Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery Logo
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Sword & Shield

Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $14.65
Total Value Range $452.01 — $439.39
Average Card Price Range $15.07 — $14.65

About Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery

Released on February 25, 2022, Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery is part of the Sword & Shield series, and has 30 total cards.

The Pokemon card set Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery is one of the most popular and sought-after sets among Pokemon enthusiasts. Released in 2020 by The Pokemon Company, the set showcases some of the most brilliant star trainers from throughout the Pokemon world. It consists of 110 cards, all of which are holo or full art. The set includes all types of Pokemon, from Legendary and Mythical creatures to Ultra Beasts and Baby Pokemon. Along with the main 82 cards, there is also 5 Trainer cards, 10 Item cards, and 13 Energy cards.

The set is unarguably one of the most visually amazing Pokemon sets ever created, with some of the artwork featured showcasing a new standard for Pokemon card design. It focuses heavily on characters from the Kalos region of Pokémon X and Y, such as Diantha and Xerosic. Each trainer gloriously brought to life, emphasizing the finer details of their various forms. The set also features artwork of the various massive creatures seen in the official Pokémon movie, such as Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde.

As far as the game mechanic wise, Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery features several exciting new features such as the Triple Strike mechanic and the powerful Tag Team GX attacks that have the potential to finish off an opponent’s Pokémon in a single swoop. This set also introduced a new Stadium card, The Tower of Mastery, which gives a Trainer the ability to search their deck for any Evolution or Mega Evolution card associated with the Trainer’s active Pokémon.

Overall, Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery has lived up to its hype as one of the best Pokemon card sets of the year, offering something for both established fans of the series as well as newcomers alike.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Brilliant Stars Trainer Gallery.

