Twilight Masquerade Logo
0 Ratings

Scarlet & Violet

Twilight Masquerade

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $3.39
Total Value Range $1,377.76 — $1,263.24
Average Card Price Range $6.10 — $3.39

About Twilight Masquerade

Released on May 24, 2024, Twilight Masquerade is part of the Scarlet & Violet series, and has 226 total cards.

emselves immersed in a world where darkness and light intertwine, where creatures of the night roam alongside celestial beings, and where every card tells a story waiting to be unraveled.

At the heart of "Twilight Masquerade" are its meticulously designed cards, each a work of art in its own right. From the intricate detailing of Pokémon characters to the mesmerizing landscapes that serve as backdrops, every element is crafted with precision and care, inviting collectors and players alike to explore its depths. The artwork reflects a diverse array of themes, ranging from the haunting beauty of moonlit forests to the grandeur of star-studded skies, capturing the essence of twilight in all its forms.

In addition to its visual appeal, "Twilight Masquerade" introduces new gameplay mechanics and strategies that add depth and complexity to battles. Trainers will find themselves faced with strategic decisions as they navigate through the set's assortment of cards, each offering unique abilities and effects. From powerful Pokémon with devastating attacks to Trainer cards that provide invaluable support, every component plays a vital role in shaping the outcome of each match.

One of the most intriguing aspects of "Twilight Masquerade" is its thematic cohesion, weaving together a narrative that unfolds with each card drawn. As players assemble their decks, they piece together fragments of a larger story, discovering hidden connections and unlocking the secrets of the twilight realm. Whether it's the enigmatic presence of Dark-type Pokémon lurking in the shadows or the ethereal glow of Fairy-types illuminating the darkness, every card contributes to the rich tapestry of lore that defines the set.

Beyond its gameplay mechanics and thematic elements, "Twilight Masquerade" fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among players. Tournaments and events centered around the set provide opportunities for Trainers to test their skills, forge new friendships, and share in the excitement of discovery. Whether participating in local leagues or competing on a global stage, players find themselves united by their love for Pokémon and their shared journey through the twilight realm.

In summary, "Twilight Masquerade" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, offering players a captivating blend of artistry, strategy, and storytelling. With its exquisite artwork, innovative gameplay mechanics, and rich thematic depth, the set invites Trainers to embark on a journey into the heart of twilight, where mysteries abound and adventure awaits.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Twilight Masquerade?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Twilight Masquerade. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Twilight Masquerade.

Greninja ex - 214/167

Greninja ex 214 167

$382.17 158.87%

Perrin - 220/167

Perrin 220 167

$104.36 41.26%
1 Greninja ex - 214/167 Greninja ex 214 167 Special Illustration Rare 214 / 226 $382.17 158.87%
2 Perrin - 220/167 Perrin 220 167 Special Illustration Rare 220 / 226 $104.36 41.26%
3 Carmine - 217/167 Carmine 217 167 Special Illustration Rare 217 / 226 $85.22 -14.20%
4 Eevee - 188/167 Eevee 188 167 Illustration Rare 188 / 226 $77.09 68.39%
5 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 216/167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 216 167 Special Illustration Rare 216 / 226 $39.65 -51.15%
6 Kieran - 218/167 Kieran 218 167 Special Illustration Rare 218 / 226 $30.27 -19.79%
7 Lana's Aid - 219/167 Lanas Aid 219 167 Special Illustration Rare 219 / 226 $29.08 -52.90%
8 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 211/167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 211 167 Special Illustration Rare 211 / 226 $25.86 -61.10%
9 Chansey - 187/167 Chansey 187 167 Illustration Rare 187 / 226 $25.71 122.02%
10 Tatsugiri - 186/167 Tatsugiri 186 167 Illustration Rare 186 / 226 $24.27 41.02%

Twilight Masquerade Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Twilight Masquerade. Complete with prices and trends.

Twilight Masquerade Booster Pack

Twilight Masquerade Booster Pack


Twilight Masquerade Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box (Exclusive)

Twilight Masquerade Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box Exclusive


