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1 Ratings


Gym Challenge

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $13.34
Total Value Range $1,021.97 — $1,760.98
Average Card Price Range $7.74 — $13.34

About Gym Challenge

Released on October 16, 2000, Gym Challenge is part of the Gym series, and has 133 total cards.

The Pokemon Trading Card Game: Gym Challenge set was released in August 2000 and is the sixth set of the Neo Series. The set features the main characters from the Pokémon anime series and introduces Steel-type Pokémon as well as new Trainer cards. In total, there are 132 cards in the set, including 10 holographic cards and 7 Type energy cards. The set revolves around eight Gym Leaders from the Pokémon anime series and provides support for the colorless type Pokémon.

The Gym Leaders are Brock, Misty, Surge, Erika, Sabrina, Blaine, Koga, and Giovanni. The artworks featured on the Gym Leader cards depict them in their iconic poses and the Trainers feature their matching logos. Two of the Trainers are limited cards, meaning they are only printed in two copies. Many of the cards also reference the Pokemon anime, featuring Pokemon in poses that were seen in the show.

The set also includes a number of powerful Pokemon such as Heracross and Scyther, as well as some of the more popular ones like Blastoise, Charizard, and Mewtwo. The powerful “Rarity Coin Flip” Trainer card was included in the set, allowing players to increase the value of their Pokemon by flipping a coin to determine its rarity. Of the 132 cards, seven are secret rare and ten are ultra-rare.

The Gym Challenge set is significant in the Pokemon Trading Card Game for making the transition from the previous era of the series to the Neo era. It features a variety of cards from the colorless and steel-types, as well as a number of powerful and popular Pokemon cards. The Gym Leader cards also add a fun creative touch to the set as they depict the characters from the anime. The set continues to remain popular among Pokemon card game players and collectors, many of which continue to search and collect these rare cards.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Gym Challenge?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Gym Challenge. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Gym Challenge.

Blaine's Charizard

Blaines Charizard

$312.77 29.65%

Rocket's Mewtwo

Rockets Mewtwo

$161.71 75.77%
1 Blaine's Charizard Blaines Charizard Holo Rare 2 / 133 $312.77 29.65%
2 Rocket's Mewtwo Rockets Mewtwo Holo Rare 14 / 133 $161.71 75.77%
3 Erika's Venusaur Erikas Venusaur Holo Rare 4 / 133 $103.27 36.04%
4 Giovanni's Machamp Giovannis Machamp Holo Rare 6 / 133 $87.57 80.22%
5 Misty's Gyarados Mistys Gyarados Holo Rare 13 / 133 $83.70 45.49%

Gym Challenge Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Gym Challenge. Complete with prices and trends.

Gym Challenge Booster Pack [Unlimited Edition]

Gym Challenge Booster Pack Unlimited Edition

$248.98 — 0%

Gym Challenge Booster Pack [1st Edition]

