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1 Ratings

Sword & Shield

Sword & Shield

Total Value




Average Card Value (ACV) $1.01
Total Value Range $440.11 — $402.26
Average Card Price Range $1.96 — $1.01

About Sword & Shield

Released on February 7, 2020, Sword & Shield is part of the Sword & Shield series, and has 225 total cards.

Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield is a collection of cards released as part of the Sword & Shield Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. This set was first released on February 7, 2020 and was the first major expansion in the series released in over two years. The set features over 200 collectible cards, including various Pokémon from the Galar region of the Pokémon video game series. Among the cards are over 40 newly introduced Pokémon-GX, Tag Team-GX, and VMAX cards.

The set also contains themed cards such as the uniquely designed Pokémon V Victory Cards. The Victory Cards are designed to look like Lucario, the signature Pokémon of the original Pokémon Champion, Leon. Other cards feature new Pokémon VMAX designs such as Dragapult, Falinks, and Cinderace. The set also introduces more than a dozen Trainer cards, new Special Energy cards, and other cards that can support multiple strategies.

The Sword & Shield Series of Pokémon cards offer a mix of different playstyles from quick action to strategic thematic decks. For the first time ever, some of the cards in Series 2 come with a unique QR Code that can be scanned and unlocked in the Pokémon Sword and Shield video games for bonus items. As such, this set appeals to both players of the classic Pokémon Trading Card Game and the new fans introduced to the series through the Pokémon video games.

The 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in Sword & Shield?

Want to know the best cards to pull in Sword & Shield. Here are the top 10 trending and chase cards for Sword & Shield.

Snorlax VMAX (Secret)

Snorlax VMAX

$49.17 170.61%

Marnie (Full Art)

Marnie Full Art

$43.33 63.14%
1 Snorlax VMAX (Secret) Snorlax VMAX Secret Rare 206 / 225 $49.17 170.61%
2 Marnie (Full Art) Marnie Full Art Ultra Rare 200 / 225 $43.33 63.14%
3 Snorlax VMAX Snorlax VMAX Ultra Rare 142 / 225 $36.00 337.42%
4 Marnie (Secret) Marnie Secret Rare 208 / 225 $17.35 -34.82%
5 Zacian V (Secret) Zacian V Secret Rare 211 / 225 $16.38 -70.19%
6 Snorlax V (Full Art) Snorlax V Full Art Ultra Rare 197 / 225 $14.22 169.83%
7 Quick Ball (Secret) Quick Ball Secret Rare 216 / 225 $12.13 -58.32%
8 Lapras VMAX (Secret) Lapras VMAX Secret Rare 203 / 225 $11.32 -24.73%
9 Zamazenta V (Secret) Zamazenta V Secret Rare 212 / 225 $10.76 -71.55%
10 Morpeko VMAX (Secret) Morpeko VMAX Secret Rare 204 / 225 $8.26 -7.50%

Sword & Shield Pokemon Products

Checkout the latest Pokemon Card Products for Sword & Shield. Complete with prices and trends.

Sword & Shield Booster Box

Sword and Shield Booster Box


Sword & Shield Booster Pack

Sword and Shield Booster Pack


Sword & Shield 3 Pack Blister [Morpeko]

Sword and Shield 3 Pack Blister Morpeko


Sword & Shield 3 Pack Blister [Galarian Ponyta]