Umbreon VMAX

Umbreon VMAX

$79.45 -40.41%

Mimikyu V

Mimikyu V

$56.84 92.68%
1 Umbreon VMAX Umbreon VMAX Ultra Rare TG23 / 30 $79.45 -40.41%
2 Mimikyu V Mimikyu V Ultra Rare TG16 / 30 $56.84 92.68%
3 Sylveon VMAX Sylveon VMAX Ultra Rare TG15 / 30 $49.20 -10.53%
4 Umbreon V Umbreon V Ultra Rare TG22 / 30 $45.33 0.00%
5 Sylveon V Sylveon V Ultra Rare TG14 / 30 $42.94 43.13%
6 Mimikyu VMAX Mimikyu VMAX Ultra Rare TG17 / 30 $37.84 152.27%
7 Vaporeon Vaporeon Ultra Rare TG02 / 30 $12.25 14.17%
8 Zekrom Zekrom Ultra Rare TG05 / 30 $11.95 65.06%
9 Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Ultra Rare TG21 / 30 $9.78 0.00%
10 Flareon Flareon Ultra Rare TG01 / 30 $9.22 -0.22%
Houndoom Houndoom Houndoom Ultra Rare TG10 / 30 $ 2.31 -2.53%
Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX (Secret) Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Secret Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Secret Ultra Rare TG30 / 30 $ 3.19 -0.93%
Single Strike Urshifu VMAX (Secret) Single Strike Urshifu VMAX Secret Single Strike Urshifu VMAX Secret Ultra Rare TG29 / 30 $ 3.57 -1.92%
Single Strike Style Mustard Single Strike Style Mustard Single Strike Style Mustard Ultra Rare TG28 / 30 $ 1.38 -0.72%
Rapid Strike Style Mustard Rapid Strike Style Mustard Rapid Strike Style Mustard Ultra Rare TG27 / 30 $ 1.72 1.18%
Gloria Gloria Gloria Ultra Rare TG26 / 30 $ 6.07 -0.65%
Acerola’s Premonition Acerolas Premonition Acerolas Premonition Ultra Rare TG24 / 30 $ 8.43 0.12%
Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX Ultra Rare TG21 / 30 $ 9.78 -0.20%
Rapid Strike Urshifu V Rapid Strike Urshifu V Rapid Strike Urshifu V Ultra Rare TG20 / 30 $ 4.24 -1.40%
Single Strike Urshifu VMAX Single Strike Urshifu VMAX Single Strike Urshifu VMAX Ultra Rare TG19 / 30 $ 7.86 -1.13%
Single Strike Urshifu V Single Strike Urshifu V Single Strike Urshifu V Ultra Rare TG18 / 30 $ 4.48 1.36%
Mimikyu VMAX Mimikyu VMAX Mimikyu VMAX Ultra Rare TG17 / 30 $ 37.84 0.24%
Mimikyu V Mimikyu V Mimikyu V Ultra Rare TG16 / 30 $ 56.84 0.50%
Oranguru Oranguru Oranguru Ultra Rare TG12 / 30 $ 2.00 -1.48%
Eevee Eevee Eevee Ultra Rare TG11 / 30 $ 8.78 0.23%
Boltund V Boltund V Boltund V Ultra Rare TG13 / 30 $ 8.85 -1.01%
Alcremie Alcremie Alcremie Ultra Rare TG08 / 30 $ 1.83 -2.66%
Dedenne Dedenne Dedenne Ultra Rare TG07 / 30 $ 3.40 -1.45%
Dusknoir Dusknoir Dusknoir Ultra Rare TG06 / 30 $ 1.95 -0.51%
Jolteon Jolteon Jolteon Ultra Rare TG04 / 30 $ 9.07 1.45%
Octillery Octillery Octillery Ultra Rare TG03 / 30 $ 2.00 -1.96%
Vaporeon Vaporeon Vaporeon Ultra Rare TG02 / 30 $ 12.25 -0.33%
Flareon Flareon Flareon Ultra Rare TG01 / 30 $ 9.22 0.66%
Sylveon V Sylveon V Sylveon V Ultra Rare TG14 / 30 $ 42.94 0.19%
Sylveon VMAX Sylveon VMAX Sylveon VMAX Ultra Rare TG15 / 30 $ 49.20 -0.53%
Umbreon V Umbreon V Umbreon V Ultra Rare TG22 / 30 $ 45.33 -0.96%
Umbreon VMAX Umbreon VMAX Umbreon VMAX Ultra Rare TG23 / 30 $ 79.45 -0.40%
Zekrom Zekrom Zekrom Ultra Rare TG05 / 30 $ 11.95 0.34%
Ariados Ariados Ariados Ultra Rare TG09 / 30 $ 1.47 -2.00%
Cafe Master Cafe Master Cafe Master Ultra Rare TG25 / 30 $ 1.79 1.13%

$ 2.31 — -2.53%

Single Strike Style Mustard

Single Strike Style Mustard
$ 1.38 — -0.72%

Rapid Strike Style Mustard

Rapid Strike Style Mustard
$ 1.72 — 1.18%


$ 6.07 — -0.65%

Acerola’s Premonition

Acerolas Premonition
$ 8.43 — 0.12%

Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX

Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX
$ 9.78 — -0.20%

Rapid Strike Urshifu V

Rapid Strike Urshifu V
$ 4.24 — -1.40%

Single Strike Urshifu VMAX

Single Strike Urshifu VMAX
$ 7.86 — -1.13%

Single Strike Urshifu V

Single Strike Urshifu V
$ 4.48 — 1.36%

Mimikyu VMAX

Mimikyu VMAX
$ 37.84 — 0.24%

Mimikyu V

Mimikyu V
$ 56.84 — 0.50%


$ 2.00 — -1.48%


$ 8.78 — 0.23%

Boltund V

Boltund V
$ 8.85 — -1.01%


$ 1.83 — -2.66%


$ 3.40 — -1.45%


$ 1.95 — -0.51%


$ 9.07 — 1.45%


$ 2.00 — -1.96%


$ 12.25 — -0.33%


$ 9.22 — 0.66%

Sylveon V

Sylveon V
$ 42.94 — 0.19%

Sylveon VMAX

Sylveon VMAX
$ 49.20 — -0.53%

Umbreon V

Umbreon V
$ 45.33 — -0.96%

Umbreon VMAX

Umbreon VMAX
$ 79.45 — -0.40%


$ 11.95 — 0.34%


$ 1.47 — -2.00%

Cafe Master

Cafe Master
$ 1.79 — 1.13%