Gym Challenge Booster Pack 1st Edition


Blaine's Arcanine Blaines Arcanine Blaines Arcanine Holo Rare 1 / 133 $ 64.29 2.73%
Blaine's Charizard Blaines Charizard Blaines Charizard Holo Rare 2 / 133 $ 312.77 0.64%
Brock's Ninetales Brocks Ninetales Brocks Ninetales Holo Rare 3 / 133 $ 44.78 1.56%
Erika's Venusaur Erikas Venusaur Erikas Venusaur Holo Rare 4 / 133 $ 103.27 0.31%
Giovanni's Gyarados Giovannis Gyarados Giovannis Gyarados Holo Rare 5 / 133 $ 77.67 5.10%
Giovanni's Machamp Giovannis Machamp Giovannis Machamp Holo Rare 6 / 133 $ 87.57 2.85%
Giovanni's Nidoking Giovannis Nidoking Giovannis Nidoking Holo Rare 7 / 133 $ 44.01 1.08%
Giovanni's Persian Giovannis Persian Giovannis Persian Holo Rare 8 / 133 $ 25.36 1.97%
Koga's Beedrill Kogas Beedrill Kogas Beedrill Holo Rare 9 / 133 $ 21.90 0.50%
Koga's Ditto Kogas Ditto Kogas Ditto Holo Rare 10 / 133 $ 33.37 1.15%
Lt. Surge's Raichu Lt Surges Raichu Lt Surges Raichu Holo Rare 11 / 133 $ 46.30 2.16%
Misty's Golduck Mistys Golduck Mistys Golduck Holo Rare 12 / 133 $ 41.29 7.61%
Misty's Gyarados Mistys Gyarados Mistys Gyarados Holo Rare 13 / 133 $ 83.70 2.72%
Rocket's Mewtwo Rockets Mewtwo Rockets Mewtwo Holo Rare 14 / 133 $ 161.71 0.99%
Rocket's Zapdos Rockets Zapdos Rockets Zapdos Holo Rare 15 / 133 $ 56.29 1.85%
Sabrina's Alakazam Sabrinas Alakazam Sabrinas Alakazam Holo Rare 16 / 133 $ 39.07 1.45%
Blaine (17) Blaine 17 Blaine 17 Holo Rare 17 / 133 $ 25.44 0.32%
Giovanni (18) Giovanni 18 Giovanni 18 Holo Rare 18 / 133 $ 28.20 3.37%
Koga (19) Koga 19 Koga 19 Holo Rare 19 / 133 $ 29.74 1.26%
Sabrina (20) Sabrina 20 Sabrina 20 Holo Rare 20 / 133 $ 42.74 5.01%
Blaine's Ninetales Blaines Ninetales Blaines Ninetales Rare 21 / 133 $ 13.26 2.16%
Brock's Dugtrio Brocks Dugtrio Brocks Dugtrio Rare 22 / 133 $ 7.21 2.12%
Giovanni's Nidoqueen Giovannis Nidoqueen Giovannis Nidoqueen Rare 23 / 133 $ 9.66 2.66%
Giovanni's Pinsir Giovannis Pinsir Giovannis Pinsir Rare 24 / 133 $ 8.44 -0.12%
Koga's Arbok Kogas Arbok Kogas Arbok Rare 25 / 133 $ 10.70 0.47%
Koga's Muk Kogas Muk Kogas Muk Rare 26 / 133 $ 9.63 0.94%
Koga's Pidgeotto Kogas Pidgeotto Kogas Pidgeotto Rare 27 / 133 $ 7.25 1.12%
Lt. Surge's Jolteon Lt Surges Jolteon Lt Surges Jolteon Rare 28 / 133 $ 14.63 2.52%
Sabrina's Gengar Sabrinas Gengar Sabrinas Gengar Rare 29 / 133 $ 54.00 1.37%
Sabrina's Golduck Sabrinas Golduck Sabrinas Golduck Rare 30 / 133 $ 7.33 -0.68%
Blaine's Charmeleon Blaines Charmeleon Blaines Charmeleon Uncommon 31 / 133 $ 2.82 2.92%
Blaine's Dodrio Blaines Dodrio Blaines Dodrio Uncommon 32 / 133 $ 3.03 -0.66%
Blaine's Rapidash Blaines Rapidash Blaines Rapidash Uncommon 33 / 133 $ 1.09 -2.68%