Sword and Shield 3 Pack Blister Galarian Ponyta


Darkness Energy Darkness Energy Darkness Energy Common / 225 $ 0.91 1.11%
Fighting Energy Fighting Energy Fighting Energy Common / 225 $ 0.58 -1.69%
Fire Energy Fire Energy Fire Energy Common / 225 $ 0.35 2.94%
Grass Energy Grass Energy Grass Energy Common / 225 $ 0.40 -2.44%
Lightning Energy Lightning Energy Lightning Energy Common / 225 $ 0.06 20.00%
Metal Energy Metal Energy Metal Energy Common / 225 $ 0.35 2.94%
Psychic Energy Psychic Energy Psychic Energy Common / 225 $ 0.02 -33.33%
Water Energy Water Energy Water Energy Common / 225 $ 0.37 2.78%
Fairy Energy Fairy Energy Fairy Energy Common / 225 $ 0.39 -2.50%
Celebi V Celebi V Celebi V Ultra Rare 001 / 225 $ 1.61 -0.62%
Roselia (002) Roselia 002 Roselia 002 Common 002 / 225 $ 0.06 20.00%
Roselia (003) Roselia 003 Roselia 003 Common 003 / 225 $ 0.05 -37.50%
Roserade Roserade Roserade Rare 004 / 225 $ 0.21 5.00%
Cottonee Cottonee Cottonee Common 005 / 225 $ 0.07 16.67%
Whimsicott Whimsicott Whimsicott Rare 006 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Maractus Maractus Maractus Common 007 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Durant Durant Durant Rare 008 / 225 $ 0.11 10.00%
Dhelmise V Dhelmise V Dhelmise V Ultra Rare 009 / 225 $ 0.56 -1.75%
Grookey (010) Grookey 010 Grookey 010 Common 010 / 225 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Grookey (011) Grookey 011 Grookey 011 Common 011 / 225 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Thwackey (012) Thwackey 012 Thwackey 012 Uncommon 012 / 225 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Thwackey (013) Thwackey 013 Thwackey 013 Uncommon 013 / 225 $ 0.10 25.00%
Rillaboom (014) Rillaboom 014 Rillaboom 014 Holo Rare 014 / 225 $ 0.28 3.70%
Rillaboom (015) Rillaboom 015 Rillaboom 015 Rare 015 / 225 $ 0.52 1.96%
Blipbug (016) Blipbug 016 Blipbug 016 Common 016 / 225 $ 0.15 -6.25%
Blipbug (017) Blipbug 017 Blipbug 017 Common 017 / 225 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Dottler Dottler Dottler Uncommon 018 / 225 $ 0.28 3.70%
Orbeetle Orbeetle Orbeetle Rare 019 / 225 $ 0.20 5.26%
Gossifleur Gossifleur Gossifleur Common 020 / 225 $ 0.12 -7.69%
Eldegoss Eldegoss Eldegoss Uncommon 021 / 225 $ 0.38 2.70%
Vulpix Vulpix Vulpix Common 022 / 225 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Ninetales Ninetales Ninetales Rare 023 / 225 $ 0.23 -4.17%
Torkoal V Torkoal V Torkoal V Ultra Rare 024 / 225 $ 0.71 -2.74%
Victini V Victini V Victini V Ultra Rare 025 / 225 $ 0.77 -2.53%
Heatmor Heatmor Heatmor Uncommon 026 / 225 $ 0.29 -3.33%
Salandit Salandit Salandit Common 027 / 225 $ 0.17 -5.56%
Salazzle Salazzle Salazzle Uncommon 028 / 225 $ 0.11 10.00%
Turtonator Turtonator Turtonator Rare 029 / 225 $ 0.48 4.35%
Scorbunny (030) Scorbunny 030 Scorbunny 030 Common 030 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Scorbunny (031) Scorbunny 031 Scorbunny 031 Common 031 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Raboot (032) Raboot 032 Raboot 032 Uncommon 032 / 225 $ 0.18 5.88%
Raboot (033) Raboot 033 Raboot 033 Uncommon 033 / 225 $ 0.14 -6.67%
Cinderace (034) Cinderace 034 Cinderace 034 Holo Rare 034 / 225 $ 0.28 -3.45%
Cinderace (035) Cinderace 035 Cinderace 035 Holo Rare 035 / 225 $ 0.29 -12.12%
Cinderace (036) Cinderace 036 Cinderace 036 Rare 036 / 225 $ 0.35 -2.78%
Sizzlipede (037) Sizzlipede 037 Sizzlipede 037 Common 037 / 225 $ 0.20 5.26%
Sizzlipede (038) Sizzlipede 038 Sizzlipede 038 Common 038 / 225 $ 0.21 5.00%
Centiskorch Centiskorch Centiskorch Rare 039 / 225 $ 0.56 -3.45%
Shellder Shellder Shellder Common 040 / 225 $ 0.18 5.88%
Cloyster Cloyster Cloyster Rare 041 / 225 $ 0.46 2.22%
Krabby (042) Krabby 042 Krabby 042 Common 042 / 225 $ 0.11 10.00%
Krabby (043) Krabby 043 Krabby 043 Common 043 / 225 $ 0.09 12.50%
Kingler Kingler Kingler Uncommon 044 / 225 $ 0.12 9.09%
Goldeen (045) Goldeen 045 Goldeen 045 Common 045 / 225 $ 0.07 16.67%
Goldeen (046) Goldeen 046 Goldeen 046 Common 046 / 225 $ 0.21 -4.55%
Seaking Seaking Seaking Uncommon 047 / 225 $ 0.11 10.00%
Lapras Lapras Lapras Rare 048 / 225 $ 0.48 -2.04%
Lapras V Lapras V Lapras V Ultra Rare 049 / 225 $ 1.62 -3.57%
Lapras VMAX Lapras VMAX Lapras VMAX Ultra Rare 050 / 225 $ 3.65 1.11%
