53
$ 14.92 — -0.07%

Meganium (54)

Meganium 54
$ 21.15 — 15.89%

Mew (55)

Mew 55
$ 37.93 — 25.43%

Mewtwo (56)

Mewtwo 56
$ 50.00 — 35.39%

Ninetales (57)

Ninetales 57
$ 6.35 — 0.63%

Pichu (58)

Pichu 58
$ 10.38 — 1.37%

Pidgeot (59)

Pidgeot 59
$ 6.36 — 1.60%

Poliwrath (60)

Poliwrath 60
$ 8.31 — -0.24%

Raichu (61)

Raichu 61
$ 4.91 — 0.41%

Rapidash (62)

Rapidash 62
$ 3.83 — -1.54%

Skarmory (63)

Skarmory 63
$ 4.73 — 0.21%

Typhlosion (64)

Typhlosion 64
$ 22.04 — 28.74%

Typhlosion (65)

Typhlosion 65
$ 11.34 — 2.90%

Tyranitar (66)

Tyranitar 66
$ 49.67 — -33.74%

Venusaur (67)

Venusaur 67
$ 18.05 — 1.23%

Venusaur (68)

Venusaur 68
$ 12.61 — 1.20%

Vileplume (69)

Vileplume 69
$ 5.26 — -2.41%

Weezing (70)

Weezing 70
$ 1.83 — -2.66%


$ 3.53 — 3.22%


$ 23.26 — 2.56%


$ 49.28 — 4.83%


$ 14.77 — 5.35%


$ 32.31 — 18.48%


$ 1.35 — 16.38%


$ 1.31 — 0.77%


$ 1.61 — 0.63%


$ 11.16 — 1.45%


$ 3.04 — 11.76%


$ 2.31 — -0.43%


$ 7.17 — 1.41%


$ 2.78 — 0.72%


$ 2.95 — 8.46%


$ 1.95 — 3.72%


$ 2.77 — 6.95%


$ 13.57 — 0.74%


$ 3.81 — 2.14%


$ 5.17 — 25.79%


$ 1.25 — -0.79%


$ 3.50 — -5.66%


$ 7.78 — 1.43%


$ 1.21 — 1.68%

Bulbasaur (94)

Bulbasaur 94
$ 7.54 — 3.86%

Bulbasaur (95)

Bulbasaur 95
$ 12.57 — 4.92%


$ 2.29 — 0.88%

Charmander (97)

Charmander 97
$ 6.41 — 19.37%

Charmander (98)

Charmander 98
$ 44.82 — 1.63%

Chikorita (99)

Chikorita 99
$ 2.79 — 4.10%

Chikorita (100)

Chikorita 100
$ 2.69 — 1.89%


$ 1.57 — 4.67%


$ 1.23 — 4.24%


$ 10.35 — 39.11%

Cyndaquil (104)

Cyndaquil 104
$ 2.97 — -0.67%

Cyndaquil (105)

Cyndaquil 105
$ 22.03 — -0.81%


$ 1.22 — 4.27%


$ 24.71 — 0.16%


$ 1.43 — 8.33%


$ 0.95 — -3.06%


$ 1.69 — 19.01%


$ 0.92 — -6.12%


$ 0.63 — 1.61%


$ 2.07 — 3.50%


$ 0.78 — -4.88%


$ 1.04 — -1.89%


$ 9.42 — 14.60%


$ 0.86 — 2.38%


$ 7.43 — 3.19%


$ 1.08 — 17.39%


$ 1.62 — 25.58%


$ 1.02 — -1.92%


$ 0.74 — 1.37%


$ 2.66 — 12.24%


$ 6.13 — 53.63%


$ 3.88 — 17.22%


$ 1.69 — 1.20%


$ 6.58 — 5.28%


$ 1.56 — 1.30%


$ 5.79 — 0.17%


$ 8.04 — -0.50%

Squirtle (131)

Squirtle 131
$ 13.00 — 3.01%

Squirtle (132)

Squirtle 132
$ 9.01 — 7.78%


$ 2.97 — -0.34%

Totodile (134)

Totodile 134
$ 5.95 — 15.53%

Totodile (135)

Totodile 135
$ 4.89 — 31.10%


$ 4.03 — 2.54%

Bill's Maintenance

Bills Maintenance
$ 0.54 — -1.82%


$ 0.69 — -2.82%

Dual Ball

Dual Ball
$ 1.51 — -1.95%

Energy Removal 2

Energy Removal 2
$ 1.06 — -7.02%

Energy Restore

Energy Restore
$ 3.32 — 6.75%

Mary's Impulse

Marys Impulse
$ 1.36 — 4.62%

Master Ball

Master Ball
$ 2.91 — 0.34%

Multi Technical Machine 01

Multi Technical Machine 01
$ 0.98 — -11.71%

Pokemon Nurse

Pokemon Nurse
$ 4.89 — 4.49%

Pokemon Reversal

Pokemon Reversal
$ 8.98 — 0.90%

Power Charge

Power Charge
$ 0.70 — 4.48%

Professor Elm's Training Method

Professor Elms Training Method
$ 1.01 — 14.77%

Professor Oak's Research

Professor Oaks Research
$ 8.32 — 12.43%

Strength Charm

Strength Charm
$ 1.96 — 3.16%

Super Scoop Up

Super Scoop Up
$ 2.03 — 2.53%

Warp Point

Warp Point
$ 1.90 — -2.06%

Energy Search

Energy Search
$ 0.44 — -2.22%

Full Heal

Full Heal
$ 0.52 — 26.83%

Moo-Moo Milk

Moo Moo Milk
$ 0.54 — -1.82%


$ 2.35 — 15.76%


$ 1.34 — 0.75%

Darkness Energy (Special)

Darkness Energy Special
$ 4.07 — -5.13%

Metal Energy (Special)

Metal Energy Special
$ 10.04 — 17.29%

Fighting Energy

Fighting Energy
$ 1.09 — 1.87%

Fire Energy

Fire Energy
$ 2.52 — 5.00%

Grass Energy

Grass Energy
$ 0.65 — -1.52%

Lightning Energy

Lightning Energy
$ 0.81 — 1.25%

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy
$ 0.92 — -1.08%

Water Energy

Water Energy
$ 1.87 — -0.53%