Brock's Graveler Brocks Graveler Brocks Graveler Uncommon 34 / 133 $ 1.39 0.72%
Brock's Primeape Brocks Primeape Brocks Primeape Uncommon 35 / 133 $ 3.87 2.11%
Brock's Sandslash Brocks Sandslash Brocks Sandslash Uncommon 36 / 133 $ 1.82 1.11%
Brock's Vulpix Brocks Vulpix Brocks Vulpix Uncommon 37 / 133 $ 8.96 0.45%
Erika's Bellsprout Erikas Bellsprout Erikas Bellsprout Uncommon 38 / 133 $ 1.48 -2.63%
Erika's Bulbasaur Erikas Bulbasaur Erikas Bulbasaur Uncommon 39 / 133 $ 6.78 5.28%
Erika's Clefairy Erikas Clefairy Erikas Clefairy Uncommon 40 / 133 $ 3.41 -1.16%
Erika's Ivysaur Erikas Ivysaur Erikas Ivysaur Uncommon 41 / 133 $ 5.47 0.37%
Giovanni's Machoke Giovannis Machoke Giovannis Machoke Uncommon 42 / 133 $ 4.69 0.64%
Giovanni's Meowth (43) Giovannis Meowth 43 Giovannis Meowth 43 Uncommon 43 / 133 $ 1.69 3.68%
Giovanni's Nidorina Giovannis Nidorina Giovannis Nidorina Uncommon 44 / 133 $ 2.98 1.02%
Giovanni's Nidorino Giovannis Nidorino Giovannis Nidorino Uncommon 45 / 133 $ 3.87 1.04%
Koga's Golbat Kogas Golbat Kogas Golbat Uncommon 46 / 133 $ 1.84 2.22%
Koga's Kakuna Kogas Kakuna Kogas Kakuna Uncommon 47 / 133 $ 0.98 -4.85%
Koga's Koffing (48) Kogas Koffing 48 Kogas Koffing 48 Uncommon 48 / 133 $ 1.04 2.97%
Koga's Pidgey (49) Kogas Pidgey 49 Kogas Pidgey 49 Uncommon 49 / 133 $ 2.08 0.97%
Koga's Weezing Kogas Weezing Kogas Weezing Uncommon 50 / 133 $ 1.35 5.47%
Lt. Surge's Eevee Lt Surges Eevee Lt Surges Eevee Uncommon 51 / 133 $ 5.13 2.81%
Lt. Surge's Electrode Lt Surges Electrode Lt Surges Electrode Uncommon 52 / 133 $ 1.93 2.66%
Lt. Surge's Raticate Lt Surges Raticate Lt Surges Raticate Uncommon 53 / 133 $ 1.56 -1.89%
Misty's Dewgong Mistys Dewgong Mistys Dewgong Uncommon 54 / 133 $ 2.90 1.05%
Sabrina's Haunter Sabrinas Haunter Sabrinas Haunter Uncommon 55 / 133 $ 3.77 -1.82%
Sabrina's Hypno Sabrinas Hypno Sabrinas Hypno Uncommon 56 / 133 $ 2.61 3.16%
Sabrina's Jynx Sabrinas Jynx Sabrinas Jynx Uncommon 57 / 133 $ 1.28 0.79%
Sabrina's Kadabra Sabrinas Kadabra Sabrinas Kadabra Uncommon 58 / 133 $ 2.84 0.35%
Sabrina's Mr. Mime Sabrinas Mr Mime Sabrinas Mr Mime Uncommon 59 / 133 $ 2.54 1.20%
Blaine's Charmander Blaines Charmander Blaines Charmander Common 60 / 133 $ 2.06 0.98%
Blaine's Doduo Blaines Doduo Blaines Doduo Common 61 / 133 $ 0.68 -4.23%
Blaine's Growlithe Blaines Growlithe Blaines Growlithe Common 62 / 133 $ 1.25 -0.79%
Blaine's Mankey Blaines Mankey Blaines Mankey Common 63 / 133 $ 0.56 7.69%
Blaine's Ponyta Blaines Ponyta Blaines Ponyta Common 64 / 133 $ 0.61 -4.69%
Blaine's Rhyhorn Blaines Rhyhorn Blaines Rhyhorn Common 65 / 133 $ 0.71 -4.05%