Qwilfish Qwilfish Qwilfish Uncommon 051 / 225 $ 0.31 -3.13%
Mantine Mantine Mantine Uncommon 052 / 225 $ 0.17 6.25%
Keldeo V Keldeo V Keldeo V Ultra Rare 053 / 225 $ 0.83 -2.35%
Sobble (054) Sobble 054 Sobble 054 Common 054 / 225 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Sobble (055) Sobble 055 Sobble 055 Common 055 / 225 $ 0.10 11.11%
Drizzile (056) Drizzile 056 Drizzile 056 Uncommon 056 / 225 $ 0.21 -4.55%
Drizzile (057) Drizzile 057 Drizzile 057 Uncommon 057 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Inteleon (058) Inteleon 058 Inteleon 058 Holo Rare 058 / 225 $ 0.46 -6.12%
Inteleon (059) Inteleon 059 Inteleon 059 Rare 059 / 225 $ 0.28 12.00%
Chewtle Chewtle Chewtle Common 060 / 225 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Drednaw Drednaw Drednaw Rare 061 / 225 $ 0.43 7.50%
Cramorant Cramorant Cramorant Rare 062 / 225 $ 0.35 -2.78%
Snom Snom Snom Common 063 / 225 $ 0.11 -15.38%
Frosmoth Frosmoth Frosmoth Holo Rare 064 / 225 $ 0.42 5.00%
Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Common 065 / 225 $ 0.21 -4.55%
Raichu Raichu Raichu Rare 066 / 225 $ 0.50 2.04%
Chinchou (067) Chinchou 067 Chinchou 067 Common 067 / 225 $ 0.16 -5.88%
Chinchou (068) Chinchou 068 Chinchou 068 Common 068 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Lanturn Lanturn Lanturn Rare 069 / 225 $ 0.20 17.65%
Joltik Joltik Joltik Common 070 / 225 $ 0.24 -4.00%
Galvantula Galvantula Galvantula Uncommon 071 / 225 $ 0.14 40.00%
Tapu Koko V Tapu Koko V Tapu Koko V Ultra Rare 072 / 225 $ 0.79 -1.25%
Yamper (073) Yamper 073 Yamper 073 Common 073 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Yamper (074) Yamper 074 Yamper 074 Common 074 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Boltund (075) Boltund 075 Boltund 075 Holo Rare 075 / 225 $ 0.27 -3.57%
Boltund (076) Boltund 076 Boltund 076 Holo Rare 076 / 225 $ 0.29 -3.33%
Pincurchin Pincurchin Pincurchin Common 077 / 225 $ 0.23 4.55%
Morpeko Morpeko Morpeko Rare 078 / 225 $ 0.23 -4.17%
Morpeko V Morpeko V Morpeko V Ultra Rare 079 / 225 $ 0.75 2.74%
Morpeko VMAX Morpeko VMAX Morpeko VMAX Ultra Rare 080 / 225 $ 1.82 -2.67%
Galarian Ponyta Galarian Ponyta Galarian Ponyta Common 081 / 225 $ 0.17 13.33%
Galarian Rapidash Galarian Rapidash Galarian Rapidash Rare 082 / 225 $ 1.06 1.92%
Gastly Gastly Gastly Common 083 / 225 $ 0.31 -3.13%
Haunter Haunter Haunter Uncommon 084 / 225 $ 0.17 6.25%
Gengar Gengar Gengar Holo Rare 085 / 225 $ 1.55 13.14%
Wobbuffet V Wobbuffet V Wobbuffet V Ultra Rare 086 / 225 $ 0.92 1.10%
Munna Munna Munna Common 087 / 225 $ 0.12 9.09%
Musharna Musharna Musharna Rare 088 / 225 $ 0.32 -3.03%
Sinistea Sinistea Sinistea Common 089 / 225 $ 0.07 -22.22%
Polteageist Polteageist Polteageist Rare 090 / 225 $ 0.23 4.55%
Indeedee V Indeedee V Indeedee V Ultra Rare 091 / 225 $ 0.69 1.47%
Diglett Diglett Diglett Common 092 / 225 $ 0.08 14.29%
Dugtrio Dugtrio Dugtrio Uncommon 093 / 225 $ 0.15 7.14%
Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Uncommon 094 / 225 $ 0.20 -4.76%
Hitmonchan Hitmonchan Hitmonchan Uncommon 095 / 225 $ 0.59 1.72%
Rhyhorn (096) Rhyhorn 096 Rhyhorn 096 Common 096 / 225 $ 0.23 4.55%
Rhyhorn (097) Rhyhorn 097 Rhyhorn 097 Common 097 / 225 $ 0.19 -5.00%
Rhydon Rhydon Rhydon Uncommon 098 / 225 $ 0.12 9.09%
Rhyperior Rhyperior Rhyperior Holo Rare 099 / 225 $ 0.37 -2.63%
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo Sudowoodo Uncommon 100 / 225 $ 0.49 2.08%
Baltoy (101) Baltoy 101 Baltoy 101 Common 101 / 225 $ 0.16 6.67%
Baltoy (102) Baltoy 102 Baltoy 102 Common 102 / 225 $ 0.06 -14.29%
Claydol Claydol Claydol Rare 103 / 225 $ 0.21 -4.55%
Regirock V Regirock V Regirock V Ultra Rare 104 / 225 $ 1.11 -1.77%
Mudbray Mudbray Mudbray Common 105 / 225 $ 0.24 4.35%
Mudsdale Mudsdale Mudsdale Rare 106 / 225 $ 0.23 4.55%
Silicobra (107) Silicobra 107 Silicobra 107 Common 107 / 225 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Silicobra (108) Silicobra 108 Silicobra 108 Common 108 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Sandaconda (109) Sandaconda 109 Sandaconda 109 Rare 109 / 225 $ 0.33 -2.94%
Sandaconda (110) Sandaconda 110 Sandaconda 110 Holo Rare 110 / 225 $ 0.26 18.18%