Twilight Masquerade Elite Trainer Box

Twilight Masquerade Elite Trainer Box


Twilight Masquerade Booster Box

Twilight Masquerade Booster Box


Tangela Tangela Tangela Common 001 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Tangrowth Tangrowth Tangrowth Common 002 / 226 $ 0.14 -6.67%
Pinsir - 003/167 Pinsir 003 167 Pinsir 003 167 Common 003 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Spinarak Spinarak Spinarak Common 004 / 226 $ 0.03 -25.00%
Ariados Ariados Ariados Uncommon 005 / 226 $ 0.08 -20.00%
Sunkern Sunkern Sunkern Common 006 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Sunflora - 007/167 Sunflora 007 167 Sunflora 007 167 Uncommon 007 / 226 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Heracross Heracross Heracross Uncommon 008 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Volbeat Volbeat Volbeat Common 009 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Illumise Illumise Illumise Common 010 / 226 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Leafeon Leafeon Leafeon Uncommon 011 / 226 $ 0.38 8.57%
Phantump Phantump Phantump Common 012 / 226 $ 0.08 -20.00%
Trevenant Trevenant Trevenant Common 013 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Grookey Grookey Grookey Common 014 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Thwackey Thwackey Thwackey Common 015 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Rillaboom Rillaboom Rillaboom Uncommon 016 / 226 $ 0.09 -18.18%
Applin - 017/167 Applin 017 167 Applin 017 167 Common 017 / 226 $ 0.08 14.29%
Dipplin - 018/167 Dipplin 018 167 Dipplin 018 167 Uncommon 018 / 226 $ 0.15 7.14%
Iron Leaves Iron Leaves Iron Leaves Rare 019 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Poltchageist - 020/167 Poltchageist 020 167 Poltchageist 020 167 Common 020 / 226 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Poltchageist - 021/167 Poltchageist 021 167 Poltchageist 021 167 Common 021 / 226 $ 0.11 10.00%
Sinistcha Sinistcha Sinistcha Rare 022 / 226 $ 0.09 -25.00%
Sinistcha ex - 023/167 Sinistcha ex 023 167 Sinistcha ex 023 167 Double Rare 023 / 226 $ 0.55 -3.51%
Teal Mask Ogerpon Teal Mask Ogerpon Teal Mask Ogerpon Rare 024 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 025/167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 025 167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 025 167 Double Rare 025 / 226 $ 4.17 6.65%
Vulpix Vulpix Vulpix Common 026 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Ninetales Ninetales Ninetales Common 027 / 226 $ 0.14 -6.67%
Slugma Slugma Slugma Common 028 / 226 $ 0.07 -36.36%
Magcargo ex - 029/167 Magcargo ex 029 167 Magcargo ex 029 167 Double Rare 029 / 226 $ 0.56 -1.75%
Torkoal - 030/167 Torkoal 030 167 Torkoal 030 167 Common 030 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Chimchar Chimchar Chimchar Common 031 / 226 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Monferno Monferno Monferno Common 032 / 226 $ 0.11 10.00%
Infernape - 033/167 Infernape 033 167 Infernape 033 167 Rare 033 / 226 $ 0.09 -18.18%
Darumaka Darumaka Darumaka Common 034 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Darmanitan Darmanitan Darmanitan Uncommon 035 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Litwick Litwick Litwick Common 036 / 226 $ 0.12 9.09%
Lampent Lampent Lampent Common 037 / 226 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Chandelure Chandelure Chandelure Rare 038 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Chi-Yu Chi Yu Chi Yu Uncommon 039 / 226 $ 0.07 16.67%
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex - 040/167 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex 040 167 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex 040 167 Double Rare 040 / 226 $ 0.61 5.17%
Poliwag Poliwag Poliwag Common 041 / 226 $ 0.11 -15.38%
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Common 042 / 226 $ 0.12 9.09%
Poliwrath Poliwrath Poliwrath Uncommon 043 / 226 $ 0.12 -14.29%
Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Common 044 / 226 $ 0.12 9.09%
Seaking Seaking Seaking Common 045 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Jynx Jynx Jynx Common 046 / 226 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Corphish Corphish Corphish Common 047 / 226 $ 0.03 -25.00%