Blaine's Vulpix Blaines Vulpix Blaines Vulpix Common 66 / 133 $ 0.80 1.27%
Brock's Diglett Brocks Diglett Brocks Diglett Common 67 / 133 $ 0.68 3.03%
Brock's Geodude Brocks Geodude Brocks Geodude Common 68 / 133 $ 0.78 4.00%
Erika's Jigglypuff Erikas Jigglypuff Erikas Jigglypuff Common 69 / 133 $ 1.28 -0.78%
Erika's Oddish Erikas Oddish Erikas Oddish Common 70 / 133 $ 0.98 1.03%
Erika's Paras Erikas Paras Erikas Paras Common 71 / 133 $ 0.82 1.23%
Giovanni's Machop Giovannis Machop Giovannis Machop Common 72 / 133 $ 3.33 5.38%
Giovanni's Magikarp Giovannis Magikarp Giovannis Magikarp Common 73 / 133 $ 1.79 2.87%
Giovanni's Meowth (74) Giovannis Meowth 74 Giovannis Meowth 74 Common 74 / 133 $ 0.95 3.26%
Giovanni's Nidoran F Giovannis Nidoran F Giovannis Nidoran F Common 75 / 133 $ 0.78 1.30%
Giovanni's Nidoran M Giovannis Nidoran M Giovannis Nidoran M Common 76 / 133 $ 1.13 11.88%
Koga's Ekans Kogas Ekans Kogas Ekans Common 77 / 133 $ 0.50 -1.96%
Koga's Grimer Kogas Grimer Kogas Grimer Common 78 / 133 $ 0.78 2.63%
Koga's Koffing (79) Kogas Koffing 79 Kogas Koffing 79 Common 79 / 133 $ 1.53 4.08%
Koga's Pidgey (80) Kogas Pidgey 80 Kogas Pidgey 80 Common 80 / 133 $ 0.60 1.69%
Koga's Tangela Kogas Tangela Kogas Tangela Common 81 / 133 $ 1.67 1.21%
Koga's Weedle Kogas Weedle Kogas Weedle Common 82 / 133 $ 0.52 -5.45%
Koga's Zubat Kogas Zubat Kogas Zubat Common 83 / 133 $ 0.86 7.50%
Lt. Surge's Pikachu Lt Surges Pikachu Lt Surges Pikachu Common 84 / 133 $ 3.74 -2.60%
Lt. Surge's Rattata Lt Surges Rattata Lt Surges Rattata Common 85 / 133 $ 0.66 4.76%
Lt. Surge's Voltorb Lt Surges Voltorb Lt Surges Voltorb Common 86 / 133 $ 0.58 -6.45%
Misty's Horsea Mistys Horsea Mistys Horsea Common 87 / 133 $ 0.89 1.14%
Misty's Magikarp Mistys Magikarp Mistys Magikarp Common 88 / 133 $ 1.40 -2.10%
Misty's Poliwag Mistys Poliwag Mistys Poliwag Common 89 / 133 $ 0.89 -1.11%
Misty's Psyduck Mistys Psyduck Mistys Psyduck Common 90 / 133 $ 3.05 5.17%
Misty's Seel Mistys Seel Mistys Seel Common 91 / 133 $ 0.83 -3.49%
Misty's Staryu Mistys Staryu Mistys Staryu Common 92 / 133 $ 1.06 -0.93%
Sabrina's Abra (93) Sabrinas Abra 93 Sabrinas Abra 93 Common 93 / 133 $ 1.19 -8.46%
Sabrina's Abra (94) Sabrinas Abra 94 Sabrinas Abra 94 Common 94 / 133 $ 1.32 0.76%
Sabrina's Drowzee Sabrinas Drowzee Sabrinas Drowzee Common 95 / 133 $ 0.69 -2.82%
Sabrina's Gastly (96) Sabrinas Gastly 96 Sabrinas Gastly 96 Common 96 / 133 $ 1.08 1.89%
Sabrina's Gastly (97) Sabrinas Gastly 97 Sabrinas Gastly 97 Common 97 / 133 $ 2.83 7.60%
Sabrina's Porygon Sabrinas Porygon Sabrinas Porygon Common 98 / 133 $ 0.96 -1.03%