Clobbopus (111) Clobbopus 111 Clobbopus 111 Common 111 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Clobbopus (112) Clobbopus 112 Clobbopus 112 Common 112 / 225 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Grapploct Grapploct Grapploct Rare 113 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Stonjourner Stonjourner Stonjourner Rare 114 / 225 $ 0.16 6.67%
Stonjourner V Stonjourner V Stonjourner V Ultra Rare 115 / 225 $ 0.63 -1.56%
Stonjourner VMAX Stonjourner VMAX Stonjourner VMAX Ultra Rare 116 / 225 $ 1.47 2.08%
Galarian Zigzagoon Galarian Zigzagoon Galarian Zigzagoon Common 117 / 225 $ 0.13 8.33%
Galarian Linoone Galarian Linoone Galarian Linoone Uncommon 118 / 225 $ 0.12 9.09%
Galarian Obstagoon Galarian Obstagoon Galarian Obstagoon Holo Rare 119 / 225 $ 0.36 -2.70%
Sableye V Sableye V Sableye V Ultra Rare 120 / 225 $ 0.93 -2.11%
Skorupi Skorupi Skorupi Common 121 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Drapion Drapion Drapion Rare 122 / 225 $ 0.27 3.85%
Croagunk Croagunk Croagunk Common 123 / 225 $ 0.08 14.29%
Toxicroak Toxicroak Toxicroak Holo Rare 124 / 225 $ 0.54 -3.57%
Nickit Nickit Nickit Common 125 / 225 $ 0.07 16.67%
Thievul Thievul Thievul Rare 126 / 225 $ 0.22 10.00%
Galarian Meowth Galarian Meowth Galarian Meowth Common 127 / 225 $ 0.20 -4.76%
Galarian Perrserker Galarian Perrserker Galarian Perrserker Holo Rare 128 / 225 $ 0.37 -2.63%
Mawile Mawile Mawile Common 129 / 225 $ 0.26 -3.70%
Ferroseed Ferroseed Ferroseed Common 130 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Ferrothorn Uncommon 131 / 225 $ 0.06 50.00%
Galarian Stunfisk Galarian Stunfisk Galarian Stunfisk Uncommon 132 / 225 $ 0.36 -2.70%
Pawniard Pawniard Pawniard Common 133 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Bisharp Bisharp Bisharp Uncommon 134 / 225 $ 0.43 -2.27%
Corviknight Corviknight Corviknight Rare 135 / 225 $ 0.44 2.33%
Cufant Cufant Cufant Common 136 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Copperajah Copperajah Copperajah Holo Rare 137 / 225 $ 0.26 -10.34%
Zacian V Zacian V Zacian V Ultra Rare 138 / 225 $ 0.79 -2.47%
Zamazenta V Zamazenta V Zamazenta V Ultra Rare 139 / 225 $ 0.83 3.75%
Snorlax Snorlax Snorlax Rare 140 / 225 $ 0.31 3.33%
Snorlax V Snorlax V Snorlax V Ultra Rare 141 / 225 $ 3.78 0.27%
Snorlax VMAX Snorlax VMAX Snorlax VMAX Ultra Rare 142 / 225 $ 36.00 0.84%
Hoothoot Hoothoot Hoothoot Common 143 / 225 $ 0.19 5.56%
Noctowl Noctowl Noctowl Rare 144 / 225 $ 0.40 2.56%
Minccino (145) Minccino 145 Minccino 145 Common 145 / 225 $ 0.23 4.55%
Minccino (146) Minccino 146 Minccino 146 Common 146 / 225 $ 0.09 12.50%
Cinccino Cinccino Cinccino Rare 147 / 225 $ 0.73 2.82%
Oranguru Oranguru Oranguru Holo Rare 148 / 225 $ 0.32 10.34%
Drampa Drampa Drampa Rare 149 / 225 $ 0.37 -2.63%
Rookidee Rookidee Rookidee Common 150 / 225 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Corvisquire Corvisquire Corvisquire Uncommon 151 / 225 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Wooloo (152) Wooloo 152 Wooloo 152 Common 152 / 225 $ 0.12 9.09%
Wooloo (153) Wooloo 153 Wooloo 153 Common 153 / 225 $ 0.24 -4.00%
Dubwool Dubwool Dubwool Uncommon 154 / 225 $ 0.10 11.11%
Cramorant V Cramorant V Cramorant V Ultra Rare 155 / 225 $ 0.50 2.04%
Air Balloon Air Balloon Air Balloon Uncommon 156 / 225 $ 0.15 15.38%
Bede Bede Bede Uncommon 157 / 225 $ 0.30 -3.23%
Big Charm Big Charm Big Charm Uncommon 158 / 225 $ 0.09 12.50%
Crushing Hammer Crushing Hammer Crushing Hammer Uncommon 159 / 225 $ 0.31 -6.06%
Energy Retrieval Energy Retrieval Energy Retrieval Uncommon 160 / 225 $ 0.10 11.11%
Energy Search Energy Search Energy Search Uncommon 161 / 225 $ 0.12 9.09%
Energy Switch Energy Switch Energy Switch Uncommon 162 / 225 $ 0.13 8.33%
Evolution Incense Evolution Incense Evolution Incense Uncommon 163 / 225 $ 0.16 -5.88%
Great Ball Great Ball Great Ball Uncommon 164 / 225 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Hop Hop Hop Uncommon 165 / 225 $ 0.32 -3.03%
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Uncommon 166 / 225 $ 0.11 10.00%
Lucky Egg Lucky Egg Lucky Egg Uncommon 167 / 225 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Lum Berry Lum Berry Lum Berry Uncommon 168 / 225 $ 0.07 -12.50%