Crawdaunt Crawdaunt Crawdaunt Common 048 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Feebas Feebas Feebas Common 049 / 226 $ 0.05 25.00%
Milotic Milotic Milotic Uncommon 050 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Snorunt Snorunt Snorunt Common 051 / 226 $ 0.14 -6.67%
Glalie Glalie Glalie Uncommon 052 / 226 $ 0.19 -5.00%
Froslass - 053/167 Froslass 053 167 Froslass 053 167 Rare 053 / 226 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Glaceon Glaceon Glaceon Uncommon 054 / 226 $ 1.31 4.80%
Phione - 055/167 Phione 055 167 Phione 055 167 Common 055 / 226 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Froakie Froakie Froakie Common 056 / 226 $ 0.09 -18.18%
Frogadier Frogadier Frogadier Common 057 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Cramorant - 058/167 Cramorant 058 167 Cramorant 058 167 Uncommon 058 / 226 $ 0.18 12.50%
Finizen Finizen Finizen Common 059 / 226 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Palafin Palafin Palafin Uncommon 060 / 226 $ 0.14 7.69%
Palafin ex - 061/167 Palafin ex 061 167 Palafin ex 061 167 Double Rare 061 / 226 $ 0.58 1.75%
Iron Bundle Iron Bundle Iron Bundle Uncommon 062 / 226 $ 0.04 -33.33%
Walking Wake Walking Wake Walking Wake Rare 063 / 226 $ 0.15 -11.76%
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex - 064/167 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 064 167 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 064 167 Double Rare 064 / 226 $ 1.10 6.80%
Zapdos Zapdos Zapdos Rare 065 / 226 $ 0.15 -6.25%
Shinx Shinx Shinx Common 066 / 226 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Luxio Luxio Luxio Common 067 / 226 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Luxray ex - 068/167 Luxray ex 068 167 Luxray ex 068 167 Double Rare 068 / 226 $ 0.46 -4.17%
Emolga Emolga Emolga Common 069 / 226 $ 0.05 25.00%
Helioptile Helioptile Helioptile Common 070 / 226 $ 0.08 14.29%
Heliolisk - 071/167 Heliolisk 071 167 Heliolisk 071 167 Common 071 / 226 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Morpeko Morpeko Morpeko Uncommon 072 / 226 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Tadbulb Tadbulb Tadbulb Common 073 / 226 $ 0.10 -16.67%
Bellibolt Bellibolt Bellibolt Uncommon 074 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Wattrel - 075/167 Wattrel 075 167 Wattrel 075 167 Common 075 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Kilowattrel Kilowattrel Kilowattrel Uncommon 076 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Iron Thorns ex - 077/167 Iron Thorns ex 077 167 Iron Thorns ex 077 167 Double Rare 077 / 226 $ 1.22 -0.81%
Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy Common 078 / 226 $ 0.11 10.00%
Clefable Clefable Clefable Uncommon 079 / 226 $ 0.07 16.67%
Abra Abra Abra Common 080 / 226 $ 0.13 -13.33%
Kadabra Kadabra Kadabra Common 081 / 226 $ 0.10 11.11%
Alakazam Alakazam Alakazam Rare 082 / 226 $ 0.17 13.33%
Girafarig Girafarig Girafarig Common 083 / 226 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Farigiraf Farigiraf Farigiraf Uncommon 084 / 226 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Chimecho - 085/167 Chimecho 085 167 Chimecho 085 167 Common 085 / 226 $ 0.08 14.29%
Flabebe Flabebe Flabebe Common 086 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Floette Floette Floette Common 087 / 226 $ 0.11 -15.38%
Florges Florges Florges Uncommon 088 / 226 $ 0.06 -25.00%
Swirlix Swirlix Swirlix Common 089 / 226 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Slurpuff Slurpuff Slurpuff Uncommon 090 / 226 $ 0.23 4.55%
Sandygast Sandygast Sandygast Common 091 / 226 $ 0.11 10.00%
Palossand Palossand Palossand Common 092 / 226 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Enamorus - 093/167 Enamorus 093 167 Enamorus 093 167 Rare 093 / 226 $ 0.21 5.00%
Scream Tail ex - 094/167 Scream Tail ex 094 167 Scream Tail ex 094 167 Double Rare 094 / 226 $ 0.53 3.92%
Munkidori Munkidori Munkidori Rare 095 / 226 $ 0.30 3.45%
Fezandipiti Fezandipiti Fezandipiti Rare 096 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Sandshrew Sandshrew Sandshrew Common 097 / 226 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Sandslash Sandslash Sandslash Uncommon 098 / 226 $ 0.20 5.26%
Hisuian Growlithe - 099/167 Hisuian Growlithe 099 167 Hisuian Growlithe 099 167 Common 099 / 226 $ 0.12 -20.00%
Hisuian Arcanine Hisuian Arcanine Hisuian Arcanine Rare 100 / 226 $ 0.10 -16.67%