Sabrina's Psyduck Sabrinas Psyduck Sabrinas Psyduck Common 99 / 133 $ 1.90 -2.06%
Blaine (100) Blaine 100 Blaine 100 Rare 100 / 133 $ 6.59 1.07%
Brock's Protection Brocks Protection Brocks Protection Rare 101 / 133 $ 7.39 0.27%
Chaos Gym Chaos Gym Chaos Gym Rare 102 / 133 $ 9.14 -3.99%
Erika's Kindness Erikas Kindness Erikas Kindness Rare 103 / 133 $ 18.03 0.78%
Giovanni (104) Giovanni 104 Giovanni 104 Rare 104 / 133 $ 3.19 2.24%
Giovanni's Last Resort Giovannis Last Resort Giovannis Last Resort Rare 105 / 133 $ 5.91 1.03%
Koga (106) Koga 106 Koga 106 Rare 106 / 133 $ 2.56 1.19%
Lt. Surge's Secret Plan Lt Surges Secret Plan Lt Surges Secret Plan Rare 107 / 133 $ 4.38 7.88%
Misty's Wish Mistys Wish Mistys Wish Rare 108 / 133 $ 7.53 1.76%
Resistance Gym Resistance Gym Resistance Gym Rare 109 / 133 $ 4.17 0.24%
Sabrina (110) Sabrina 110 Sabrina 110 Rare 110 / 133 $ 4.40 -2.00%
Blaine's Quiz #2 Blaines Quiz 2 Blaines Quiz 2 Uncommon 111 / 133 $ 3.16 0.32%
Blaine's Quiz #3 Blaines Quiz 3 Blaines Quiz 3 Uncommon 112 / 133 $ 2.88 -2.37%
Cinnabar City Gym Cinnabar City Gym Cinnabar City Gym Uncommon 113 / 133 $ 0.59 1.72%
Fuchsia City Gym Fuchsia City Gym Fuchsia City Gym Uncommon 114 / 133 $ 0.82 3.80%
Koga's Ninja Trick Kogas Ninja Trick Kogas Ninja Trick Uncommon 115 / 133 $ 1.29 2.38%
Master Ball Master Ball Master Ball Uncommon 116 / 133 $ 2.68 -0.37%
Max Revive Max Revive Max Revive Uncommon 117 / 133 $ 2.09 3.47%
Misty's Tears Mistys Tears Mistys Tears Uncommon 118 / 133 $ 11.35 -0.18%
Rocket's Minefield Gym Rockets Minefield Gym Rockets Minefield Gym Uncommon 119 / 133 $ 1.66 -0.60%
Rocket's Secret Experiment Rockets Secret Experiment Rockets Secret Experiment Uncommon 120 / 133 $ 3.29 0.92%
Sabrina's Psychic Control Sabrinas Psychic Control Sabrinas Psychic Control Uncommon 121 / 133 $ 1.69 4.32%
Saffron City Gym Saffron City Gym Saffron City Gym Uncommon 122 / 133 $ 0.93 2.20%
Viridian City Gym Viridian City Gym Viridian City Gym Uncommon 123 / 133 $ 0.77 6.94%
Fervor Fervor Fervor Common 124 / 133 $ 0.43 7.50%
Transparent Walls Transparent Walls Transparent Walls Common 125 / 133 $ 1.32 -0.75%
Warp Point Warp Point Warp Point Common 126 / 133 $ 0.88 6.02%
Fighting Energy Fighting Energy Fighting Energy Common 127 / 133 $ 0.59 9.26%
Fire Energy Fire Energy Fire Energy Common 128 / 133 $ 1.38 1.47%
Grass Energy Grass Energy Grass Energy Common 129 / 133 $ 1.14 3.64%
Lightning Energy Lightning Energy Lightning Energy Common 130 / 133 $ 1.01 3.06%
Psychic Energy Psychic Energy Psychic Energy Common 131 / 133 $ 0.76 -1.30%
Water Energy Water Energy Water Energy Common 132 / 133 $ 1.48 -1.33%
Blaine's Arcanine