Marnie Marnie Marnie Holo Rare 169 / 225 $ 0.60 -4.76%
Metal Saucer Metal Saucer Metal Saucer Uncommon 170 / 225 $ 0.13 -7.14%
Ordinary Rod Ordinary Rod Ordinary Rod Uncommon 171 / 225 $ 0.20 5.26%
Pal Pad Pal Pad Pal Pad Uncommon 172 / 225 $ 0.44 2.33%
Poke Kid Poke Kid Poke Kid Uncommon 173 / 225 $ 0.10 11.11%
Pokegear 3.0 Pokegear 30 Pokegear 30 Uncommon 174 / 225 $ 1.32 5.60%
Pokemon Catcher Pokemon Catcher Pokemon Catcher Uncommon 175 / 225 $ 0.09 12.50%
Pokemon Center Lady Pokemon Center Lady Pokemon Center Lady Uncommon 176 / 225 $ 0.21 -4.55%
Potion Potion Potion Uncommon 177 / 225 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Professor's Research Professors Research Professors Research Holo Rare 178 / 225 $ 0.18 -5.26%
Quick Ball Quick Ball Quick Ball Uncommon 179 / 225 $ 0.16 6.67%
Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Uncommon 180 / 225 $ 0.10 -9.09%
Rotom Bike Rotom Bike Rotom Bike Uncommon 181 / 225 $ 0.09 -10.00%
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Uncommon 182 / 225 $ 0.07 16.67%
Switch Switch Switch Uncommon 183 / 225 $ 0.10 11.11%
Team Yell Grunt Team Yell Grunt Team Yell Grunt Uncommon 184 / 225 $ 0.05 -16.67%
Vitality Band Vitality Band Vitality Band Uncommon 185 / 225 $ 0.08 -11.11%
Aurora Energy Aurora Energy Aurora Energy Uncommon 186 / 225 $ 0.24 -4.00%
Dhelmise V (Full Art) Dhelmise V Full Art Dhelmise V Full Art Ultra Rare 187 / 225 $ 2.62 1.16%
Torkoal V (Full Art) Torkoal V Full Art Torkoal V Full Art Ultra Rare 188 / 225 $ 3.35 0.60%
Lapras V (Full Art) Lapras V Full Art Lapras V Full Art Ultra Rare 189 / 225 $ 3.64 1.68%
Morpeko V (Full Art) Morpeko V Full Art Morpeko V Full Art Ultra Rare 190 / 225 $ 3.85 -1.28%
Wobbuffet V (Full Art) Wobbuffet V Full Art Wobbuffet V Full Art Ultra Rare 191 / 225 $ 2.73 1.49%
Indeedee V (Full Art) Indeedee V Full Art Indeedee V Full Art Ultra Rare 192 / 225 $ 1.65 -1.79%
Stonjourner V (Full Art) Stonjourner V Full Art Stonjourner V Full Art Ultra Rare 193 / 225 $ 1.68 3.70%
Sableye V (Full Art) Sableye V Full Art Sableye V Full Art Ultra Rare 194 / 225 $ 5.88 0.34%
Zacian V (Full Art) Zacian V Full Art Zacian V Full Art Ultra Rare 195 / 225 $ 3.52 1.15%
Zamazenta V (Full Art) Zamazenta V Full Art Zamazenta V Full Art Ultra Rare 196 / 225 $ 3.05 1.67%
Snorlax V (Full Art) Snorlax V Full Art Snorlax V Full Art Ultra Rare 197 / 225 $ 14.22 1.28%
Cramorant V (Full Art) Cramorant V Full Art Cramorant V Full Art Ultra Rare 198 / 225 $ 1.54 0.65%
Bede (Full Art) Bede Full Art Bede Full Art Ultra Rare 199 / 225 $ 3.88 -0.77%
Marnie (Full Art) Marnie Full Art Marnie Full Art Ultra Rare 200 / 225 $ 43.33 -0.46%
Professor's Research (Full Art) Professors Research Full Art Professors Research Full Art Ultra Rare 201 / 225 $ 4.24 -0.70%
Team Yell Grunt (Full Art) Team Yell Grunt Full Art Team Yell Grunt Full Art Ultra Rare 202 / 225 $ 2.91 2.11%
Lapras VMAX (Secret) Lapras VMAX Secret Lapras VMAX Secret Secret Rare 203 / 225 $ 11.32 0.09%
Morpeko VMAX (Secret) Morpeko VMAX Secret Morpeko VMAX Secret Secret Rare 204 / 225 $ 8.26 0.85%
Stonjourner VMAX (Secret) Stonjourner VMAX Secret Stonjourner VMAX Secret Secret Rare 205 / 225 $ 6.61 1.07%
Snorlax VMAX (Secret) Snorlax VMAX Secret Snorlax VMAX Secret Secret Rare 206 / 225 $ 49.17 0.16%
Bede (Secret) Bede Secret Bede Secret Secret Rare 207 / 225 $ 4.65 -0.64%
Marnie (Secret) Marnie Secret Marnie Secret Secret Rare 208 / 225 $ 17.35 -0.29%
Professor's Research (Secret) Professors Research Secret Professors Research Secret Secret Rare 209 / 225 $ 4.40 -0.90%
Team Yell Grunt (Secret) Team Yell Grunt Secret Team Yell Grunt Secret Secret Rare 210 / 225 $ 4.02 -2.43%
Zacian V (Secret) Zacian V Secret Zacian V Secret Secret Rare 211 / 225 $ 16.38 0.99%
Zamazenta V (Secret) Zamazenta V Secret Zamazenta V Secret Secret Rare 212 / 225 $ 10.76 1.61%
Air Balloon (Secret) Air Balloon Secret Air Balloon Secret Secret Rare 213 / 225 $ 3.96 -1.00%
Metal Saucer (Secret) Metal Saucer Secret Metal Saucer Secret Secret Rare 214 / 225 $ 3.24 -1.22%
Ordinary Rod (Secret) Ordinary Rod Secret Ordinary Rod Secret Secret Rare 215 / 225 $ 4.68 1.08%
Quick Ball (Secret) Quick Ball Secret Quick Ball Secret Secret Rare 216 / 225 $ 12.13 0.17%
Darkness Energy