Nosepass Nosepass Nosepass Common 101 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Probopass - 102/167 Probopass 102 167 Probopass 102 167 Uncommon 102 / 226 $ 0.18 5.88%
Timburr - 103/167 Timburr 103 167 Timburr 103 167 Common 103 / 226 $ 0.10 11.11%
Gurdurr Gurdurr Gurdurr Common 104 / 226 $ 0.12 9.09%
Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Uncommon 105 / 226 $ 0.11 22.22%
Greninja ex - 106/167 Greninja ex 106 167 Greninja ex 106 167 Double Rare 106 / 226 $ 1.26 -0.79%
Hawlucha Hawlucha Hawlucha Common 107 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Glimmet Glimmet Glimmet Common 108 / 226 $ 0.07 16.67%
Glimmora Glimmora Glimmora Uncommon 109 / 226 $ 0.03 -50.00%
Ting-Lu Ting Lu Ting Lu Rare 110 / 226 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Okidogi Okidogi Okidogi Rare 111 / 226 $ 0.12 9.09%
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex - 112/167 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 112 167 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 112 167 Double Rare 112 / 226 $ 1.56 1.30%
Poochyena Poochyena Poochyena Common 113 / 226 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Mightyena Mightyena Mightyena Uncommon 114 / 226 $ 0.05 -28.57%
Venipede Venipede Venipede Common 115 / 226 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Whirlipede Whirlipede Whirlipede Common 116 / 226 $ 0.11 10.00%
Scolipede Scolipede Scolipede Uncommon 117 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Brute Bonnet Brute Bonnet Brute Bonnet Uncommon 118 / 226 $ 0.09 -18.18%
Skarmory Skarmory Skarmory Common 119 / 226 $ 0.10 11.11%
Aron Aron Aron Common 120 / 226 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Lairon - 121/167 Lairon 121 167 Lairon 121 167 Common 121 / 226 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Aggron Aggron Aggron Uncommon 122 / 226 $ 0.22 4.76%
Heatran Heatran Heatran Rare 123 / 226 $ 0.11 10.00%
Varoom Varoom Varoom Common 124 / 226 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Revavroom Revavroom Revavroom Uncommon 125 / 226 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Applin - 126/167 Applin 126 167 Applin 126 167 Common 126 / 226 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Dipplin - 127/167 Dipplin 127 167 Dipplin 127 167 Uncommon 127 / 226 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Dreepy Dreepy Dreepy Common 128 / 226 $ 1.16 -7.20%
Drakloak Drakloak Drakloak Common 129 / 226 $ 1.09 -6.03%
Dragapult ex - 130/167 Dragapult ex 130 167 Dragapult ex 130 167 Double Rare 130 / 226 $ 5.03 -10.97%
Tatsugiri - 131/167 Tatsugiri 131 167 Tatsugiri 131 167 Uncommon 131 / 226 $ 0.14 7.69%
Farfetch'd Farfetchd Farfetchd Common 132 / 226 $ 0.09 -25.00%
Chansey - 133/167 Chansey 133 167 Chansey 133 167 Common 133 / 226 $ 0.05 25.00%
Blissey ex - 134/167 Blissey ex 134 167 Blissey ex 134 167 Double Rare 134 / 226 $ 0.83 -7.78%
Eevee - 135/167 Eevee 135 167 Eevee 135 167 Common 135 / 226 $ 0.20 5.26%
Snorlax Snorlax Snorlax Uncommon 136 / 226 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Aipom Aipom Aipom Common 137 / 226 $ 0.08 14.29%
Ambipom Ambipom Ambipom Uncommon 138 / 226 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Ducklett Ducklett Ducklett Common 139 / 226 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Swanna Swanna Swanna Uncommon 140 / 226 $ 0.21 -4.55%
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 141/167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 141 167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 141 167 Double Rare 141 / 226 $ 1.49 -1.97%
Accompanying Flute Accompanying Flute Accompanying Flute Uncommon 142 / 226 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Bug Catching Set Bug Catching Set Bug Catching Set Uncommon 143 / 226 $ 0.13 -23.53%
Caretaker - 144/167 Caretaker 144 167 Caretaker 144 167 Common 144 / 226 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Carmine - 145/167 Carmine 145 167 Carmine 145 167 Uncommon 145 / 226 $ 0.11 -8.33%
Community Center Community Center Community Center Uncommon 146 / 226 $ 0.05 25.00%
Cook Cook Cook Uncommon 147 / 226 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Enhanced Hammer - 148/167 Enhanced Hammer 148 167 Enhanced Hammer 148 167 Uncommon 148 / 226 $ 0.07 16.67%
Festival Grounds Festival Grounds Festival Grounds Uncommon 149 / 226 $ 0.06 -25.00%