Blaines Arcanine
$ 64.29 — 2.73%

Blaine's Charizard

Blaines Charizard
$ 312.77 — 0.64%

Brock's Ninetales

Brocks Ninetales
$ 44.78 — 1.56%

Erika's Venusaur

Erikas Venusaur
$ 103.27 — 0.31%

Giovanni's Gyarados

Giovannis Gyarados
$ 77.67 — 5.10%

Giovanni's Machamp

Giovannis Machamp
$ 87.57 — 2.85%

Giovanni's Nidoking

Giovannis Nidoking
$ 44.01 — 1.08%

Giovanni's Persian

Giovannis Persian
$ 25.36 — 1.97%

Koga's Beedrill

Kogas Beedrill
$ 21.90 — 0.50%

Koga's Ditto

Kogas Ditto
$ 33.37 — 1.15%

Lt. Surge's Raichu

Lt Surges Raichu
$ 46.30 — 2.16%

Misty's Golduck

Mistys Golduck
$ 41.29 — 7.61%

Misty's Gyarados

Mistys Gyarados
$ 83.70 — 2.72%

Rocket's Mewtwo

Rockets Mewtwo
$ 161.71 — 0.99%

Rocket's Zapdos

Rockets Zapdos
$ 56.29 — 1.85%

Sabrina's Alakazam

Sabrinas Alakazam
$ 39.07 — 1.45%

Blaine (17)

Blaine 17
$ 25.44 — 0.32%

Giovanni (18)

Giovanni 18
$ 28.20 — 3.37%

Koga (19)

Koga 19
$ 29.74 — 1.26%

Sabrina (20)

Sabrina 20
$ 42.74 — 5.01%

Blaine's Ninetales

Blaines Ninetales
$ 13.26 — 2.16%

Brock's Dugtrio

Brocks Dugtrio
$ 7.21 — 2.12%

Giovanni's Nidoqueen

Giovannis Nidoqueen
$ 9.66 — 2.66%

Giovanni's Pinsir

Giovannis Pinsir
$ 8.44 — -0.12%

Koga's Arbok

Kogas Arbok
$ 10.70 — 0.47%

Koga's Muk

Kogas Muk
$ 9.63 — 0.94%

Koga's Pidgeotto

Kogas Pidgeotto
$ 7.25 — 1.12%

Lt. Surge's Jolteon

Lt Surges Jolteon
$ 14.63 — 2.52%

Sabrina's Gengar

Sabrinas Gengar
$ 54.00 — 1.37%

Sabrina's Golduck

Sabrinas Golduck
$ 7.33 — -0.68%

Blaine's Charmeleon

Blaines Charmeleon
$ 2.82 — 2.92%

Blaine's Dodrio

Blaines Dodrio
$ 3.03 — -0.66%

Blaine's Rapidash

Blaines Rapidash
$ 1.09 — -2.68%

Brock's Graveler

Brocks Graveler
$ 1.39 — 0.72%

Brock's Primeape

Brocks Primeape
$ 3.87 — 2.11%

Brock's Sandslash

Brocks Sandslash
$ 1.82 — 1.11%

Brock's Vulpix

Brocks Vulpix
$ 8.96 — 0.45%

Erika's Bellsprout

Erikas Bellsprout
$ 1.48 — -2.63%

Erika's Bulbasaur

Erikas Bulbasaur
$ 6.78 — 5.28%

Erika's Clefairy

Erikas Clefairy
$ 3.41 — -1.16%

Erika's Ivysaur

Erikas Ivysaur
$ 5.47 — 0.37%

Giovanni's Machoke

Giovannis Machoke
$ 4.69 — 0.64%

Giovanni's Meowth (43)

