Leafeon Platinum

Leafeon (Platinum)
0 Ratings
Card # / Rarity 24 / Promo
Type / Stage Grass / Stage 1

[1G] Spiral Drain (40)
Remove 1 damage counter from Leafeon.

[2G] Leaf Blade (50+)
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage.

Other R+20 / W-20 / 1
Set Burger King Promos
Character(s) Leafeon /
Current Price

Last 7 Days 0%
Last 30 Days 0%
YTD 0%
TOP 10



Leafeon (Platinum) Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Leafeon (Platinum). Complete with prices and trends.

Evolution Celebration Tin [Leafeon GX]

Evolution Celebration Tin Leafeon GX


Evolving Skies Elite Trainer Box [Flareon/Jolteon/Umbreon/Leafeon]

Evolving Skies Elite Trainer Box Flareon Jolteon Umbreon Leafeon


Evolving Skies Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box [Jolteon/Flareon/Umbreon/Leafeon] (Exclusive)

Evolving Skies Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box Jolteon Flareon Umbreon Leafeon Exclusive


Brilliant Stars 3 Pack Blister [Leafeon]

Brilliant Stars 3 Pack Blister Leafeon


Leafeon EX Leafeon EX Leafeon EX Generations Ultra Rare $ 16.30 2.26%
Leafeon GX Leafeon GX Leafeon GX Ultra Prism Ultra Rare $ 4.96 0.61%
Leafeon GX (Full Art) Leafeon GX Full Art Leafeon GX Full Art Ultra Prism Ultra Rare $ 22.07 4.01%
Leafeon GX (Secret Rare) Leafeon GX Secret Rare Leafeon GX Secret Rare Ultra Prism Secret Rare $ 74.57 0.51%
Leafeon GX - SM146 Leafeon GX SM146 Leafeon GX SM146 Sun & Moon Promos Promo $ 2.60 0.78%
Leafeon GX Leafeon GX Leafeon GX Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault Shiny Holo Rare $ 43.24 -0.64%
Leafeon - SM237 Leafeon SM237 Leafeon SM237 Sun & Moon Promos Promo $ 2.60 0.39%
Leafeon - 17/90 (Prerelease Promo) [Staff] Leafeon 17 90 Prerelease Promo Staff Leafeon 17 90 Prerelease Promo Staff Nintendo Promos Promo $ 0.00 -100.00%
Leafeon V Leafeon V Leafeon V Evolving Skies Ultra Rare $ 2.00 1.52%
Leafeon V (Full Art) Leafeon V Full Art Leafeon V Full Art Evolving Skies Ultra Rare $ 14.12 0.64%
Leafeon V (Alternate Full Art) Leafeon V Alternate Full Art Leafeon V Alternate Full Art Evolving Skies Ultra Rare $ 144.05 -2.73%
Leafeon VMAX Leafeon VMAX Leafeon VMAX Evolving Skies Ultra Rare $ 5.01 -2.15%
Leafeon VMAX (Secret) Leafeon VMAX Secret Leafeon VMAX Secret Evolving Skies Secret Rare $ 33.36 -0.36%
Leafeon VMAX (Alternate Art Secret) Leafeon VMAX Alternate Art Secret Leafeon VMAX Alternate Art Secret Evolving Skies Secret Rare $ 447.02 -0.22%
Leafeon V - SWSH194 Leafeon V SWSH194 Leafeon V SWSH194 Sword & Shield Promo Cards Promo $ 1.37 6.20%
Leafeon VSTAR - SWSH195 Leafeon VSTAR SWSH195 Leafeon VSTAR SWSH195 Sword & Shield Promo Cards Promo $ 1.65 -4.07%
Leafeon - SWSH191 Leafeon SWSH191 Leafeon SWSH191 Sword & Shield Promo Cards Promo $ 1.27 -0.78%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Astral Radiance Rare $ 0.39 -2.50%
Leafeon VSTAR Leafeon VSTAR Leafeon VSTAR Crown Zenith: Galarian Gallery Ultra Rare $ 46.48 1.37%
Leafeon V Leafeon V Leafeon V Crown Zenith Ultra Rare $ 1.00 3.09%
Leafeon VSTAR Leafeon VSTAR Leafeon VSTAR Crown Zenith Ultra Rare $ 1.73 -2.81%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Twilight Masquerade Uncommon $ 0.41 17.14%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Prismatic Evolutions Rare $ 0.19 -5.00%
Leafeon ex - 006/131 Leafeon ex 006 131 Leafeon ex 006 131 Prismatic Evolutions Double Rare $ 5.87 -6.68%
Leafeon ex - 144/131 Leafeon ex 144 131 Leafeon ex 144 131 Prismatic Evolutions Special Illustration Rare $ 383.81 0.99%
Leafeon (Poke Ball Pattern) Leafeon Poke Ball Pattern Leafeon Poke Ball Pattern Prismatic Evolutions Rare $ 4.50 -1.10%
Leafeon (Master Ball Pattern) Leafeon Master Ball Pattern Leafeon Master Ball Pattern Prismatic Evolutions Rare $ 59.88 -0.25%
Leafeon Leafeon Holo Rare Leafeon Holo Rare Majestic Dawn Holo Rare $ 37.47 6.63%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Majestic Dawn Rare $ 4.79 -1.44%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Rising Rivals Uncommon $ 1.79 -0.56%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Undaunted Rare $ 5.76 -0.52%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Call of Legends Holo Rare $ 15.76 8.91%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Dark Explorers Rare $ 4.68 1.30%
Leafeon (Team Plasma) Leafeon Team Plasma Leafeon Team Plasma Plasma Freeze Rare $ 11.27 2.27%
Leafeon Lv.X Leafeon LvX Leafeon LvX Majestic Dawn Ultra Rare $ 114.75 -51.58%
Leafeon (BW Plasma Freeze) Leafeon BW Plasma Freeze Leafeon BW Plasma Freeze Deck Exclusives Holo Rare $ 6.39 -0.16%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Black and White Promos Holo Rare $ 22.81 0.97%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Furious Fists Rare $ 4.71 -0.42%
Leafeon (DP Majestic Dawn) Leafeon DP Majestic Dawn Leafeon DP Majestic Dawn Deck Exclusives Holo Rare $ 12.96 1.49%
Leafeon EX

