Thumbnail Muk
Pokedex Number # 89
Generation 1
Type Poison Poison 

The 10 Most Valuable Muk Pokemon Cards?

Want to know the best cards to pull for Muk. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Muk.

Muk (H17)

Muk H17

$101.67 304.74%

Muk & Alolan Muk GX (197) (Full Art)

Muk and Alolan Muk GX 197 Full Art

$45.06 642.34%
1 Muk (H17) Muk H17 Aquapolis Holo Rare $101.67 304.74%
2 Muk & Alolan Muk GX (197) (Full Art) Muk and Alolan Muk GX 197 Full Art Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare $45.06 642.34%
3 Muk ex Muk ex Dragon Ultra Rare $32.93 74.05%
4 Muk Muk Legendary Collection Holo Rare $17.43 24.59%

Muk Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Muk. Complete with prices and trends.

Enhanced 2-Pack Blister Pack [Alolan Dugtrio, Alolan Muk, & Alolan Golem]

Enhanced 2 Pack Blister Pack Alolan Dugtrio Alolan Muk and Alolan Golem

— 0%

Muk (H17) Muk H17 Muk H17 Aquapolis Holo Rare 101.67 1.43%
Muk & Alolan Muk GX (197) (Full Art) Muk and Alolan Muk GX 197 Full Art Muk and Alolan Muk GX 197 Full Art Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 45.06 2.85%
Muk ex Muk ex Muk ex Dragon Ultra Rare 32.93 1.14%
Muk Muk Muk Legendary Collection Holo Rare 17.43 4.87%
Muk & Alolan Muk GX (Secret) Muk and Alolan Muk GX Secret Muk and Alolan Muk GX Secret Unbroken Bonds Secret Rare 15.89 -0.56%
Alolan Muk GX (Secret) Alolan Muk GX Secret Alolan Muk GX Secret Burning Shadows Secret Rare 9.61 -1.74%
Muk & Alolan Muk GX (196) (Full Art) Muk and Alolan Muk GX 196 Full Art Muk and Alolan Muk GX 196 Full Art Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 9.37 1.08%
Muk Muk Muk Aquapolis Rare 7.96 5.85%
Muk & Alolan Muk GX Muk and Alolan Muk GX Muk and Alolan Muk GX Unbroken Bonds Ultra Rare 6.99 1.01%
Koga's Muk Kogas Muk Kogas Muk Gym Challenge Rare 6.37 0.47%
Muk (13) Muk 13 Muk 13 Fossil Holo Rare 6.22 0.32%
Muk Muk Muk Legend Maker Holo Rare 5.11 14.06%
Muk (28) Muk 28 Muk 28 Fossil Rare 4.38 2.82%
Dark Muk Dark Muk Dark Muk Team Rocket Returns Rare 3.94 1.03%
Alolan Muk GX (Full Art) Alolan Muk GX Full Art Alolan Muk GX Full Art Burning Shadows Ultra Rare 3.14 -1.26%
Muk (Team Plasma) Muk Team Plasma Muk Team Plasma Plasma Freeze Rare 2.42 3.42%
Alolan Muk GX Alolan Muk GX Alolan Muk GX Burning Shadows Ultra Rare 1.51 2.03%
Team Aqua's Muk Team Aquas Muk Team Aquas Muk Double Crisis Holo Rare 1.40 -4.11%
Dark Muk Dark Muk Dark Muk Team Rocket Uncommon 1.31 -0.76%
Muk Muk Muk Next Destinies Rare 0.97 4.30%
Pyukumuku - SWSH169 (Prerelease Promo) Pyukumuku SWSH169 Prerelease Promo Pyukumuku SWSH169 Prerelease Promo Sword & Shield Promo Cards Promo 0.94 3.30%
Alolan Muk Alolan Muk Alolan Muk Sun & Moon Holo Rare 0.72 -4.00%
Muk Muk Muk Platinum Uncommon 0.53 1.92%
Muk Muk Muk Secret Wonders Uncommon 0.51 -1.92%
Muk Muk Muk Undaunted Uncommon 0.47 27.03%
Muk (H17)

Muk H17
101.67 — $ 101.67 — 1.43%

Muk ex

Muk ex
32.93 — $ 32.93 — 1.14%


Legendary Collection
17.43 — $ 17.43 — 4.87%

Muk & Alolan Muk GX (Secret)

Muk and Alolan Muk GX Secret
Unbroken Bonds
15.89 — $ 15.89 — -0.56%

Alolan Muk GX (Secret)

Alolan Muk GX Secret
Burning Shadows
9.61 — $ 9.61 — -1.74%


7.96 — $ 7.96 — 5.85%

Muk & Alolan Muk GX

Muk and Alolan Muk GX
Unbroken Bonds
6.99 — $ 6.99 — 1.01%

Koga's Muk

Kogas Muk
Gym Challenge
6.37 — $ 6.37 — 0.47%

Muk (13)

Muk 13
6.22 — $ 6.22 — 0.32%


Legend Maker
5.11 — $ 5.11 — 14.06%

Muk (28)

Muk 28
4.38 — $ 4.38 — 2.82%

Dark Muk

Dark Muk
Team Rocket Returns
3.94 — $ 3.94 — 1.03%

Alolan Muk GX (Full Art)

Alolan Muk GX Full Art
Burning Shadows
3.14 — $ 3.14 — -1.26%

Muk (Team Plasma)

Muk Team Plasma
Plasma Freeze
2.42 — $ 2.42 — 3.42%

Alolan Muk GX

Alolan Muk GX
Burning Shadows
1.51 — $ 1.51 — 2.03%

Team Aqua's Muk

Team Aquas Muk
Double Crisis
1.40 — $ 1.40 — -4.11%

Dark Muk

Dark Muk
Team Rocket
1.31 — $ 1.31 — -0.76%


Next Destinies
0.97 — $ 0.97 — 4.30%

Alolan Muk

Alolan Muk
Sun & Moon
0.72 — $ 0.72 — -4.00%


0.53 — $ 0.53 — 1.92%


Secret Wonders
0.51 — $ 0.51 — -1.92%


0.47 — $ 0.47 — 27.03%