Darkness Energy
$ 0.91 — 1.11%

Fighting Energy

Fighting Energy
$ 0.58 — -1.69%

Fire Energy

Fire Energy
$ 0.35 — 2.94%

Grass Energy

Grass Energy
$ 0.40 — -2.44%

Lightning Energy

Lightning Energy
$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Metal Energy

Metal Energy
$ 0.35 — 2.94%

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy
$ 0.02 — -33.33%

Water Energy

Water Energy
$ 0.37 — 2.78%

Fairy Energy

Fairy Energy
$ 0.39 — -2.50%

Celebi V

Celebi V
$ 1.61 — -0.62%

Roselia (002)

Roselia 002
$ 0.06 — 20.00%

Roselia (003)

Roselia 003
$ 0.05 — -37.50%


$ 0.21 — 5.00%


$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.19 — 5.56%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Dhelmise V

Dhelmise V
$ 0.56 — -1.75%

Grookey (010)

Grookey 010
$ 0.18 — -5.26%

Grookey (011)

Grookey 011
$ 0.17 — -5.56%

Thwackey (012)

Thwackey 012
$ 0.10 — -9.09%

Thwackey (013)

Thwackey 013
$ 0.10 — 25.00%

Rillaboom (014)

Rillaboom 014
$ 0.28 — 3.70%

Rillaboom (015)

Rillaboom 015
$ 0.52 — 1.96%

Blipbug (016)

Blipbug 016
$ 0.15 — -6.25%

Blipbug (017)

Blipbug 017
$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.28 — 3.70%


$ 0.20 — 5.26%


$ 0.12 — -7.69%


$ 0.38 — 2.70%


$ 0.13 — -7.14%


$ 0.23 — -4.17%

Torkoal V

Torkoal V
$ 0.71 — -2.74%

Victini V

Victini V
$ 0.77 — -2.53%


$ 0.29 — -3.33%


$ 0.17 — -5.56%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.48 — 4.35%

Scorbunny (030)

Scorbunny 030
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Scorbunny (031)

Scorbunny 031
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Raboot (032)

Raboot 032
$ 0.18 — 5.88%

Raboot (033)

Raboot 033
$ 0.14 — -6.67%

Cinderace (034)

Cinderace 034
$ 0.28 — -3.45%

Cinderace (035)

Cinderace 035
$ 0.29 — -12.12%

Cinderace (036)

Cinderace 036
$ 0.35 — -2.78%

Sizzlipede (037)

Sizzlipede 037
$ 0.20 — 5.26%

Sizzlipede (038)

Sizzlipede 038
$ 0.21 — 5.00%


$ 0.56 — -3.45%


$ 0.18 — 5.88%


$ 0.46 — 2.22%

Krabby (042)

Krabby 042
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Krabby (043)

Krabby 043
$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%

Goldeen (045)

Goldeen 045
$ 0.07 — 16.67%

Goldeen (046)

Goldeen 046
$ 0.21 — -4.55%


$ 0.11 — 10.00%


$ 0.48 — -2.04%

Lapras V

Lapras V
$ 1.62 — -3.57%

Lapras VMAX

Lapras VMAX
$ 3.65 — 1.11%


$ 0.31 — -3.13%


$ 0.17 — 6.25%

Keldeo V

Keldeo V
$ 0.83 — -2.35%

Sobble (054)