Handheld Fan Handheld Fan Handheld Fan Uncommon 150 / 226 $ 0.29 3.57%
Hassel - 151/167 Hassel 151 167 Hassel 151 167 Uncommon 151 / 226 $ 0.06 20.00%
Hyper Aroma Hyper Aroma Hyper Aroma ACE SPEC Rare 152 / 226 $ 0.66 -2.94%
Jamming Tower Jamming Tower Jamming Tower Uncommon 153 / 226 $ 0.98 1.03%
Kieran - 154/167 Kieran 154 167 Kieran 154 167 Uncommon 154 / 226 $ 0.32 3.23%
Lana's Aid - 155/167 Lanas Aid 155 167 Lanas Aid 155 167 Uncommon 155 / 226 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Love Ball Love Ball Love Ball Uncommon 156 / 226 $ 0.30 -3.23%
Lucian - 157/167 Lucian 157 167 Lucian 157 167 Uncommon 157 / 226 $ 0.04 -20.00%
Lucky Helmet Lucky Helmet Lucky Helmet Uncommon 158 / 226 $ 0.08 33.33%
Ogre's Mask Ogres Mask Ogres Mask Uncommon 159 / 226 $ 0.06 20.00%
Perrin - 160/167 Perrin 160 167 Perrin 160 167 Uncommon 160 / 226 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Raifort Raifort Raifort Uncommon 161 / 226 $ 0.05 25.00%
Scoop Up Cyclone Scoop Up Cyclone Scoop Up Cyclone ACE SPEC Rare 162 / 226 $ 0.67 -2.90%
Secret Box Secret Box Secret Box ACE SPEC Rare 163 / 226 $ 3.14 2.61%
Survival Brace Survival Brace Survival Brace ACE SPEC Rare 164 / 226 $ 0.48 -2.04%
Unfair Stamp Unfair Stamp Unfair Stamp ACE SPEC Rare 165 / 226 $ 4.73 -1.25%
Boomerang Energy Boomerang Energy Boomerang Energy Uncommon 166 / 226 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Legacy Energy Legacy Energy Legacy Energy ACE SPEC Rare 167 / 226 $ 1.42 2.90%
Pinsir - 168/167 Pinsir 168 167 Pinsir 168 167 Illustration Rare 168 / 226 $ 12.94 -0.08%
Sunflora - 169/167 Sunflora 169 167 Sunflora 169 167 Illustration Rare 169 / 226 $ 6.99 0.14%
Dipplin - 170/167 Dipplin 170 167 Dipplin 170 167 Illustration Rare 170 / 226 $ 7.53 -5.52%
Poltchageist - 171/167 Poltchageist 171 167 Poltchageist 171 167 Illustration Rare 171 / 226 $ 4.84 2.11%
Torkoal - 172/167 Torkoal 172 167 Torkoal 172 167 Illustration Rare 172 / 226 $ 4.80 0.42%
Infernape - 173/167 Infernape 173 167 Infernape 173 167 Illustration Rare 173 / 226 $ 12.83 -1.31%
Froslass - 174/167 Froslass 174 167 Froslass 174 167 Illustration Rare 174 / 226 $ 6.95 0.29%
Phione - 175/167 Phione 175 167 Phione 175 167 Illustration Rare 175 / 226 $ 7.92 0.64%
Cramorant - 176/167 Cramorant 176 167 Cramorant 176 167 Illustration Rare 176 / 226 $ 3.86 0.26%
Heliolisk - 177/167 Heliolisk 177 167 Heliolisk 177 167 Illustration Rare 177 / 226 $ 4.24 2.42%
Wattrel - 178/167 Wattrel 178 167 Wattrel 178 167 Illustration Rare 178 / 226 $ 3.92 0.77%
Chimecho - 179/167 Chimecho 179 167 Chimecho 179 167 Illustration Rare 179 / 226 $ 4.15 1.97%
Enamorus - 180/167 Enamorus 180 167 Enamorus 180 167 Illustration Rare 180 / 226 $ 5.32 -3.10%
Hisuian Growlithe - 181/167 Hisuian Growlithe 181 167 Hisuian Growlithe 181 167 Illustration Rare 181 / 226 $ 20.74 0.73%
Probopass - 182/167 Probopass 182 167 Probopass 182 167 Illustration Rare 182 / 226 $ 3.70 0.54%
Timburr - 183/167 Timburr 183 167 Timburr 183 167 Illustration Rare 183 / 226 $ 5.14 0.59%
Lairon - 184/167 Lairon 184 167 Lairon 184 167 Illustration Rare 184 / 226 $ 5.48 1.67%
Applin - 185/167 Applin 185 167 Applin 185 167 Illustration Rare 185 / 226 $ 8.78 1.15%
Tatsugiri - 186/167 Tatsugiri 186 167 Tatsugiri 186 167 Illustration Rare 186 / 226 $ 24.27 -0.53%
Chansey - 187/167 Chansey 187 167 Chansey 187 167 Illustration Rare 187 / 226 $ 25.71 -0.19%
Eevee - 188/167 Eevee 188 167 Eevee 188 167 Illustration Rare 188 / 226 $ 77.09 -0.09%
Sinistcha ex - 189/167 Sinistcha ex 189 167 Sinistcha ex 189 167 Ultra Rare 189 / 226 $ 1.31 -2.24%
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 190/167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 190 167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 190 167 Ultra Rare 190 / 226 $ 7.58 -0.39%
Magcargo ex - 191/167 Magcargo ex 191 167 Magcargo ex 191 167 Ultra Rare 191 / 226 $ 1.27 0.79%
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex - 192/167 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex 192 167 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex 192 167 Ultra Rare 192 / 226 $ 2.18 0.46%
Palafin ex - 193/167 Palafin ex 193 167 Palafin ex 193 167 Ultra Rare 193 / 226 $ 1.98 2.59%
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex - 194/167 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 194 167 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 194 167 Ultra Rare 194 / 226 $ 5.80 1.75%