Leafeon EX
$ 16.30 — 2.26%

Leafeon GX

Leafeon GX
Ultra Prism
$ 4.96 — 0.61%

Leafeon GX (Full Art)

Leafeon GX Full Art
Ultra Prism
$ 22.07 — 4.01%

Leafeon - SM237

Leafeon SM237
Sun & Moon Promos
$ 2.60 — 0.39%

Leafeon V

Leafeon V
Evolving Skies
$ 2.00 — 1.52%

Leafeon VMAX

Leafeon VMAX
Evolving Skies
$ 5.01 — -2.15%

Leafeon VMAX (Secret)

Leafeon VMAX Secret
Evolving Skies
$ 33.36 — -0.36%


Astral Radiance
$ 0.39 — -2.50%

Leafeon V

Leafeon V
Crown Zenith
$ 1.00 — 3.09%

Leafeon VSTAR

Leafeon VSTAR
Crown Zenith
$ 1.73 — -2.81%


Twilight Masquerade
$ 0.41 — 17.14%


Prismatic Evolutions
$ 0.19 — -5.00%


Leafeon Holo Rare
Majestic Dawn
$ 37.47 — 6.63%


Majestic Dawn
$ 4.79 — -1.44%


Rising Rivals
$ 1.79 — -0.56%


$ 5.76 — -0.52%


Call of Legends
$ 15.76 — 8.91%


Dark Explorers
$ 4.68 — 1.30%

Leafeon Lv.X

Leafeon LvX
Majestic Dawn
$ 114.75 — -51.58%


Black and White Promos
$ 22.81 — 0.97%


Furious Fists
$ 4.71 — -0.42%