Sobble 054
$ 0.18 — -5.26%

Sobble (055)

Sobble 055
$ 0.10 — 11.11%

Drizzile (056)

Drizzile 056
$ 0.21 — -4.55%

Drizzile (057)

Drizzile 057
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Inteleon (058)

Inteleon 058
$ 0.46 — -6.12%

Inteleon (059)

Inteleon 059
$ 0.28 — 12.00%


$ 0.09 — -10.00%


$ 0.43 — 7.50%


$ 0.35 — -2.78%


$ 0.11 — -15.38%


$ 0.42 — 5.00%


$ 0.21 — -4.55%


$ 0.50 — 2.04%

Chinchou (067)

Chinchou 067
$ 0.16 — -5.88%

Chinchou (068)

Chinchou 068
$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.20 — 17.65%


$ 0.24 — -4.00%


$ 0.14 — 40.00%

Tapu Koko V

Tapu Koko V
$ 0.79 — -1.25%

Yamper (073)

Yamper 073
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Yamper (074)

Yamper 074
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Boltund (075)

Boltund 075
$ 0.27 — -3.57%

Boltund (076)

Boltund 076
$ 0.29 — -3.33%


$ 0.23 — 4.55%


$ 0.23 — -4.17%

Morpeko V

Morpeko V
$ 0.75 — 2.74%

Morpeko VMAX

Morpeko VMAX
$ 1.82 — -2.67%

Galarian Ponyta

Galarian Ponyta
$ 0.17 — 13.33%

Galarian Rapidash

Galarian Rapidash
$ 1.06 — 1.92%


$ 0.31 — -3.13%


$ 0.17 — 6.25%


$ 1.55 — 13.14%

Wobbuffet V

Wobbuffet V
$ 0.92 — 1.10%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.32 — -3.03%


$ 0.07 — -22.22%


$ 0.23 — 4.55%

Indeedee V

Indeedee V
$ 0.69 — 1.47%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.15 — 7.14%


$ 0.20 — -4.76%


$ 0.59 — 1.72%

Rhyhorn (096)

Rhyhorn 096
$ 0.23 — 4.55%

Rhyhorn (097)

Rhyhorn 097
$ 0.19 — -5.00%


$ 0.12 — 9.09%


$ 0.37 — -2.63%


$ 0.49 — 2.08%

Baltoy (101)

Baltoy 101
$ 0.16 — 6.67%

Baltoy (102)

Baltoy 102
$ 0.06 — -14.29%


$ 0.21 — -4.55%

Regirock V

Regirock V
$ 1.11 — -1.77%


$ 0.24 — 4.35%


$ 0.23 — 4.55%

Silicobra (107)

Silicobra 107
$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Silicobra (108)

Silicobra 108
$ 0.19 — 5.56%

Sandaconda (109)

Sandaconda 109
$ 0.33 — -2.94%

Sandaconda (110)

Sandaconda 110
$ 0.26 — 18.18%

Clobbopus (111)

Clobbopus 111
$ 0.19 — 5.56%

Clobbopus (112)

Clobbopus 112
$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.19 — 5.56%


$ 0.16 — 6.67%

Stonjourner V

Stonjourner V
$ 0.63 — -1.56%

Stonjourner VMAX

Stonjourner VMAX
$ 1.47 — 2.08%

Galarian Zigzagoon

Galarian Zigzagoon
$ 0.13 — 8.33%

Galarian Linoone

Galarian Linoone
$ 0.12 — 9.09%

Galarian Obstagoon

Galarian Obstagoon
$ 0.36 — -2.70%

Sableye V

Sableye V
$ 0.93 — -2.11%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.27 — 3.85%


$ 0.08 — 14.29%


$ 0.54 — -3.57%


$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.22 — 10.00%

Galarian Meowth

Galarian Meowth
$ 0.20 — -4.76%

Galarian Perrserker

Galarian Perrserker
$ 0.37 — -2.63%


$ 0.26 — -3.70%


$ 0.08 — -11.11%


$ 0.06 — 50.00%

Galarian Stunfisk

Galarian Stunfisk
$ 0.36 — -2.70%


$ 0.19 — 5.56%


$ 0.43 — -2.27%


$ 0.44 — 2.33%


$ 0.19 — 5.56%


$ 0.26 — -10.34%

Zacian V

Zacian V
$ 0.79 — -2.47%

Zamazenta V

Zamazenta V
$ 0.83 — 3.75%


$ 0.31 — 3.33%

Snorlax V

Snorlax V
$ 3.78 — 0.27%

Snorlax VMAX

Snorlax VMAX
$ 36.00 — 0.84%


$ 0.19 — 5.56%


$ 0.40 — 2.56%

Minccino (145)

Minccino 145
$ 0.23 — 4.55%

Minccino (146)

Minccino 146
$ 0.09 — 12.50%


$ 0.73 — 2.82%


$ 0.32 — 10.34%


$ 0.37 — -2.63%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.07 — -12.50%

Wooloo (152)

Wooloo 152
$ 0.12 — 9.09%

Wooloo (153)