Luxray ex - 195/167 Luxray ex 195 167 Luxray ex 195 167 Ultra Rare 195 / 226 $ 2.33 -2.10%
Iron Thorns ex - 196/167 Iron Thorns ex 196 167 Iron Thorns ex 196 167 Ultra Rare 196 / 226 $ 4.58 -0.43%
Scream Tail ex - 197/167 Scream Tail ex 197 167 Scream Tail ex 197 167 Ultra Rare 197 / 226 $ 1.82 -1.62%
Greninja ex - 198/167 Greninja ex 198 167 Greninja ex 198 167 Ultra Rare 198 / 226 $ 10.98 0.73%
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex - 199/167 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 199 167 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 199 167 Ultra Rare 199 / 226 $ 5.44 -0.18%
Dragapult ex - 200/167 Dragapult ex 200 167 Dragapult ex 200 167 Ultra Rare 200 / 226 $ 16.01 -0.25%
Blissey ex - 201/167 Blissey ex 201 167 Blissey ex 201 167 Ultra Rare 201 / 226 $ 3.06 2.00%
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 202/167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 202 167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 202 167 Ultra Rare 202 / 226 $ 2.64 1.54%
Caretaker - 203/167 Caretaker 203 167 Caretaker 203 167 Ultra Rare 203 / 226 $ 1.01 1.00%
Carmine - 204/167 Carmine 204 167 Carmine 204 167 Ultra Rare 204 / 226 $ 7.03 -1.26%
Hassel - 205/167 Hassel 205 167 Hassel 205 167 Ultra Rare 205 / 226 $ 1.35 1.50%
Kieran - 206/167 Kieran 206 167 Kieran 206 167 Ultra Rare 206 / 226 $ 3.44 -2.55%
Lana's Aid - 207/167 Lanas Aid 207 167 Lanas Aid 207 167 Ultra Rare 207 / 226 $ 5.92 -0.17%
Lucian - 208/167 Lucian 208 167 Lucian 208 167 Ultra Rare 208 / 226 $ 1.28 2.40%
Perrin - 209/167 Perrin 209 167 Perrin 209 167 Ultra Rare 209 / 226 $ 5.99 0.50%
Sinistcha ex - 210/167 Sinistcha ex 210 167 Sinistcha ex 210 167 Special Illustration Rare 210 / 226 $ 20.87 -0.52%
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 211/167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 211 167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 211 167 Special Illustration Rare 211 / 226 $ 25.86 0.35%
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex - 212/167 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex 212 167 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex 212 167 Special Illustration Rare 212 / 226 $ 13.41 -0.89%
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex - 213/167 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 213 167 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex 213 167 Special Illustration Rare 213 / 226 $ 20.78 1.22%
Greninja ex - 214/167 Greninja ex 214 167 Greninja ex 214 167 Special Illustration Rare 214 / 226 $ 382.17 -0.08%
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex - 215/167 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 215 167 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex 215 167 Special Illustration Rare 215 / 226 $ 17.60 -0.06%
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 216/167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 216 167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 216 167 Special Illustration Rare 216 / 226 $ 39.65 -0.60%
Carmine - 217/167 Carmine 217 167 Carmine 217 167 Special Illustration Rare 217 / 226 $ 85.22 -0.04%
Kieran - 218/167 Kieran 218 167 Kieran 218 167 Special Illustration Rare 218 / 226 $ 30.27 -0.39%
Lana's Aid - 219/167 Lanas Aid 219 167 Lanas Aid 219 167 Special Illustration Rare 219 / 226 $ 29.08 -0.10%
Perrin - 220/167 Perrin 220 167 Perrin 220 167 Special Illustration Rare 220 / 226 $ 104.36 -0.87%
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 221/167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 221 167 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 221 167 Hyper Rare 221 / 226 $ 14.61 -0.81%
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 222/167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 222 167 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 222 167 Hyper Rare 222 / 226 $ 11.70 -0.51%
Buddy-Buddy Poffin Buddy Buddy Poffin Buddy Buddy Poffin Hyper Rare 223 / 226 $ 22.49 -3.48%
Enhanced Hammer - 224/167 Enhanced Hammer 224 167 Enhanced Hammer 224 167 Hyper Rare 224 / 226 $ 6.01 0.17%
Rescue Board Rescue Board Rescue Board Hyper Rare 225 / 226 $ 8.63 0.35%
Luminous Energy Luminous Energy Luminous Energy Hyper Rare 226 / 226 $ 9.18 -1.40%