Giovannis Meowth 43
$ 1.69 — 3.68%

Giovanni's Nidorina

Giovannis Nidorina
$ 2.98 — 1.02%

Giovanni's Nidorino

Giovannis Nidorino
$ 3.87 — 1.04%

Koga's Golbat

Kogas Golbat
$ 1.84 — 2.22%

Koga's Kakuna

Kogas Kakuna
$ 0.98 — -4.85%

Koga's Koffing (48)

Kogas Koffing 48
$ 1.04 — 2.97%

Koga's Pidgey (49)

Kogas Pidgey 49
$ 2.08 — 0.97%

Koga's Weezing

Kogas Weezing
$ 1.35 — 5.47%

Lt. Surge's Eevee

Lt Surges Eevee
$ 5.13 — 2.81%

Lt. Surge's Electrode

Lt Surges Electrode
$ 1.93 — 2.66%

Lt. Surge's Raticate

Lt Surges Raticate
$ 1.56 — -1.89%

Misty's Dewgong

Mistys Dewgong
$ 2.90 — 1.05%

Sabrina's Haunter

Sabrinas Haunter
$ 3.77 — -1.82%

Sabrina's Hypno

Sabrinas Hypno
$ 2.61 — 3.16%

Sabrina's Jynx

Sabrinas Jynx
$ 1.28 — 0.79%

Sabrina's Kadabra

Sabrinas Kadabra
$ 2.84 — 0.35%

Sabrina's Mr. Mime

Sabrinas Mr Mime
$ 2.54 — 1.20%

Blaine's Charmander

Blaines Charmander
$ 2.06 — 0.98%

Blaine's Doduo

Blaines Doduo
$ 0.68 — -4.23%

Blaine's Growlithe

Blaines Growlithe
$ 1.25 — -0.79%

Blaine's Mankey

Blaines Mankey
$ 0.56 — 7.69%

Blaine's Ponyta

Blaines Ponyta
$ 0.61 — -4.69%

Blaine's Rhyhorn

Blaines Rhyhorn
$ 0.71 — -4.05%

Blaine's Vulpix

Blaines Vulpix
$ 0.80 — 1.27%

Brock's Diglett

Brocks Diglett
$ 0.68 — 3.03%

Brock's Geodude

Brocks Geodude
$ 0.78 — 4.00%

Erika's Jigglypuff

Erikas Jigglypuff
$ 1.28 — -0.78%

Erika's Oddish

Erikas Oddish
$ 0.98 — 1.03%

Erika's Paras

Erikas Paras
$ 0.82 — 1.23%

Giovanni's Machop

Giovannis Machop
$ 3.33 — 5.38%

Giovanni's Magikarp

Giovannis Magikarp
$ 1.79 — 2.87%

Giovanni's Meowth (74)

Giovannis Meowth 74
$ 0.95 — 3.26%

Giovanni's Nidoran F

Giovannis Nidoran F
$ 0.78 — 1.30%

Giovanni's Nidoran M

Giovannis Nidoran M
$ 1.13 — 11.88%

Koga's Ekans

Kogas Ekans
$ 0.50 — -1.96%

Koga's Grimer

Kogas Grimer
$ 0.78 — 2.63%

Koga's Koffing (79)

Kogas Koffing 79
$ 1.53 — 4.08%

Koga's Pidgey (80)