Wooloo 153
$ 0.24 — -4.00%


$ 0.10 — 11.11%

Cramorant V

Cramorant V
$ 0.50 — 2.04%

Air Balloon

Air Balloon
$ 0.15 — 15.38%


$ 0.30 — -3.23%

Big Charm

Big Charm
$ 0.09 — 12.50%

Crushing Hammer

Crushing Hammer
$ 0.31 — -6.06%

Energy Retrieval

Energy Retrieval
$ 0.10 — 11.11%

Energy Search

Energy Search
$ 0.12 — 9.09%

Energy Switch

Energy Switch
$ 0.13 — 8.33%

Evolution Incense

Evolution Incense
$ 0.16 — -5.88%

Great Ball

Great Ball
$ 0.05 — -16.67%


$ 0.32 — -3.03%

Hyper Potion

Hyper Potion
$ 0.11 — 10.00%

Lucky Egg

Lucky Egg
$ 0.18 — -5.26%

Lum Berry

Lum Berry
$ 0.07 — -12.50%


$ 0.60 — -4.76%

Metal Saucer

Metal Saucer
$ 0.13 — -7.14%

Ordinary Rod

Ordinary Rod
$ 0.20 — 5.26%

Pal Pad

Pal Pad
$ 0.44 — 2.33%

Poke Kid

Poke Kid
$ 0.10 — 11.11%

Pokegear 3.0

Pokegear 30
$ 1.32 — 5.60%

Pokemon Catcher

Pokemon Catcher
$ 0.09 — 12.50%

Pokemon Center Lady

Pokemon Center Lady
$ 0.21 — -4.55%


$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Professor's Research

Professors Research
$ 0.18 — -5.26%

Quick Ball

Quick Ball
$ 0.16 — 6.67%

Rare Candy

Rare Candy
$ 0.10 — -9.09%

Rotom Bike

Rotom Bike
$ 0.09 — -10.00%

Sitrus Berry

Sitrus Berry
$ 0.07 — 16.67%


$ 0.10 — 11.11%

Team Yell Grunt

Team Yell Grunt
$ 0.05 — -16.67%

Vitality Band

Vitality Band
$ 0.08 — -11.11%

Aurora Energy

Aurora Energy
$ 0.24 — -4.00%

Dhelmise V (Full Art)

Dhelmise V Full Art
$ 2.62 — 1.16%

Torkoal V (Full Art)

Torkoal V Full Art
$ 3.35 — 0.60%

Lapras V (Full Art)

Lapras V Full Art
$ 3.64 — 1.68%

Morpeko V (Full Art)

Morpeko V Full Art
$ 3.85 — -1.28%

Wobbuffet V (Full Art)

Wobbuffet V Full Art
$ 2.73 — 1.49%

Indeedee V (Full Art)

Indeedee V Full Art
$ 1.65 — -1.79%

Stonjourner V (Full Art)

Stonjourner V Full Art
$ 1.68 — 3.70%

Sableye V (Full Art)

Sableye V Full Art
$ 5.88 — 0.34%

Zacian V (Full Art)

Zacian V Full Art
$ 3.52 — 1.15%

Zamazenta V (Full Art)

Zamazenta V Full Art
$ 3.05 — 1.67%

Snorlax V (Full Art)

Snorlax V Full Art
$ 14.22 — 1.28%

Cramorant V (Full Art)

Cramorant V Full Art
$ 1.54 — 0.65%

Bede (Full Art)

Bede Full Art
$ 3.88 — -0.77%

Marnie (Full Art)

Marnie Full Art
$ 43.33 — -0.46%

Professor's Research (Full Art)

Professors Research Full Art
$ 4.24 — -0.70%

Team Yell Grunt (Full Art)

Team Yell Grunt Full Art
$ 2.91 — 2.11%

Lapras VMAX (Secret)

Lapras VMAX Secret
$ 11.32 — 0.09%

Morpeko VMAX (Secret)

Morpeko VMAX Secret
$ 8.26 — 0.85%

Stonjourner VMAX (Secret)

Stonjourner VMAX Secret
$ 6.61 — 1.07%

Snorlax VMAX (Secret)

Snorlax VMAX Secret
$ 49.17 — 0.16%

Bede (Secret)

Bede Secret
$ 4.65 — -0.64%

Marnie (Secret)

Marnie Secret
$ 17.35 — -0.29%

Professor's Research (Secret)

Professors Research Secret
$ 4.40 — -0.90%

Team Yell Grunt (Secret)

Team Yell Grunt Secret
$ 4.02 — -2.43%

Zacian V (Secret)

Zacian V Secret
$ 16.38 — 0.99%

Zamazenta V (Secret)

Zamazenta V Secret
$ 10.76 — 1.61%

Air Balloon (Secret)

Air Balloon Secret
$ 3.96 — -1.00%

Metal Saucer (Secret)

Metal Saucer Secret
$ 3.24 — -1.22%

Ordinary Rod (Secret)

Ordinary Rod Secret
$ 4.68 — 1.08%

Quick Ball (Secret)

Quick Ball Secret
$ 12.13 — 0.17%