$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.14 — -6.67%

Pinsir - 003/167

Pinsir 003 167
$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.03 — -25.00%


$ 0.08 — -20.00%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%

Sunflora - 007/167

Sunflora 007 167
$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%


$ 0.38 — 8.57%


$ 0.08 — -20.00%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.09 — -18.18%

Applin - 017/167

Applin 017 167
$ 0.08 — 14.29%

Dipplin - 018/167

Dipplin 018 167
$ 0.15 — 7.14%

Iron Leaves

Iron Leaves
$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Poltchageist - 020/167

Poltchageist 020 167
$ 0.06 — -14.29%

Poltchageist - 021/167

Poltchageist 021 167
$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.09 — -25.00%

Sinistcha ex - 023/167

Sinistcha ex 023 167
$ 0.55 — -3.51%

Teal Mask Ogerpon

Teal Mask Ogerpon
$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 025/167

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 025 167
$ 4.17 — 6.65%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.14 — -6.67%


$ 0.07 — -36.36%

Magcargo ex - 029/167

Magcargo ex 029 167
$ 0.56 — -1.75%

Torkoal - 030/167

Torkoal 030 167
$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Infernape - 033/167

Infernape 033 167
$ 0.09 — -18.18%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


Chi Yu
$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.11 — -15.38%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.12 — -14.29%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.03 — -25.00%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.05 — 25.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.14 — -6.67%


$ 0.19 — -5.00%

Froslass - 053/167

Froslass 053 167
$ 0.13 — -7.14%


$ 1.31 — 4.80%

Phione - 055/167

Phione 055 167
$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.09 — -18.18%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%

Cramorant - 058/167

Cramorant 058 167
$ 0.18 — 12.50%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%


$ 0.14 — 7.69%

Palafin ex - 061/167

Palafin ex 061 167
$ 0.58 — 1.75%

Iron Bundle

Iron Bundle
$ 0.04 — -33.33%

Walking Wake

Walking Wake
$ 0.15 — -11.76%


$ 0.15 — -6.25%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.13 — -7.14%

Luxray ex - 068/167

Luxray ex 068 167
$ 0.46 — -4.17%


$ 0.05 — 25.00%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%

Heliolisk - 071/167

Heliolisk 071 167
$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.10 — -16.67%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Wattrel - 075/167

Wattrel 075 167
$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%

Iron Thorns ex - 077/167

Iron Thorns ex 077 167
$ 1.22 — -0.81%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.13 — -13.33%


$ 0.10 — 11.11%


$ 0.17 — 13.33%


$ 0.17 — -5.56%


$ 0.17 — -5.56%

Chimecho - 085/167

Chimecho 085 167
$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.11 — -15.38%


$ 0.06 — -25.00%


$ 0.13 — -7.14%


$ 0.23 — 4.55%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Enamorus - 093/167

Enamorus 093 167
$ 0.21 — 5.00%

Scream Tail ex - 094/167

Scream Tail ex 094 167
$ 0.53 — 3.92%


$ 0.30 — 3.45%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.20 — 5.26%

Hisuian Growlithe - 099/167

Hisuian Growlithe 099 167
$ 0.12 — -20.00%

Hisuian Arcanine

Hisuian Arcanine
$ 0.10 — -16.67%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Probopass - 102/167

Probopass 102 167
$ 0.18 — 5.88%

Timburr - 103/167

Timburr 103 167
$ 0.10 — 11.11%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.11 — 22.22%

Greninja ex - 106/167

Greninja ex 106 167
$ 1.26 — -0.79%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.03 — -50.00%


Ting Lu
$ 0.13 — -7.14%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.11 — -8.33%


$ 0.05 — -28.57%


$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Brute Bonnet

Brute Bonnet
$ 0.09 — -18.18%


$ 0.10 — 11.11%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%

Lairon - 121/167

Lairon 121 167
$ 0.10 — -9.09%


$ 0.22 — 4.76%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.04 — -20.00%

Applin - 126/167

Applin 126 167
$ 0.11 — -8.33%

Dipplin - 127/167

Dipplin 127 167
$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 1.16 — -7.20%


$ 1.09 — -6.03%

Dragapult ex - 130/167

Dragapult ex 130 167
$ 5.03 — -10.97%

Tatsugiri - 131/167

Tatsugiri 131 167
$ 0.14 — 7.69%


$ 0.09 — -25.00%

Chansey - 133/167

Chansey 133 167
$ 0.05 — 25.00%

Blissey ex - 134/167

Blissey ex 134 167
$ 0.83 — -7.78%

Eevee - 135/167

Eevee 135 167
$ 0.20 — 5.26%


$ 0.18 — -5.26%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.17 — -5.56%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%


$ 0.21 — -4.55%

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 141/167

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 141 167
$ 1.49 — -1.97%

Accompanying Flute

Accompanying Flute
$ 0.06 — -14.29%

Bug Catching Set

Bug Catching Set
$ 0.13 — -23.53%

Caretaker - 144/167

Caretaker 144 167
$ 0.06 — -14.29%

Carmine - 145/167

Carmine 145 167
$ 0.11 — -8.33%

Community Center

Community Center
$ 0.05 — 25.00%


$ 0.18 — -5.26%

Enhanced Hammer - 148/167

Enhanced Hammer 148 167
$ 0.07 — 16.67%

Festival Grounds

Festival Grounds
$ 0.06 — -25.00%

Handheld Fan

Handheld Fan
$ 0.29 — 3.57%

Hassel - 151/167

Hassel 151 167
$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Hyper Aroma

Hyper Aroma
$ 0.66 — -2.94%

Jamming Tower

Jamming Tower
$ 0.98 — 1.03%

Kieran - 154/167

Kieran 154 167
$ 0.32 — 3.23%

Lana's Aid - 155/167

Lanas Aid 155 167
$ 0.13 — -7.14%

Love Ball

Love Ball
$ 0.30 — -3.23%

Lucian - 157/167

Lucian 157 167
$ 0.04 — -20.00%

Lucky Helmet

Lucky Helmet
$ 0.08 — 33.33%

Ogre's Mask

Ogres Mask
$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Perrin - 160/167

Perrin 160 167
$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.05 — 25.00%