Kogas Pidgey 80
$ 0.60 — 1.69%

Koga's Tangela

Kogas Tangela
$ 1.67 — 1.21%

Koga's Weedle

Kogas Weedle
$ 0.52 — -5.45%

Koga's Zubat

Kogas Zubat
$ 0.86 — 7.50%

Lt. Surge's Pikachu

Lt Surges Pikachu
$ 3.74 — -2.60%

Lt. Surge's Rattata

Lt Surges Rattata
$ 0.66 — 4.76%

Lt. Surge's Voltorb

Lt Surges Voltorb
$ 0.58 — -6.45%

Misty's Horsea

Mistys Horsea
$ 0.89 — 1.14%

Misty's Magikarp

Mistys Magikarp
$ 1.40 — -2.10%

Misty's Poliwag

Mistys Poliwag
$ 0.89 — -1.11%

Misty's Psyduck

Mistys Psyduck
$ 3.05 — 5.17%

Misty's Seel

Mistys Seel
$ 0.83 — -3.49%

Misty's Staryu

Mistys Staryu
$ 1.06 — -0.93%

Sabrina's Abra (93)

Sabrinas Abra 93
$ 1.19 — -8.46%

Sabrina's Abra (94)

Sabrinas Abra 94
$ 1.32 — 0.76%

Sabrina's Drowzee

Sabrinas Drowzee
$ 0.69 — -2.82%

Sabrina's Gastly (96)

Sabrinas Gastly 96
$ 1.08 — 1.89%

Sabrina's Gastly (97)

Sabrinas Gastly 97
$ 2.83 — 7.60%

Sabrina's Porygon

Sabrinas Porygon
$ 0.96 — -1.03%

Sabrina's Psyduck

Sabrinas Psyduck
$ 1.90 — -2.06%

Blaine (100)

Blaine 100
$ 6.59 — 1.07%

Brock's Protection

Brocks Protection
$ 7.39 — 0.27%

Chaos Gym

Chaos Gym
$ 9.14 — -3.99%

Erika's Kindness

Erikas Kindness
$ 18.03 — 0.78%

Giovanni (104)

Giovanni 104
$ 3.19 — 2.24%

Giovanni's Last Resort

Giovannis Last Resort
$ 5.91 — 1.03%

Koga (106)

Koga 106
$ 2.56 — 1.19%

Lt. Surge's Secret Plan

Lt Surges Secret Plan
$ 4.38 — 7.88%

Misty's Wish

Mistys Wish
$ 7.53 — 1.76%

Resistance Gym

Resistance Gym
$ 4.17 — 0.24%

Sabrina (110)

Sabrina 110
$ 4.40 — -2.00%

Blaine's Quiz #2

Blaines Quiz 2
$ 3.16 — 0.32%

Blaine's Quiz #3

Blaines Quiz 3
$ 2.88 — -2.37%

Cinnabar City Gym

Cinnabar City Gym
$ 0.59 — 1.72%

Fuchsia City Gym

Fuchsia City Gym
$ 0.82 — 3.80%

Koga's Ninja Trick

Kogas Ninja Trick
$ 1.29 — 2.38%

Master Ball

Master Ball
$ 2.68 — -0.37%

Max Revive

Max Revive
$ 2.09 — 3.47%

Misty's Tears

Mistys Tears
$ 11.35 — -0.18%

Rocket's Minefield Gym

Rockets Minefield Gym
$ 1.66 — -0.60%

Rocket's Secret Experiment

Rockets Secret Experiment
$ 3.29 — 0.92%

Sabrina's Psychic Control

Sabrinas Psychic Control
$ 1.69 — 4.32%

Saffron City Gym

Saffron City Gym
$ 0.93 — 2.20%

Viridian City Gym

Viridian City Gym
$ 0.77 — 6.94%


$ 0.43 — 7.50%

Transparent Walls

Transparent Walls
$ 1.32 — -0.75%

Warp Point

Warp Point
$ 0.88 — 6.02%

Fighting Energy

Fighting Energy
$ 0.59 — 9.26%

Fire Energy

Fire Energy
$ 1.38 — 1.47%

Grass Energy

Grass Energy
$ 1.14 — 3.64%

Lightning Energy

Lightning Energy
$ 1.01 — 3.06%

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy
$ 0.76 — -1.30%

Water Energy

Water Energy
$ 1.48 — -1.33%