Scoop Up Cyclone

Scoop Up Cyclone
$ 0.67 — -2.90%

Secret Box

Secret Box
$ 3.14 — 2.61%

Survival Brace

Survival Brace
$ 0.48 — -2.04%

Unfair Stamp

Unfair Stamp
$ 4.73 — -1.25%

Boomerang Energy

Boomerang Energy
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Legacy Energy

Legacy Energy
$ 1.42 — 2.90%

Pinsir - 168/167

Pinsir 168 167
$ 12.94 — -0.08%

Sunflora - 169/167

Sunflora 169 167
$ 6.99 — 0.14%

Dipplin - 170/167

Dipplin 170 167
$ 7.53 — -5.52%

Poltchageist - 171/167

Poltchageist 171 167
$ 4.84 — 2.11%

Torkoal - 172/167

Torkoal 172 167
$ 4.80 — 0.42%

Infernape - 173/167

Infernape 173 167
$ 12.83 — -1.31%

Froslass - 174/167

Froslass 174 167
$ 6.95 — 0.29%

Phione - 175/167

Phione 175 167
$ 7.92 — 0.64%

Cramorant - 176/167

Cramorant 176 167
$ 3.86 — 0.26%

Heliolisk - 177/167

Heliolisk 177 167
$ 4.24 — 2.42%

Wattrel - 178/167

Wattrel 178 167
$ 3.92 — 0.77%

Chimecho - 179/167

Chimecho 179 167
$ 4.15 — 1.97%

Enamorus - 180/167

Enamorus 180 167
$ 5.32 — -3.10%

Hisuian Growlithe - 181/167

Hisuian Growlithe 181 167
$ 20.74 — 0.73%

Probopass - 182/167

Probopass 182 167
$ 3.70 — 0.54%

Timburr - 183/167

Timburr 183 167
$ 5.14 — 0.59%

Lairon - 184/167

Lairon 184 167
$ 5.48 — 1.67%

Applin - 185/167

Applin 185 167
$ 8.78 — 1.15%

Tatsugiri - 186/167

Tatsugiri 186 167
$ 24.27 — -0.53%

Chansey - 187/167

Chansey 187 167
$ 25.71 — -0.19%

Eevee - 188/167

Eevee 188 167
$ 77.09 — -0.09%

Sinistcha ex - 189/167

Sinistcha ex 189 167
$ 1.31 — -2.24%

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 190/167

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 190 167
$ 7.58 — -0.39%

Magcargo ex - 191/167

Magcargo ex 191 167
$ 1.27 — 0.79%

Palafin ex - 193/167

Palafin ex 193 167
$ 1.98 — 2.59%

Luxray ex - 195/167

Luxray ex 195 167
$ 2.33 — -2.10%

Iron Thorns ex - 196/167

Iron Thorns ex 196 167
$ 4.58 — -0.43%

Scream Tail ex - 197/167

Scream Tail ex 197 167
$ 1.82 — -1.62%

Greninja ex - 198/167

Greninja ex 198 167
$ 10.98 — 0.73%

Dragapult ex - 200/167

Dragapult ex 200 167
$ 16.01 — -0.25%

Blissey ex - 201/167

Blissey ex 201 167
$ 3.06 — 2.00%

Caretaker - 203/167

Caretaker 203 167
$ 1.01 — 1.00%

Carmine - 204/167

Carmine 204 167
$ 7.03 — -1.26%

Hassel - 205/167

Hassel 205 167
$ 1.35 — 1.50%

Kieran - 206/167

Kieran 206 167
$ 3.44 — -2.55%

Lana's Aid - 207/167

Lanas Aid 207 167
$ 5.92 — -0.17%

Lucian - 208/167

Lucian 208 167
$ 1.28 — 2.40%

Perrin - 209/167

Perrin 209 167
$ 5.99 — 0.50%

Sinistcha ex - 210/167

Sinistcha ex 210 167
$ 20.87 — -0.52%

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 211/167

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 211 167
$ 25.86 — 0.35%

Greninja ex - 214/167

Greninja ex 214 167
$ 382.17 — -0.08%

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 216/167

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 216 167
$ 39.65 — -0.60%

Carmine - 217/167

Carmine 217 167
$ 85.22 — -0.04%

Kieran - 218/167

Kieran 218 167
$ 30.27 — -0.39%

Lana's Aid - 219/167

Lanas Aid 219 167
$ 29.08 — -0.10%

Perrin - 220/167

Perrin 220 167
$ 104.36 — -0.87%

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 221/167

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex 221 167
$ 14.61 — -0.81%

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 222/167

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 222 167
$ 11.70 — -0.51%

Buddy-Buddy Poffin

Buddy Buddy Poffin
$ 22.49 — -3.48%

Enhanced Hammer - 224/167

Enhanced Hammer 224 167
$ 6.01 — 0.17%

Rescue Board

Rescue Board
$ 8.63 — 0.35%

Luminous Energy

Luminous Energy
$ 9.18 — -1.40%